Other faiths and being healed by...


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I was just wondering to myself this weekend, what is the Church's view of this situation.

As an example, there are numerous men who go around the nation putting on big conferences which thousands of mainstream Christians attend. The men often have stories about inspiration, or being visited by angels, and the like. But often, they invite tons of people up front to be healed by the power of God, and it is my understanding from talking with family and friends who have attended them, that quite often there are some pretty miraculous healings of the blind, lame, etc.

Now obviously our church teaches that these guys don't have it all correct. But the healings show results and do build a lot of faith in mainstream Christians that the men are indeed very in tune with God. So my questions are:

Are they healing by the power of God?

Could Satan use his power to heal in such a situation to build faith in a false doctrine?

I honestly believe that God answers prayers of non members, but these public spectacles seem to be way off base, especially with the amount of money that people offer up to the men for their ministry. It seems to me that God's purposes would be better served if his true church got the best results from prayer and healing, and these other guys were just limp noodles. Just a thought I was wondering about. Any input?

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Coming from a tradition that believes in divine healing, and that there is a gift of the Holy Spirit for healing, I'd draw a comparison to the story in the Book of Acts, concerning the seven sons of Sceba. These men saw Peter and Paul healing in the name of Jesus, and so attempted to do likewise. They commanded the demons to leave "in the name of Jesus, whom Paul preaches." The demons responded that they knew Jesus and Paul, but not them. Then the sons were badly beaten up by the demons.

Now...concerning these healing evangelists...

1. Do they preach "another Jesus," or the one taught of by your church?

2. Do they preach a Jesus they know, or merely one they reference?

In a sense your post asks a question often asked of your church...only in reverse. Is "the LDS Jesus" the same as the Jesus of the evangelicals? If so, perhaps you should answer as Jesus did, when he was told of other groups preaching about him. "If they are not against us, leave them alone."

Don't you wish we evangelicals gave you that courtesy? :::wink wink:::

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I just returned from being in Haiti for two months, We saw at least 30 miraculous healings during that time. im confused why you would want to call that the work of the devil? or at least question if thats what it is? I Have a very strong Faith in Jesus Christ and the Bible says that one cannot confess Jesus is lord unless it is by the Holy spirit. So I tell you now that Jesus christ is my Lord and savior and only by his name were those people healed. and His name alone. I think that what you are hearing about should definatley get you thinking but to even consider giving credit of something like that to the Devil is a very dangerous road to travel.

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Well, why wouldn't the people, having faith, be healed? Whoever's doing the healing, and whatever their authority (or lack thereof, in LDS eyes) to perform healing miracles in the name of the Lord, these stricken people are coming to them with an honest belief that they are appealing to a servant of the Lord for a Blessing. Their faith has made them whole, not the faith-healer.

My 2 cents...

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Well, why wouldn't the people, having faith, be healed? Whoever's doing the healing, and whatever their authority (or lack thereof, in LDS eyes) to perform healing miracles in the name of the Lord, these stricken people are coming to them with an honest belief that they are appealing to a servant of the Lord for a Blessing. Their faith has made them whole, not the faith-healer.

My 2 cents...

I would actually be really happy if it was that simple, but most of the time we prayed for unbelievers. we went on the streets of Haiti to pray for people and we prayed for everyone. we saw one kid who actually came to us to make fun of us, and then we asked if we could pray for him he froze up and agreed rather then actually making fun of us. so really it can be either, the one praying or the one receiving prayer. but it is always God who is doing the Healing.

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Faith is what can heal. I don't recall any scripture that says you must belong to a certain religion or established church to be healed. At the same time I remain skeptical of some healings. These are things to be done in private and to go and tell no one.

Ben Raines

why do you say they are to be done in private and to not tell anyone?

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a lot of the great miracles Jesus preformed are put in front of everyone, from the least to the greatest. at the time its true he told people not to go and tell people but that was for a couple specific reasons, he knew how things had to happen and he did not want to become famous and overthrow the literal kingdom, and two (welli guess this one depends on your view of who jesus is) he came to earth and lowered himself for a while to be as low as the humans, if everyone knew all he was doing they would say he is God, so they didnt want the people to know everything while he was there, otherwise the crucifixion never would have happened. i dont know its fair to have that opinion I just base mine off of the example God has given us with the bible and the records of Jesus the apostles and the members of the first church.

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I do believe that faith in Christ can heal people. I also think that some (not all) of those who do this in public are frauds, or do it to get gain. Either diminishes the true blessings and miracles of Christ.

Jesus also warned of such:

21¶Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

22Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

23And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

There are many who can cast out devils in God's name, but are still not accepted of God, because of their hidden agendas. In such cases, I'd say the individuals are healed because of their own faith, and not necessarily because of the faith healer's power. Such are in the limelight and gain great wealth from their followers. This is not what Jesus taught, but is a perversion of his teachings. Peter went around freely healing people after the death of Christ, never asking for money for his own pocket. While it was done in public, it was not done for a price, and all the glory went to God.

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I was just wondering to myself this weekend, what is the Church's view of this situation.

As an example, there are numerous men who go around the nation putting on big conferences which thousands of mainstream Christians attend. The men often have stories about inspiration, or being visited by angels, and the like. But often, they invite tons of people up front to be healed by the power of God, and it is my understanding from talking with family and friends who have attended them, that quite often there are some pretty miraculous healings of the blind, lame, etc.

Now obviously our church teaches that these guys don't have it all correct. But the healings show results and do build a lot of faith in mainstream Christians that the men are indeed very in tune with God. So my questions are:

Are they healing by the power of God?

Could Satan use his power to heal in such a situation to build faith in a false doctrine?

I honestly believe that God answers prayers of non members, but these public spectacles seem to be way off base, especially with the amount of money that people offer up to the men for their ministry. It seems to me that God's purposes would be better served if his true church got the best results from prayer and healing, and these other guys were just limp noodles. Just a thought I was wondering about. Any input?

Some people have the gift to heal (being LDS or not), some have the faith to be healed, and some are "healed" by false spirits, and some is fake.

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I do believe that faith in Christ can heal people. I also think that some (not all) of those who do this in public are frauds, or do it to get gain. Either diminishes the true blessings and miracles of Christ.

Jesus also warned of such:

There are many who can cast out devils in God's name, but are still not accepted of God, because of their hidden agendas. In such cases, I'd say the individuals are healed because of their own faith, and not necessarily because of the faith healer's power. Such are in the limelight and gain great wealth from their followers. This is not what Jesus taught, but is a perversion of his teachings. Peter went around freely healing people after the death of Christ, never asking for money for his own pocket. While it was done in public, it was not done for a price, and all the glory went to God.

Here is a passage for you to chew on.

Matthew 12:22-32

22(AA) Then a demon-oppressed man who was blind and mute was brought to him, and he healed him, so that the man spoke and saw. 23(AB) And all the people were amazed, and said, "Can this be the Son of David?" 24But when the Pharisees heard it, they said,(AC) "It is only by Beelzebul, the prince of demons, that this man casts out demons." 25(AD) Knowing their thoughts,(AE) he said to them, "Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and no city or house divided against itself will stand. 26And if Satan casts out Satan, he is divided against himself. How then will his kingdom stand? 27And if I cast out demons by Beelzebul,(AF) by whom do(AG) your sons cast them out? Therefore they will be your judges. 28But if it is(AH) by the Spirit of God that I cast out demons, then(AI) the kingdom of God has come upon you. 29Or(AJ) how can someone enter a strong man’s house and plunder his goods, unless he first binds the strong man? Then indeed(AK) he may plunder his house. 30(AL) Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters. 31(AM) Therefore I tell you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven people, but(AN) the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. 32And whoever speaks a word(AO) against the Son of Man(AP) will be forgiven, but(AQ) whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in(AR) this age or in the age to come.

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Here is a passage for you to chew on.

Matthew 12:22-32

Those verses really don't say that it is not possible for Satan to cast out Satan, just saying that Jesus wasn't casting out by the power of Satan - Satan is a deceiver, and it is completely possible that Satan's followers have some sort of "sign" or "understanding" that when someone does X thing then we'll leave to deceive them. It would really hurt credibility of the true church, and isn't that what Satan wants to do most of all?

Christ spoke a little on this subject to his disciples nestled in the "wars and rumors of wars" verses:

JS Matthew 1:22

For in those days there shall also arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders, insomuch that, if possible, they shall deceive the very elect, who are the elect according to covenant.

My personal opinion is that the majority of the public healings are just showmanship, maybe not entirely on the part of the "healer" but also of the person being healed. It could be that the person being healed has been faking or exacerbating the symptoms they are having for multiple reasons such as attention or disability claims or whatnot. Now they are in an environment where they are now "saved" and accept Christ, which means that they know they are living a lie and what better way to get out of that lie than to be healed by the power of Christ?

I don't think any "side" of this argument in this thread is going to convince the other "side" any different, however all we can do is Pray about it.

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Have you considered that a person can heal by the power of faith, yet still have hidden motives that twist something good and of God into a spiritual perversion?

We've all heard that Satan will teach 99 truths to get you on the one lie. Truth is also found in miracles sometimes. Miracles are evidence of God's power, but they are not the end all. Nor is the visitation of angels the end all. We've seen in our own days of Restoration where false prophecies and miracles were sometimes performed, and Joseph Smith had to correct them. This included some using seer stones, and others attempting to speak in tongues. So even Joseph Smith realized that there are counterfeits to the truth.

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