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Hi I'm a 26 year old who has been inactive since I was 18. I'm trying to figure out if I want to try to believe in God and the LDS church or if I want to remove my name from the church records.

I have never felt the spirit even though I feel like I have tried. I have gone to things with friends and everyone has felt the spirit but me. Because of this I have a bad attitude toward anything about God. I do things that the church frowns upon (drinking, masturbating, gambling, etc.). Is it because I do these things that the spirit has left me? It does concern me that I have never felt anything and everyone else has.

If there is a God how do I get the spirit back? Do I continue to try to figure it out or do I give up and remove my name and hope all this confusion goes away?

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What I don't understand is if you know you have a "bad attitude" about God, then why are you questioning whether to remove your name from the Church records? It seems like you know that you're not doing what you should; that you're questioning if you're life is really going down the path it should. If this is the case, get active again. What's there to lose? Bad habits?

If I'm wrong and you like what you're doing, well, I dunno. All I can say is that I as well as a lot of people I know have been down the road you're on. We've found more freedom and happiness by learning and staying close to God and the Gospel. There is no reward by doing otherwise.

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I joined the church at 26. I felt the spirit testify to me that I should join but after that nothing for 3 years. I thought I must not be worthy, that maybe it was not a true church etc. Then one day when I was not seeking it there it was. Clear and undeniable. It comes in our own time, in it's own way, when the Lord wants it, and when we need it, and are worthy in action and attitude to receive it. You didn't say but from your age I would point out that it is said that those born into or joining the church at a very early age have more trouble recognizing the spirit then adult converts because they grow up with it as a constant companion without realizing it.

The only answer I can give you is for you to seek the answer. Contact the Missionaries, have the meetings, give up the things you know you should not be doing. Give it six months to a year, do all you should do and put it to the Lord.

If in the end you decide you want out, then remove your name knowing you diligently sought the answer.

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I agree with the others. Only you can make this decision to stay with the Church. You know what the problem is. Are you willing to give up those things that are keeping you from the Holy Ghost? The Holy Ghost is there to comfort you, help you and guide you.

In my case I put myself beyond that help with my attitude. I realize it was my choice to do those things which I know to be true. Our Heavenly Father does not ask us to be perfect. He only ask us to do the very best that we can, with His help.

My thought is that by you knowing what you are doing, not all is lost. There are plenty of people in this world that would not even think these things are keeping them from the Holy Ghost. If you can not see the problem you can not do anything about it. My prayers are with you. Zippy

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Thanks for the advice. It has been helpful and I guess I knew it deep down. If its alright I would like to ask a couple more questions.

1. I'm not sure if I believe in a God and I don't believe in the LDS church as of yet. If I start the process of fixing things I know are wrong will that help me believe or do I need to figure what I believe before I start fixing what is wrong?

2. There are a few big things that I don't agree with the church about (view on gays, everything about the temple, and how young women are treated). How do I get past this to learn more about the gospel? Is it wrong that I don't agree?


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1. You should decide whether or not you believe in God before you even begin to worry about religion. Work on your relationship with/belief in God first before you start working on other things. That is the most important part of religion, and the rest can't exist without it. Without faith, religion is pretty much a waste of perfectly good time.

2. See #1 and it's not wrong that you disagree, but it might affect the type of Mormon you are. However, there's a difference between what a lot of Mormons say they believe and the reasoning of why they believe that way.

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Line upon line, precept upon precept.

Sounds like you need to go all the way back to step 1. Don't worry about the church. Don't worry about commandments. Not at this stage.

First, ask the question "Why am I here?" and diligently work on an answer by being truly honest with yourself. We all believe in a conscience (LDS call it the Light of Christ, but you don't have to agree with that - not yet) - regardless of whether one believes in God or not. Atheists believe in a conscience too. So, start with appealing with completely honesty to your own conscience and ask the question until you find an answer you can live with.

Whether you believe in God or not, there are things that is just universally accepted as wrong - as in, even Atheists will tell you it is wrong. Gambling is bad unless you know exactly what you are doing and have complete control of your impulses. An atheist will tell you the same thing. A lot of people have lost everything they have to gambling addiction - chasing after that fleeting moment of a win that only happens after a lot of losses. Casinos are not in the business of losing money... they will get your money. Eventually. Drinking is bad unless you have complete control of your impulses. A lot of people have died from drunk drivers and a lot of people have been stabbed, beaten, abused, by someone on a drunken stupor. And then there are those who have holes or cancer on their livers/kidneys from all the alcohol they consume. You don't need to believe in God to avoid these.

When you figure out an answer to the question of "Why am I here?" you may find that the life you're leading has meaning, therefore, you would want to make a good life out of it. Because, my man, you only live once - there's no "do over". Be sure you are not wasting your breath.

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I can relate with you in a way. There was a point in my life where I questioned everything.. I had even questioned the existence of God. It has to start with a desire to know more about God (Read Alma Chapter 32). Look back at your life outside the church and ask yourself.. Am I really happy? Be honest with yourself.

Your at a point in your life where you have to open your heart and allow the love of God to enter it. Heavenly Father loves you, regardless of what you have done or think. Once you realize that you are a child of God and Heavenly Father loves you unconditionally, you will be motivated in an amazing way. Soon, you will find yourself wanting to live the commandments and feel peace as you do so.

Start small. Began with praying sincerely. Open up the Book of Mormon and read a chapter. Start trying to live a commandment and watch the blessings come into your life.

Edited by prophetofdoom
had more to add
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Thanks for the advice. It has been helpful and I guess I knew it deep down. If its alright I would like to ask a couple more questions.

1. I'm not sure if I believe in a God and I don't believe in the LDS church as of yet. If I start the process of fixing things I know are wrong will that help me believe or do I need to figure what I believe before I start fixing what is wrong?

2. There are a few big things that I don't agree with the church about (view on gays, everything about the temple, and how young women are treated). How do I get past this to learn more about the gospel? Is it wrong that I don't agree?


1) If what you are having issues with means that a 12-step program should be considered, then be aware that for recovery, a belief in a higher being or source is necessary. All the arguments for Atheism aside, what people who do wrong things justify it by not having a belief in God. That way there is no one to answer to and it abdicated responsibility. If you decide to become an Atheist, then you'd better have a good moral footing otherwise the justification of no God will become an excuse to do immoral and bad things.

2) If you want to explore whether you believe in the LDS church, get yourself a Book of Mormon, read it, pray every day and attend church. The other things you have mentioned as points of contention are usually arrived at by listening to innuendo and media hype. Feel free to talk to the Missionaries as they should be able to answer your questions.

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