Taming the Diva Princess


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I have a ten month old.

She is very precious and a wonderful blessing in our lives. A daddy's little girl, and I have started noticing that she is getting her independence under a good start. She does things on her own, very curious about new things, and even makes an attempt to challenge herself to learn new things. Already walking with confidence, I am starting to notice that the more her personality develops, the more she is developing a Diva Princess.

Granted, every little girl is the jewel of her father's eyes, and a little princess. However, I would like some advice on those father's who have raised daughters.

1) What mannerisms would one notice in an up and coming diva princess?

2) How do you tame the diva princess without destroying self=esteem and confidence?

Right now, those are the only questions I could think of.

I want my daughter to develop an appreciation for life, to have compassion, but also have an attitude that is within reason, and confidence that is not offstandish or arrogant.

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I'm thinking you should study the procedures used in old days for Divas. For example, Cinderella was turned into a house maid, and ended up a pretty good woman with a rich husband. Or lock her in a tower, like Rapunzel, and let her out when she's marrying age. Of course, the Sleeping Beauty style works well, as you don't have to feed her much while she's in a vegetative state.

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let her be a princess... just don't spoil her. don't feed the tantrums, don't wait on her hand and foot. let her learn to do things. just like you would any other kid.

my 5 yr old is a princess. from the time she could give input on what she would wear it was pink. the frillier the better. we polish our nails, have from a very young age. lol one day i asked if she wanted to paint her nails... she replied in an annoyed tone "mommy, paint is for walls. we polish our nails". totally threw me. lol she prefers a skirt to jeans, if she must wear jeans they are required to have some kind of embroidery on them... pink of course. one day daddy was teasing and playing with her and she didn't think he was very funny. she passionately exclaimed, "i'm turning my back on you" and turned around, folder her arms, stomped her foot, and stood there very firmly. it was just too funny. getting her hair cut is a traumatic event, even when she is the one that requested it. always involves tears. when she was about 3 someone gave us a box of shoes, we were going though to see which fit her and which needed to be saved till she was bigger. she got so excited she was trembling. daddy walked in and said "what is so exciting in here?" her eyes got wide and she exclaimed "shhhooooessss!!!" she could hardly talk she was so excited. lol i don't know where all the girly came from but i must say she has taught me a thing or two.

but i have not treated her any different than the other kids. she doesn't think she is deserving of anything just cause she is cute. she works with the rest of us. tantrums aren't tolerated, she doesn't get everything she asks for. just normal things you do to try and raise a good kid.

and she is a wonderful kid. she is so sweet. her teacher at school wants to take her home. she did a two week program before school started and the last day when i went to pick her up her teacher came to me and told me "she just has the sweetest spirit, we don't see kids like that very often". i thought she was about to cry as she said it. she told my daughter she had to come see her once she found out what teacher she had. and my daughter would not leave the school till we went by her class. again nearly crying the teacher said, "first thing i did when i got my student list was look for her name. when it wasn't there i almost cried". i can't come up with a better compliment to give a mother or child.

my point, really isn't to brag on my kid, is that you can have a wonderful girl that is as much a princess as any fairytale but isn't cold to the world. enjoying her femininity doesn't mean she has to be a character from the clueless movies.

what is a daughter of god if not a princess? embrace it but keep it in check.

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The word "no" must be enforced, definitely.

I was a diva and kind of a naughty one growing up. I never ever wanted to hear "no" and would throw fits and tantrums when things weren't going my way. I was just a nightmare. Not sure how my parents coped but they did a good job cos I think I turned out OK :]

Oh but one thing I did think of.. Let your daughter know that it's OK not to be first or the best all the time. This was something I was stuck on as a little kid. I always had to win and I always had to be the best!

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I honestly have no idea what a diva princess is. But kids should be raised with a little scarcity and a little "no". The times there is a "no", it's a final "no". Throw whatever fits you choose honey - the place for fit throwing is your bed. Lemme know when you're done, and we'll go play. But the answer is no.


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Also do not confuse them. They are learning their limits. If you set the rules, keep with them. Do not hit and miss on keeping them. Also know they are not just learning from you. There is a big world out there. They are like little sponges. They soak it in.

It becomes "What she sees, is what you get." Talk to them. Give them reality checks. Teach her to value herself and others. Teach her compassion. Enjoy her, They grow up so fast. :)

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