This is a crazy question...

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the kind you think of when your mind wanders :D

How does a mother who is breastfeeding go to the temple?

If you have to pump or have the baby near you?

What if you are going through your endowments for the first time? Doesn't that take a long time?

I know, crazy question but I was just wondering. I think we are getting close to getting baptized and this just popped into my head. ;)

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Oh yeah, I've breastfeed all of my kids and worked also but I've been able to say "I'm going to the bathroom" or used a lunch break or something. I have a very flexible job. My pump and I were always together. :D

If you are participating in a religious ceremony of any length of time, isn't that hard?

When breastfeeding I always avoiding any activity where I couldn't get to a bathroom or car when I needed to. ASAP.

I'm particularly thinking of myself...the nearest temple is about 2-3 hours away, plus the time in the temple and then the drive back home.

Are there any accomodations? Just wondering how people do things like that. ;)

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The driving wouldn't be an issue breast pumping wise (you could even breast feed on the trip but you'd need someone to watch the baby while you were in the temple), you can stop when ever you need or do it on the go while someone else is driving.

For your first time through it does take a good length of time because you have to be washed and anointed and there are explanations that go on, but if you explain your situation you could probably arrange it so that there is enough time between the endowment session and you finishing your preperation to pump if you had to. The endowment itself takes <2 hours, are you saying that you can't go without pumping for 2 hours?

* So say the prep starts at 6 and the endowment at 7:30, you could possible go to a 5 oclock prep which would let you sneak off to a bathroom or somewhere else private to pump if needed. It's been too long since my own endowment, I don't recall how much earlier you had to be and how long the preparation took, so the times are just for illustration purposes.

Are there any accomodations? Just wondering how people do things like that.

You could always call up the temple and ask.

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Not at all a crazy question, a breastfeeding mother has to plan for when she may be away from her baby for more than a couple of hours.

This, however, was crazy advice:

do it on the go while someone else is driving.

Unless you're flexible enough to do this while both you and the baby are still safely restrained, this is just ridiculous.

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Not at all a crazy question, a breastfeeding mother has to plan for when she may be away from her baby for more than a couple of hours.

This, however, was crazy advice:

Unless you're flexible enough to do this while both you and the baby are still safely restrained, this is just ridiculous.

That would be in reference to pumping. That she could take the baby with her was an aside, I suppose it should have been placed end sentence not mid.

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The Avent manual pump and a small cooler is your friend at the temple. :-)

The rest of the time... relax and enjoy.

By the way - their bathrooms are super clean and super relaxing with an area where you can blow dry your hair and such... there should be a corner there where you can take a break and release some mammary pressure. You can leave your pump/cooler in the bathroom too - with your street clothes.

But - I've never had to do this when I was nursing. I was ok with missing a few pumping sessions while I was at the temple.

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here it's 2 hours to the temple. you take the baby with you (and someone to watch the baby). nurse before you go in, don't waste your time getting out and nurse when you get out. no need to pump unless you just enjoy it.

most babies go 2 hours between feedings, if your baby can't do that yet then it might be to early to go to the temple. there is a time and a season to everything.

i do wish the temples would provide a comfortable place for nursing. i've always found it ironic that a church that stresses family doesn't do better about nursing areas (though they still do better than other places).

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