Monster Prominence Erupts from the Sun


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I'm blaming it on Global Warming and George W. Bush! :)

Seriously, the Sun is going through a new cycle where we're going to see massive flares, etc.

Here's a Solar Tsunami from 2009:

Monster Waves on the Sun are Real - NASA Science

Some fun number crunching I did with the stats on that solar wave....

it was 100,000 Km high. That's 7.83 times the diameter of the earth. It was taller than seven earths....almost eight.

The wave traveled at 250 Km/second or 560,000 miles per hour....that's Mach 729, or 729 times faster than sound travels. The space shuttle reaches a maximum speed of Mach 23. The SR-71 flew at mach 3+. Most commercial airliners fly in the range of Mach .8 to .9

Finally, the explosive force was measured at 2.4 million megatons, or 48,000 times the size of Tsar Bomba, Russia's (and the world's) largest nuclear explosion, which was 52 megatons

Tsar Bomba alone was 1400 times the power of both bombs dropped on Japan, or 10 times the power of all the conventional explosives used in all of WWII.

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  • 2 weeks later...

They should have put up a scale-sized dot to show the earth in relation to that gorgeous event. The universe God has given us is constantly a wonder.

earth would be about a 4 to 5 pixel sphere in that video.. about twice the size of this period.
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Monster Prominence

Beyond amazing!


Thanks for the flick about the sun's power and radiance. After just witnessing the death of my mother and life leaving her body, I know that her spirit has moved onto a better world.

It is amazing how God the creator of heaven and earth can continue in His majesty by revealing the majestic phenomenon of the sun's power, and yet His greatest creations are His spirit children. Many Blessings, Gar

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