Well it is official; I am never attending my Ward again!


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They're 2 different cities - or towns - or municapalities... i don't know what they're called - north of Houston... where you ride a car, then you sneeze and you're in a different town.

In serious need of an LOL button... :roflmbo:

Yeah, I've lived somewhere like that before. So... different place than my stake split.

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...Going to church is for the spiritual reasons not social...

I must disagree with this statement. Humans are social animals and church offers a perfect place for like minded people. Fellowshipping is a perfect example of being social. Supporting fellow ward members is part of being social.


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I do believe the Book of Mormon uses the word "Fellowship" a lot. Is that not socializing?

There is a person who gets up in testimony meeting and loves to say that he's not here to socialize but to worship God. Well, that can be done at home. Church is a vehicle for us to fellowship and socialize so that we can share each others testimony, build each other up and carry each others burden. We need to socialize to accomplish these tasks.

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I do believe the Book of Mormon uses the word "Fellowship" a lot. Is that not socializing?

There is a person who gets up in testimony meeting and loves to say that he's not here to socialize but to worship God. Well, that can be done at home. Church is a vehicle for us to fellowship and socialize so that we can share each others testimony, build each other up and carry each others burden. We need to socialize to accomplish these tasks.



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I do believe the Book of Mormon uses the word "Fellowship" a lot. Is that not socializing?

There is a person who gets up in testimony meeting and loves to say that he's not here to socialize but to worship God. Well, that can be done at home. Church is a vehicle for us to fellowship and socialize so that we can share each others testimony, build each other up and carry each others burden. We need to socialize to accomplish these tasks.

That is true however that comes after in importance in renewing our covenants. The prime purpose of church is the sacrament.

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  • 1 month later...

I want to confess my grievous sin. What drove people away, was me asking this question, and by so doing some friends think I am about to apostatize.

I asked; do you think that the dissolving of our Ward was due to inspiration or do you think that it is just less expensive to have two big Wards meeting instead of three?

That is it, this is all I asked.

I will be returning to Church this Sunday for the reason I stated in another thread. I will contribute to my new Ward anyway I can, other than Primary, I come across as to gruff for the little ones.

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I do believe the Book of Mormon uses the word "Fellowship" a lot. Is that not socializing?

Actually, the Book of Mormon only uses the word "fellowship" once:

Nevertheless, the people of the church did have great joy because of the conversion of the Lamanites, yea, because of the church of God, which had been established among them. And they did fellowship one with another, and did rejoice one with another, and did have great joy. (Helaman 6:3)

But your point is still well-taken....

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I asked; do you think that the dissolving of our Ward was due to inspiration or do you think that it is just less expensive to have two big Wards meeting instead of three?

Well, I don't understand why that question gave the members of your ward such a hard time. To me, it seems like an easy answer. BOTH! :) Inspiration can be about temporal things, and one thing that is temporal is "expenses". I believe it was inspired, and I believe it probably will be less expensive.

Most importantly though- the Lord's house is a house of order, and everything is done in a certain way and for certain reasons. Wards are typically "split" once they reach a certain size, and if membership is shrinking instead of expanding they will be "dissolved" once numbers are back within the range that getting rid of one would put the others back within the right numbers.

Glad to hear you are going back to church. Just remember that we all have moments of doubt, and we all have our areas of weakness. Sometimes we get so caught up in our own struggles that we do not see the struggles of others, but if you reach out to be a help to those around you in any way you can you will find that your "burdens become light". It may take time, but it will happen. Be the help that you want others to offer you, and you will find yourself a happier person.

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I would not move after all, our ward boundary changed, and my wife, who has been in her ward since she was born, now has to go to our new ward. This was three years ago. As emotional as my wife can be, she resisted, hardly went at all for at least a year. Eventually she got used to it, and she has the calling in the ward.

Without change, there is no growth. I firmly believe that is true. Ward may be dissolved, but are you going to be still attending with the same members?

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Well I returned to church on Sunday May 14th, for the first time in 10 weeks. As soon as Sacrament ended I was called to the Bishop’s office and extended a calling to teach Gospel Essentials class. In my 32 years in the church, I have spent over 20 of that time teaching adults; Gospel Doctrine, Priesthood or Gospel Essentials.

I accepted the calling, but I wonder…:confused:

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well its obvious they gave you a calling that would require you to go to church every week. whats to wonder?

And something that is well within your comfort level instead of another big "change".


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When i was 14-15 years old i went to a small ward with only my grandpa and little 8 year old sister, which they both left after sacrament which was first. All my friends in the ward stopped going, i was the only teacher going to church, no priests or decans, or any young women. I'm grateful i learned that I went to church to learn, not to spend time with friends, however that would have made it better, but every Sunday i would be there. It doesn't matter who you go to church with, why deny yourself blessing because you don't get to see your friends at church? You could go say hi when church is over, they don't disappear from the face of the earth.

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My husband and I are nervous over this very issue. Our ward is growing fast. We have an awsome Bishop who married us and Baptized me. We know if the ward splits, we will no longer be a part of our current ward. We are considering buying our first home within this next year and this a major factor in deciding where we will be looking.

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