What Kind Of Christian Are You?


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I was inspired by the What Kind of Mormon Are You? string and decided to do a generic one that most here can answer, regardless of denomination. The only rule is, if you don't think you're a Christian, you might want to lurk.

1. Liberal: The Bible is inspired, much like Shakespear is. Jesus was a godly man who offered truly noble and benign teachings. Morality and beliefs are highly personal, and mostly conscience-based. Fundamentalists make you less comfortable than non-Christians.

2. Moderates: Everything in moderation. The Bible is true, but some of the details may not be exactly right. Drinking, smoking, TV, music, moderation, church attendance, gambling, giving--everything should be done based on one's circumstances, abilities, personal convictions, and of course--IN MODERATION. Christians do best when they do good and blend in. We ought to embrace culture, and perhaps make it a little better. Non-Christians can be great friends, but it would be nice if they joined the fold. Conservatives can be self-righteous and uptight, but they're okay, so long as they don't get pushy. God definitely is nonpolitical.

3. Conservative: The Bible (QUAD) is absolutely true in meaning and details. We should faithfully obey the mores of our churches, which usually means not drinking, smoking, gambling, dressing provocatively, that gender roles are pretty strongly defined, and that faith is the most important thing in life. Additionally, conscience effort should be made to win over nonbelievers to the Truth, and also to draw the liberals and moderates to true Christian practice.

4. Fundamentalists: Basically conservative, but more so. Also, intentionally maintain separation from non-believers, and from those so-called believers who "compromise" with "the world." Ecumenism, interfaith dialogue, etc. are anathema. "Come out from among them and be ye separate!" Sometimes, these are perjoratively called, "Fighting fundies," because they are often so vigilente to defend truth, that they'll try to destroy their bretheren who may somewhat disagree.

5. Cultural Christians: They enjoy the conservative morals, clean, easy friendships. The ready made community of support. And the common cause. They're not so interested in doctrine, or mission, as they are in the church, the relationships.

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I'm somewhere between non-christian and Liberal christian...in that I believe some stuff in the bible is pretty good, and does teach us good morals, and I also respect Jesus and the things that he did/taught, although my belief in God/Jesus and 'inspiration' of the Bible (it being the word of god) is uncertain.

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I'm a pretty solid Conservative.

Good break-down, PC. I think most people are represented somewhere in there (though I wonder if they will recognize themselves??)

I forgot to drop the dime on myself, here. By practice and belief, I'm with Mom. I think my manner and personality sometimes lean moderate though.

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First of all, I will be the first to admit that this thread is probably better and more inclusive than the one I started. I sometimes forget there this is not an all Mormon forum.

I think I am 60% Conservative and 40% Moderate. (From an LDS viewpoint)

I think that there are many things that are solid doctrine and should not be considered "moderate", such as Chastity.

But I think that there is a pretty large "grey area" in the gospel that members should interpret for themselves. One "classic" example (pardon the pun ) is Coca-Cola.

That is a pretty divided issue in the LDS church, and as far as I am concerned, it is a personal choice; and in my opinion is fine, in moderation.

I find many LDS quirks amoungst members, as well as other Christians. I don't care if people have them, as long as they don't be openly judgemental of me, and try to "convert" me I am fine with it.

I don't think that everything a general authority says is the personal opinion of Jesus Christ, or stuff like taking the sacrament with your left hand is a very big deal.

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I’m a cross between a conservative and a fundie. But I have a touch of moderate in me as well – as well as a touch of liberal. I agree with oaf1984 on the coke issue and feel that too many traditions such as partaking of the sacrament with the right hand may be a bit overboard. Personally, I drink coke all the time and also enjoy nonalcoholic beer. I don’t dress in suits very often but enjoy wearing colored shirts to church and often skip the tie. I’m a big time Led Zeppelin fan and enjoyed them a lot back in the 70’s – including seeing them live in concert.

However, I’m pretty dogmatic about points of doctrine and insist that the commandments as generally spelled out in scripture and reaffirmed by the General Authorities be obeyed. I obey the WofW strictly and pay my tithes. Pornography is like scum in the bottom of the trash barrel covered by maggots.

I have an absolute testimony of the prophet Joseph Smith and his successors, including Gordon B. Hinckley. I will die a faithful Mormon even if it kills me.

Paul O

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I’m a cross between a conservative and a fundie. But I have a touch of moderate in me as well – as well as a touch of liberal. I agree with oaf1984 on the coke issue and feel that too many traditions such as partaking of the sacrament with the right hand may be a bit overboard. Personally, I drink coke all the time and also enjoy nonalcoholic beer. I don’t dress in suits very often but enjoy wearing colored shirts to church and often skip the tie. I’m a big time Led Zeppelin fan and enjoyed them a lot back in the 70’s – including seeing them live in concert.

However, I’m pretty dogmatic about points of doctrine and insist that the commandments as generally spelled out in scripture and reaffirmed by the General Authorities be obeyed. I obey the WofW strictly and pay my tithes. Pornography is like scum in the bottom of the trash barrel covered by maggots.

I have an absolute testimony of the prophet Joseph Smith and his successors, including Gordon B. Hinckley. I will die a faithful Mormon even if it kills me.

Paul O

Coloured shirt? Led Zepplin? Non-alcoholic beer?

That's liable for a lynching behind the "Zion Curtain"

(p.s. jk)

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100% Conservative, based on those descriptions, because while I do very much enjoy trying to help other people see and understand what I know to be true... when they refuse to accept it, that's it.

Or in other words, once someone doesn't accept what I know to be true, they have set a limit on how close we can be in our relationship, because while I might continue to know and talk to them, they have chosen to not accept me as me.

Or in other words, we either choose to be like ourselves or somebody else, while others choose to be as they will be, and when I know I'm right because I am following God, I will only accept other people like me... who are also trying to help other people like me... who are also being as God wants us all to be.

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...I will only accept other people like me... who are also trying to help other people like me... who are also being as God wants us all to be.

...Who are also being as God wants us all to be? And is that like you Ray?

You are missing out on getting to know some pretty great people out there Ray, and just because they're not like you. Mankind is made up of such wonderful diverseness - it's a shame you can't see that and appreciate that God created that diverseness.


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Heh, I was pretty sure that someone wouldn’t understand what I meant by what I said, even though I did try to make it as clear as I thought I could.

In other words, Maureen, when I know what is right or true by knowing that what I know has been inspired by God, I will then try to share what I know is right or true with others, trying to help other people know what I know and that they can know what I know is right or true by receiving that knowledge from God, as I have done, but if after trying to help other people come to know what I know, and seeing that other people do not accept what I tell them, or try to teach them, about how to know what is right or true, by getting that knowledge from God for themselves, then that is all there is to it, or all that I can do, and I will then go on being the way I know God wants me to be, with what I know about what is right or true, allowing other people to be however they want to be, in spite of the fact that I know God wants everybody to be in agreement with God and how God wants other people to be, which is the way I try to be.

Or in other words, I try to be like I know God wants me to be, and I expect other people to be the same way, thinking that they must surely know that there is no better way to be than to be like God, but if other people don’t want to be like God, after I try to help them understand how God is, and how God wants other people to be, then that is all there is to it, because they have then shown that don’t want to be like God, or like me as I am trying to be like God, by finding out from God how God wants us all to be.

And btw, I really couldn’t care less about how much diversity there is in this world, because I want to be like God, and how God wants us all to be.

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...I try to be like I know God wants me to be, and I expect other people to be the same way...

But why? Why can't you accept that you know what God wants for you but God's plans for others are unique for them. We aren't robots Ray. I don't believe God created us to be robots. Each person can have their own unique relationship with God. If God created such a diverse creation, why would he want identical plans for that creation?

....but if other people don’t want to be like God, after I try to help them understand how God is, and how God wants other people to be...

How do you know how God wants other people to be? Are you saying that revelation comes to you from God about mankind in general - like as if you're some kind of prophet. Do you believe you are a prophet Ray for mankind?


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… why would <God> want identical plans for <His> creation?

Heh, because it’s a whole lot easier that way.

And while you may choose to believe there is a plan of salvation for Maureen and a different plan of salvation for Ray, and a different plan of salvation for Jason, and a different plan of salvation for Ghandi, and a different plan of salvation for Mohammed, and a different plan of salvation for each and every person who has or ever will come to this Earth, I believe and know there is only one plan of salvation, and it is centered in Jesus Christ.

And btw, my answer to your second set of statements should be self-explanatory, but if not you can go ahead and ask God for yourself.

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… why would <God> want identical plans for <His> creation

Heh, because it’s a whole lot easier that way.

And while you may choose to believe there is a plan of salvation for Maureen and a different plan of salvation for Ray, and a different plan of salvation for Jason, and a different plan of salvation for Ghandi, and a different plan of salvation for Mohammed, and a different plan of salvation for each and every person who has or ever will come to this Earth, I believe and know there is only one plan of salvation, and it is centered in Jesus Christ.

Ray - you've just changed the context of what you previously said by adding "plan of salvation". Or in other words, you should have said that at the start, but you didn't. You said:

...I try to be like I know God wants me to be, and I expect other people to be the same way, thinking that they must surely know that there is no better way to be than to be like God, but if other people don’t want to be like God, after I try to help them understand how God is, and how God wants other people to be...

God's plan of salvation for mankind is generally the same but how God's wants his creation to be as individuals, as a creation who can glorify, praise and love Him, and also express love to others of God's creation is as individualistic as the fingerprints God gave to each person.

And btw, my answer to your second set of statements should be self-explanatory, but if not you can go ahead and ask God for yourself.

I'm not asking God, I'm asking you Ray. Are you scared you may say something blasphemous?


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Some comments on Ray's statements.

1. He chose conservative, not fundamentalists. His comments should be evaluated from that light. Having read several of Ray's posts, I understand that he's not saying he is unwilling to associate with non-LDS people, or that all LDS folk are day-to-day better than those of us who are not.

2. However, like most people of faith who are rigorious in their practice, his closest most trusted friends will be "of like precious faith."

3. Ray may disagree with us about what God's exact plan of salvation is, but, he's a fairly orthodox Mormon, and so believes most sincere people of non-LDS faiths will end up in a heavenly kingdom with Jesus.

Bottom-line: In the context of who Ray has shown himself to be here, I wouldn't read hostility or even "pushing away," in his posts in this string.

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Maureen: … why would <God> want identical plans for <His> creation?

Ray: Heh, because it’s a whole lot easier that way.

And while you may choose to believe there is a plan of salvation for Maureen and a different plan of salvation for Ray, and a different plan of salvation for Jason, and a different plan of salvation for Ghandi, and a different plan of salvation for Mohammed, and a different plan of salvation for each and every person who has or ever will come to this Earth, I believe and know there is only one plan of salvation, and it is centered in Jesus Christ.

Maureen: Ray - you've just changed the context of what you previously said by adding "plan of salvation". Or in other words, you should have said that at the start, but you didn't. You said: …

Ray: I know what I said, Maureen, and I wasn’t “changing the context”. I was simply adding to the thoughts I already gave you concerning the fact that God expects everybody who ever has or will live on this Earth to follow the only plan there is for salvation.

Maureen: God's plan of salvation for mankind is generally the same but how God's wants his creation to be as individuals, as a creation who can glorify, praise and love Him, and also express love to others of God's creation is as individualistic as the fingerprints God gave to each person.

Ray: “How God wants His creation to be as individuals, as a creation who can glorify, praise and love Him, and also express love to others of God’s creation” is also part of God's plan. And yes, while all of us are individuals, and will always remain individuals, God wants us all to become “one”, which is also part of God's plan... which we are free to accept or reject... which is also part of God's plan.

Maureen: I'm not asking God, I'm asking you Ray <to tell me whether or not you are a prophet of God for mankind>. Are you scared you may say something blasphemous?

Ray: No, Maureen, I’m not afraid of telling you what I think or how I feel about whether or not I am a prophet of God, capable of revealing my words to mankind, but I would rather have you ask God about this while considering the thoughts I have given you.

And btw, every member of the true church of Christ is or at least should be a prophet of God… capable of knowing God and God's plan for mankind... which is also part of God's plan.

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Some comments on Ray's statements.

1. He chose conservative, not fundamentalists. His comments should be evaluated from that light. Having read several of Ray's posts, I understand that he's not saying he is unwilling to associate with non-LDS people, or that all LDS folk are day-to-day better than those of us who are not.

2. However, like most people of faith who are rigorious in their practice, his closest most trusted friends will be "of like precious faith."

3. Ray may disagree with us about what God's exact plan of salvation is, but, he's a fairly orthodox Mormon, and so believes most sincere people of non-LDS faiths will end up in a heavenly kingdom with Jesus.

Bottom-line: In the context of who Ray has shown himself to be here, I wouldn't read hostility or even "pushing away," in his posts in this string.

Thank you, prisonchaplain. I'm happy to see that you correctly understand me and my thoughts, as far as you know me right now.

And btw, while I agree with your idea that my "closest" friends are members of the Church who agree with my sentiments and knowledge of God, I also have some "very close" friends and family members who do not completely agree with me, and I am as close to them as I can be to the degree that I am in agreement with them.

Or in other words, I believe we become close to people to the degree we are in agreement with them, because the moment we see something we do not agree with we then realize we are different than them.

And btw, I'm not saying that we should all have every physical or personal trait or ability in common, such as the color of our hair or the ability to tell a good joke, but still, as long as we agree that the color of our hair doesn't really matter, and that the good joke really was a good joke, we are still in agreement on all of those issues although we do not have the same traits and abilities.

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Maureen: Ray - you've just changed the context of what you previously said by adding "plan of salvation". Or in other words, you should have said that at the start, but you didn't. You said: …

Ray: I know what I said, Maureen, and I wasn’t “changing the context”. I was simply adding to the thoughts I already gave you concerning the fact that God expects everybody who ever has or will live on this Earth to follow the only plan there is for salvation.

You may have thought you were talking about God's plan Ray but your words didn't convey that. It's not a crime to admit you changed your "thought" in mid thread. No matter how you wish to side-step what your true thoughts were, your words still tell me that you see yourself as practically omniscient concerning God's thoughts and actions. I see you Ray as slightly delusional when it comes to "what you think you know". Just to remind you Ray, it is not you who will be making the decisions on Judgement Day.


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You seem to be having trouble with the idea that I can know what God’s plan is, and that it is the same plan for everybody, regardless of what some people think or believe. And if you still have any doubts about that you can wait until Judgment Day, but by then it will be too late to do anything, which is why I am sharing what I know with people now.

And btw, I find it interesting that you do not claim to know that the gospel is true for everybody, while also not claiming to believe you know what the true gospel really is.

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You seem to be having trouble with the idea that I can know what God’s plan is, and that it is the same plan for everybody, regardless of what some people think or believe.

Not true. I agree God has a plan of salvation. It can be troublesome though, when you change the subject of your "thoughts" mid-way through the thread.

...which is why I am sharing what I know with people now.

Yes, you are sharing what you think you know - but you tend to share it condescendingly, which can be quite annoying, IMO. -_-

And btw, I find it interesting that you do not claim to know that the gospel is true for everybody, while also not claiming to believe you know what the true gospel really is.

I haven't proclaimed my knowledge of the gospel in this thread, yet. But if you want my beliefs, this is what I believe:

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)

But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach; That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. (Romans 10:8-10)


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Ray: You seem to be having trouble with the idea that I can know what God’s plan is, and that it is the same plan for everybody, regardless of what some people think or believe.

Maureen: Not true. I agree God has a plan of salvation. It can be troublesome though, when you change the subject of your "thoughts" mid-way through the thread.

Ray: I could tell you exactly what happened, Maureen. I could tell you that after you were trying to suggest that God has a different plan for everybody, and after I told you that God has the same plan for me as well as for everybody else, it was when I referred to God’s plan as the “plan of salvation” that you thought:

“Oh! The plan of salvation. Yeah, I believe that plan is for everybody, and that there is no other way to achieve salvation except through Jesus Christ, but I wasn’t thinking about that when Ray simply said “God’s plan”, so Ray changed the subject, because I wasn’t thinking about that.” Yeah, that’s what it was: Ray was changing the subject! Because I wasn't thinking of that.

But I won’t tell you that, Maureen, because I don’t want to rub what I know in your face.

And btw, I also won’t tell you anything else I know when I think I might embarrass you.

Maureen: ... you are sharing what you think you know - but you tend to share it condescendingly, which can be quite annoying, IMO. -_-

Ray: I love you, Maureen. Come on, now. Give me a hug.

Maureen: I haven't proclaimed my knowledge of the gospel in this thread, yet. But if you want my beliefs, this is what I believe:

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)

But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach; That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. (Romans 10:8-10)

Ray: I'm not annoyed by anything you said, Maureen, but those are not all of your beliefs. And if you want to keep learning about the gospel, as I do, I hope we will continue to learn together... and if I learn something before you do... I'll tell you... okay?

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Ray: I could tell you exactly what happened, Maureen. I could tell you that after you were trying to suggest that God has a different plan for everybody, and after I told you that God has the same plan for me as well as for everybody else, it was when I referred to God’s plan as the “plan of salvation” that you thought:

“Oh! The plan of salvation. Yeah, I believe that plan is for everybody, and that there is no other way to achieve salvation except through Jesus Christ, but I wasn’t thinking about that when Ray simply said “God’s plan”, so Ray changed the subject, because I wasn’t thinking about that.” Yeah, that’s what it was: Ray was changing the subject! Because I wasn't thinking of that.

Actually, I re-read the posts and I'm the one who first used the word plan, but I believe you misunderstood the context I was using it in. To re-cap Posts 11 and 13 were your posts, you said:

Or in other words, we either choose to be like ourselves or somebody else, while others choose to be as they will be, and when I know I'm right because I am following God, I will only accept other people like me... who are also trying to help other people like me... who are also being as God wants us all to be. (Post 11)

In other words, Maureen, when I know what is right or true by knowing that what I know has been inspired by God, I will then try to share what I know is right or true with others, trying to help other people know what I know and that they can know what I know is right or true by receiving that knowledge from God, as I have done, but if after trying to help other people come to know what I know, and seeing that other people do not accept what I tell them, or try to teach them, about how to know what is right or true, by getting that knowledge from God for themselves, then that is all there is to it, or all that I can do, and I will then go on being the way I know God wants me to be, with what I know about what is right or true, allowing other people to be however they want to be, in spite of the fact that I know God wants everybody to be in agreement with God and how God wants other people to be, which is the way I try to be.

Or in other words, I try to be like I know God wants me to be, and I expect other people to be the same way, thinking that they must surely know that there is no better way to be than to be like God, but if other people don’t want to be like God, after I try to help them understand how God is, and how God wants other people to be, then that is all there is to it, because they have then shown that don’t want to be like God, or like me as I am trying to be like God, by finding out from God how God wants us all to be. (Post 13)

I responded by wondering why you were limiting God’s diverse creation with thinking every person created should be the same, think the same, want the same. I used the word plans as in what people do, how they live, what they want, the fullness of their lives here on earth. I wasn’t referring to God’s plan of Salvation because that was not the subject. You were talking about “how God’s wants us to be”. I took that as our own personalities, our own idiosyncrasies, the choices we make for ourselves when we live our lives. So when you drastically changed the subject to Plan of Salvation, I thought you were going crazy. But I believe it's a misunderstanding on both of our parts. I have probably misunderstood what you mean by to be and you have misunderstood my response to you. I'm willing to let it rest.


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