4 hour diet


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I had a great day but might turn orange this week as I cooked a whole big pot of carrots, cabbage , onions, cauliflower and broccoli soooo many carrots ... anyway I have eaten carrots 4 times a day since Sunday so may get a little orange myself :} Ha HA I

Zumba tomorrow I love the class and we have such a diverse age group from 14 to 70 soo cool

This diet is ok so far :]

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OK Day 11 and I hit a wall not because of the diet but I have the worst head cold My dear kids at school shared it with me. I feel terrible and do not feel like eating. I am upping my Vit C and flushing the fluids and hope to get past this terrible feeling..... On a Funny not my big pot of carrots, onions cabbage and other vegi'e were partially eaten by my sweet kids and friends .... I f I had made it for dinner they would have ate some but because I made something special just for me they all had to try some some having two bowls HA HA I made it a bit spicy and the cabbage carrot mix was awesome. Missed Zumba today which didn't help my mood. I athink I will try it on dvd in the am. Talk to you all soon.

Onward ever onward

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Today is Day 12 and I am getting over my cold. Today is my free day to eat what I want ....... hmmm so far 2 girlscout cookies 1 samoa and one peanut butter and some imi crab and that's it sooo far eating less than normal

For some reason the saying "Moment on the Lips, Forever on the Hips" comes to mind :D

<I am so going to be the victim of a homicide>

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For some reason the saying "Moment on the Lips, Forever on the Hips" comes to mind :D

<I am so going to be the victim of a homicide>

And I hear you are going to try and come to our get together. Don't be another statistic on Utah's books. :)

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Ok so This is the end of my free day and I didn't splurge as much as one would think but had a good day so what have I learned ..... When it is OK to eat what ever you want your habits eating healthy and few sweets have really had a positive impact. I think any lifestyle should have a good balance and form I am finding that. Food wasn't ever my issue, and I know how to eat right it it the balance of it all and exercise .... MOVING just walking , stretching, dancing that is the key and no matter what the stats of this Experiment end up I have learned so much in these few days and that I think is part of my journey. I am surprised so few have comments but that is OK I do this foe me and the outcome is for me and so my posting it for all to see isn't as much for comments as it is for me being honest and true to myself. To be real. Can you be real with your self discipline , your diet and your happiness I am beginning to . Wow what an incredible journey I hope it helps someone besides me but helping myself is of the up most finally

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Quick post I weigh 226 t[/color]oday and my cold has went to Bronchitis/ Pneumonia which I have gotten several times this year. I am fighting it if it gets any worse will go to the Dr. I just can't run to the Dr every time as I have no insurance and limited funds. I am doing all the steps My Dr says to try to get over this it may take (Prednizone) sp again I will give it another couple days am not able to zumba maybe Thursday.

I will measure later. I am not a good eater when I am sick so am struggling with eating at all not just sticking to my diet. Still trying pressing forward.

That is an 8 lb loss :]

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Ok I have invented a new for me dinner using the food I have to eat and I love it

here goes one tilapila fillet

one cup black beans

salad mix ( spinach, mixed greens,carrots etc)


I nuke my fish and nuke my beans cut fish into bite size pieces and mix it all together with salsa ......... Yummy Salsa with no sugar of course

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My new dinner idea works with chicken and today I added chopped bell peppers, yellow, and red yummy.

Since tomatoes are so expensive now I eat canned ones cold right out of the jar. So far so good and am maybe winning the battle over my bronchitis ....... Flushing the fluids and taking my vita's plus using my inhaler correctly seems to be working YEA... Maybe I can do Zumba tomorrow.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Good Point.... My healthy living program is working fine. My work is so busy and I am finally better. My eating has had some very positive benefits. My weight loss on Monday was 4 more pounds. I make up a big veggi pot and the funny thing is my whole family dips into it :] A good thing. I am adjusting my eating in a good way and the best affect (effect) so far is my eating first thing in the morning helps me to have a great day and really not be hungry. I have been so busy I haven't logged on as often/daily as I planned but all is good in the shrinking lady front..... :}

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prospect... i'm not sure if this fits your diet but I'm going to share it anyway, coz it's one of the very few things I learned to cook that my entire family actually likes!

Main dish:

Peeled Shrimp

Beef smoked sausage, sliced to 1/2 inch thick

BBQ sticks

- Skewer the tail of the shrimp, then skewer through to the side of the sausage, then skewer to the top of the same shrimp... this should look like the shrimp is formed like a letter C, hugging the sausage circle.

- Put on the grill or griddle or pan coated with olive oil spray.

Brush the shrimp sausage with the following mix while cooking:

1/2 cup apple jam, 2 tbsp brown sugar, 1/4 tsp liquid smoke (looks like tabasco sauce bottle)

Put shrimp over cooked quinoa.


Put 28g can of diced tomatoes in 1 cup beef (or vegetable) broth. Bring to a boil. Add 1 lb of sliced okra and simmer until okra is tender.

Healthy and YUM!

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Guest mark01234

Tim Ferriss says that 4-Hour Body is the “result of an obsessive quest, spanning more than a decade, to hack the human body. It contains the collective wisdom of hundreds of elite athletes, dozens of MDs, and thousands of hours of jaw-dropping personal experimentation.”In addition to dietary recommendations the 4-Hour Body includes information about a range of subjects related to the body. Tim Ferriss suggests that you don’t read the 4-Hour Body from start to finish but instead pick the chapters that interest you and select just one appearance goal and one performance goal to start.

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Tim Ferriss says that 4-Hour Body is the “result of an obsessive quest, spanning more than a decade, to hack the human body. It contains the collective wisdom of hundreds of elite athletes, dozens of MDs, and thousands of hours of jaw-dropping personal experimentation.”In addition to dietary recommendations the 4-Hour Body includes information about a range of subjects related to the body. Tim Ferriss suggests that you don’t read the 4-Hour Body from start to finish but instead pick the chapters that interest you and select just one appearance goal and one performance goal to start.

Another unsourced post from for hour body website. This poster needs to go away.

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Timothy Ferris is extreme in everything he does and to do the research for this book he did some pretty radical experiments and gleaned information from so many athletes, Dr's etc. It is like evrything if you read something out of context or just a part you can assume alot and not see the whole picture. This eating plan is working for me so I am happy.. will I do all that is in the book probably not but it is fascinating all he has researched. I still haven't read the whole book but go to it often and am learning more daily. So my opinion is you shouldn't judge a book by a few quotes out of context. Chapter titles are ment to grab you they do not tell the whole story.

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