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Well, seeing as how women are not capable of spontaneous reproduction, I would point out that there are equal numbers of single mothers as there are single fathers.

More women stick with the kid then men, agree or disagree?

As the Final Judgment has not yet happened, I don't believe that there is anyone in the Celestial Kingdom.

there is at least God, and Jesus, and our Heavenly Mother, and God and Jesus's Heavenly Father's and Mother's and theirs Father's and Mother's...

They are all in the Celestial Kingdom already.

As such, we cannot make evidentiary assumptions

Sure we can, this is how we test knowledge, how we learn and grow.

one gender is inherently better at fulfilling their respective roles

How could they not be if more women then men make it there?

We are tested in this mortal life by having revelation of truth tested against our agency and desire/aspiration.

Because women succeed more often in the test then men we can say that women either have a greater desire/aspiration or that they are more able or more comfortable in fulfilling their responsibilities and Acing the test of mortality

Lol. You started the tangent, so it might be more appropriate for you to start a new thread if you'd like to continue it

I started it as an analogy for why there are more women then men in the celestial kingdom. It became a long winded tangent when my belief was questioned.

What reasons would you suggest that there are more women then men in the celestial kingdom?

Or do you think male/female ratios are 1:1?

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I started it as an analogy for why there are more women then men in the celestial kingdom. It became a long winded tangent when my belief was questioned.

I don't think anyone has a problem with your belief. The problem is when said belief is stated and presented as fact, with nothing more to back it up than your own -- wait for it -- belief.

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I don't think anyone has a problem with your belief. The problem is when said belief is stated and presented as fact, with nothing more to back it up than your own -- wait for it -- belief.

Heck, I don't have any fundamental disagreements with his supposition that there will be more women then men in the highest level of the Celestial Kingdom (don't know if it's true or not but it's a shoulder shrugger for me). I take issue with the claim it is because the nature of women, when it comes to fulfilling responsibilities and roles, is superior to that of men. Even if the starting premise is correct, that there will be more women than men in the Celestial Kingdom (top level or otherwise) one can not use it to logically conclude Tsem's premise and arbitrarily discount nurture as has been done.

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Heck, I don't have any fundamental disagreements with his supposition that there will be more women then men in the highest level of the Celestial Kingdom (don't know if it's true or not but it's a shoulder shrugger for me). I take issue with the claim it is because the nature of women, when it comes to fulfilling responsibilities and roles, is superior to that of men. Even if the starting premise is correct, that there will be more women than men in the Celestial Kingdom (top level or otherwise) one can not use it to logically conclude Tsem's premise and arbitrarily discount nurture as has been done.

So women are better at learning to fulfill their role then men?

I would agree. its in their nature.

I believe that women are better at their role then men are, and its by and for the virtue of women that we really learn to stand up and be men.

Women embrace their role through personal sacrifice, fulfilling their role keeps them humble.

men embrace their role by having leadership over others, this provides a choice between a Satan VS God style leadership that can easily tip. think how easy it is to lose your temper at a child who will not obey your commands.

fewer men make it to the highest levels of the celestial kingdom because of how trying their responsibilities are.

I don't think anyone has a problem with your belief. The problem is when said belief is stated and presented as fact, with nothing more to back it up than your own -- wait for it -- belief.

My testimony is all I have.

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So women are better at learning to fulfill their role then men?

I would agree. its in their nature.

We aren't agreeing. If I take one child and give it a lot more training and expectation of fulfilling its role and fail to do so to the other one the differences in performance are not necessarily a question of nature. You do realize your thinking concludes that intercity black children are inferior to middle class white children in academic performance by their very nature?

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I think the whole idea of there being significantly more women than men in the celestial kingdom is a big steaming pile of doggy doo doo. This is a claim I've heard a few times in my life, and it is usually stated as a justification of one of two things: 1) polygamy, and 2) women not having the priesthood (ie, women are so righteous that they don't need it, and men need it to become righteous). Both of these justifications are complete and utter garbage.

There is absolutely no scriptural background to indicate that women are better at fulfilling their roles than men are. When I look at the people I've known in my life, I see even less anecdotal evidence that women are better at fulfilling their roles than men. My observation has been that, generally speaking, men and women are all woefully inadequate at living up to the standards necessary for exaltation. Based on this observation, the only way I see more women than men making it to the celestial kingdom is if Christ gives preferential treatment to women.

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