Can we ASK for a calling?

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Guest DeborahC
Posted (edited)

I've just returned to Church (6 weeks ago) after a 14 year absence.

I'm trying to be as active as possible.

I have Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, so I attend my meetings, but sit apart from the perfumed masses for my own safety.

I'd like a calling, and have hinted, but no calling yet.:(

I'd also love to be a visiting teacher.

I know there are other sisters who are also chemically sensitive; it would be nice to visit them.

Is it ok to ASK for a calling?:confused:

Is it ok to ASK to be a visiting teacher?

Or do we need to wait to be asked?

Edited by DeborahC

Bishoprics do best when they have clear, unambiguous, freely-offered facts. Tell them everything you're telling us. Tell your RS President about wanting to be a visiting teacher.

Welcome back - and I can pretty much guarantee they won't beat you over the head with these important desires and elements of your life.


Let your Bishop and RS President know of your chemical sensitivities. Our Bishop once asked us to not wear perfumed lotions, colognes etc so that one sister could come and enjoy the meetings for the same reason.


Definitely let people know about your MCS. If you're not comfortable telling the bishop and having a general (nameless) announcement made, make a few close friends and have them help spread the word.

Absolutely tell the RS president that you would like to be a visiting teacher. She may be hesitant to just assign you a route, not sure yet if (1) you're planning on sticking around, or (2) you would be overwhelmed right away. But if you ask, both those questions will be answered for her. Again, let her know about the MCS so that she can account for that in making assignments. This will also be helpful in assigning sisters to come visit you.

Generally I think it's inappropriate to ask for a calling, but that's in the context of asking for a specific calling. I think that in your case it would be great to go to the bishop and let him know that you are eager to serve. Being that you've been gone for so long, it's likely that he will start by giving you a smaller assignment, rather than a "real" calling. We have a couple in my ward who started coming back this year after a long hiatus, and she's doing great as the missionary meals coordinator.

Guest mormonmusic
Posted (edited) · Hidden

I've never had much success asking for specfic callings, except maybe home teaching or in your case visiting teaching. A good counselor or Bishop or leader in general would want to know about where you feel like serving and put that into the mix. I'd let them know somehow -- in an interview or conversation with a leader when they are getting to know you.

Edited by mormonmusic

I would talk to your RS President. Express you feelings to serve. I would hope she would know the situation, if not explain it to her. Explain both wanting to do VT, but also get a calling. I wouldn't surprise me that they are trying to figure out the best place for you. They can put you in Primary or Young Womans, but you might miss out on some of the adults lessons. I assume they know your testimony is growing again, and want to put you in a place where it can keep growing.

Guest DeborahC

Thanks! I sent an email to my RS Pres and she stopped by yesterday at church to tell me they were "working on it." Hooray!

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest DeborahC

I was thinking about submitting my resume to be Bishop, but figured I should go back to church first. ;)

I'm not really sure how to respond to this. It doesn't feel good but I guess there's some reason you posted it :)

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