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Hi im a religious studies uni student and have some questions about Morminism

What would you say is the most important quality for a person to poses to be?

Seen as good in God eyes?

What does the title elder signify within the Mormon religion?

How does a person become an elder within the Mormon religion?

Do you believe that it is possible for atheists to gain salvation provided that they have tried to live a good and moral life despite the fact they reject the existence of God?

Do you view the Mormon church as being a part of Christianity, or a separate and distinct religious faith?

Within my research I have come across the term the sons of perdition, to whom or what does this term refer?

Outside of the three Mormon kingdoms of heaven is said to be an outer darkness to which the sons of perdition will be sent, is this outer darkness similar to other accounts of hell or something else?

As a practicing Mormon does America hold any spiritual or religious value?

Polygamy despite being opposed by the Mormon Church since 1890 is still practiced within some communities who still claim to be Mormon, despite the churches practice excommunicating those who have been found to practice it. What is your view of this issue?

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Hi im a religious studies uni student and have some questions about Morminism

What would you say is the most important quality for a person to poses to be? Seen as good in God eyes?

Charitable. (That's my opinion, not formal LDS doctrine.)

What does the title elder signify within the Mormon religion?

It means that the person holding the title has advanced to a certain status within the Church's lay clergy. The Mormon clergy, or "priesthood", is divided into lower ("Aaronic") and higher ("Melchizedek") orders. A young man will receive the Aaronic Priesthood at 12 and be ordained to the "office" of a Deacon. At fourteen he advances to the office of a Teacher; at sixteen he becomes a Priest. At eighteen or nineteen he becomes a holder of the Melchizedek Priesthood and is ordained to the office of Elder. If, at some point in his life, he becomes a member of one of the governing groups of a congregation (or group of congregations), he may be ordained to the office of a High Priest, Seventy, or Apostle.

How does a person become an elder within the Mormon religion?

It's a combination of age, righteous living, and indicating one's desire and willingness to live according to the commandments of God as interpreted by the standards of the Church.

Do you believe that it is possible for atheists to gain salvation provided that they have tried to live a good and moral life despite the fact they reject the existence of God?

Yes. They'd have to accept God before gaining their salvation, however. (Mormonism teaches that, between death and resurrection, people who rejected God basically get a second chance to learn about and accept Him.)

Do you view the Mormon church as being a part of Christianity, or a separate and distinct religious faith?

I see it as being fundamentally Christian in doctrine; but historically apart from the Christian tradition.

Within my research I have come across the term the sons of perdition, to whom or what does this term refer?

Mormonism is pretty universalist in its idea of who gets saved. It envisions different "levels" of heaven; but ultimately the only people who don't get any form of salvation are the "sons of perdition"--people who obtained a full knowledge of God yet rejected Him, loving Satan more. Biblical examples of people fitting this description would include Cain and Judas Iscariot.

Outside of the three Mormon kingdoms of heaven is said to be an outer darkness to which the sons of perdition will be sent, is this outer darkness similar to other accounts of hell or something else?

We don't purport to know more than that it's away from God. The traditional Christian idea of a place of fire and brimstone is derived from Hebrew tradition, and Mormonism doesn't necessarily take that imagery as literal.

As a practicing Mormon does America hold any spiritual or religious value?

Yes; we believe its constitution was inspired by God and that the land itself was intended by God to be a land of liberty.

Polygamy despite being opposed by the Mormon Church since 1890 is still practiced within some communities who still claim to be Mormon, despite the churches practice excommunicating those who have been found to practice it. What is your view of this issue?

*shrug* We think they're wrong, they think we're wrong, and good luck to us all. :D

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Charitable. (That's my opinion, not formal LDS doctrine.)

I can agree with this. As you have scriptures like:

46 Wherefore, my beloved brethren, if ye have not charity, ye are nothing, for charity never faileth. Wherefore, cleave unto charity, which is the greatest of all, for all things must fail—

47 But charity is the pure love of Christ, and it endureth forever; and whoso is found possessed of it at the last day, it shall be well with him.

125 And above all things, clothe yourselves with the bond of acharity, as with a mantle, which is the bond of perfectness and peace.

And the Gospel Principles manual affirms that Charity is the greatest of virtues: Gospel Principles Chapter 30: Charity

Of course it should be noted that charity is the pure love of Christ an encompasses more than just donating to charities or helping people move or what have you, those things are a result of having charity, or love for your fellow man. If the OP wants a little more in depth about what JAG probably means when he says charity then I recommend reading the Gospel Principle chapter linked to above.

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Hi there!

Do you believe that it is possible for atheists to gain salvation provided that they have tried to live a good and moral life despite the fact they reject the existence of God?

Yes. But they have to accept Christ as their savior, just like the rest of us.

Do you view the Mormon church as being a part of Christianity, or a separate and distinct religious faith?

I believe in the reality and divinity of Jesus Christ, and that I must accept Him as my personal savior in order to be saved. From my point of view, that makes me a Christian. I've had plenty of Christians tell me I'm not, though.

As a practicing Mormon does America hold any spiritual or religious value?

You mean as sort of a holy land, like Mecca/Medina is to a Muslim? Oh, I dunno. We figure God's hand was in the creation of this Nation, and that the men who wrote the constitution had a little divine inspiration in their corner. But we don't try to keep the infidels out or anything like that.

Polygamy despite being opposed by the Mormon Church since 1890 is still practiced within some communities who still claim to be Mormon, despite the churches practice excommunicating those who have been found to practice it. What is your view of this issue?

Just because you're standing in a garage claiming to be a buick, it doesn't make you a car. We figure our church is led by Jesus Christ who provides guidance to the First Presidency of our church. The practice of polygamy was ended. If you have more than one wife, you're not a part of my church. *shrug*
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Hi im a religious studies uni student and have some questions about Morminism

What would you say is the most important quality for a person to poses to be?

Seen as good in God eyes?

well a couple things- true charity, and humility.

What does the title elder signify within the Mormon religion?

It's a title-rank of the governing authority which holds certain rights and responsibilities to be exercised for the good of the church and community.

How does a person become an elder within the Mormon religion?

currently it is only available to worthy male members. A male is started on the path to it when they are invited, accept, and then are ordained to the priesthood within the church by someone that has the authority and are authorised to do so. Generally such people are instructed to do this as soon as someone is elegible. To be considered for this one has to be living a certain way (such as abstaining from sex outside of marriage, supporting the church and etc..). Generally the earliest one can be called to the priesthood is at 12, and then as they grow older they are called to higher offices in the priesthood eventually getting to the position of Elder.

They start at Deacons, then advance to Teacher, then to Priest, then to Elder, then to High Priest.

Do you believe that it is possible for atheists to gain salvation provided that they have tried to live a good and moral life despite the fact they reject the existence of God?

yes, at least the ones that are sensible and open to things. At some point they'll meet angels, get taught the gospel, realise that yes there really is a god and christ, and repent to some extent or another and not be sent to hell.

And furthermore all even those who do wickedly knowing fully about God, as much as you or know that the sun exists will be saved from the pains of the physical death (this is not the same as spiritual death which is being cut off from the presence of God and from God's support, which is more painful).

I'll get to more on this later in response to one of your later questions.

Do you view the Mormon church as being a part of Christianity, or a separate and distinct religious faith?

depends in which definition of chrstianity you want to use- if you mean as in we believe in the Christ spoken of in the Bible, and his divinity, then yes we're christian. But thats probably the only one that we'd fit in.

Personally I don't care: We follow Christ, and Christ has called us, and has given us his authority as well as his commandments to both perfect us in this world and to help save and lift others in it, people can call us whatever but it matters not for they are not God. We are the only ones with his authority.

Within my research I have come across the term the sons of perdition, to whom or what does this term refer?

these are those who have come to a full knowledge of God and Christ, and have entered the covenent, and then will totally reject all that at all times even while knowing otherwise... and because of that they seek to destroy the works of God. in other words it takes very very significant effort and work to get to that point, and most if not all people don't qualify.

Outside of the three Mormon kingdoms of heaven is said to be an outer darkness to which the sons of perdition will be sent, is this outer darkness similar to other accounts of hell or something else?

yes. however it must be understood that that is the second hell. After we die our spirits live on, much like we are now, but without the physicality of our bodies. We go to a place of waiting and learning- for those who have accepted the gospel it will be a place of rest and teaching others.

For those who have not accepted the gospel it will be a place of prison (we call it prison rather than hell mainly to differentiate it from outer darkness), and even for some a place of torment - and they'll stay in that condition until they accept the gospel taught from those who have already accepted it.

Eventually the final judgement will happen and everyone will be resurrected, never to physically die again, and then will be judged, even those who are in the spirit prison. If during all that time an individual has refused to accept Christ to any degree, then they cannot be brought to any of the kingdoms of God and must go elsewhere, the only place being outerdarkness.

It will be the sons of perdition that only go there for they'll choose to go completely against God even after knowing the truth, and even after going through torment.

As a practicing Mormon does America hold any spiritual or religious value?

We believe that God had a hand in many things in it's creation, and that leaders were inspired when the country was created which allowed for an unprecedented amount of freedom. It was the only place in the world that had the best conditions for God to restore many things that was lost to time, but most importantly to restore his Authority and to organize a system for it to be used in.

This freedom is worth fighting for and until we recieve a revelation to do otherwise, we will fight for.

Polygamy despite being opposed by the Mormon Church since 1890 is still practiced within some communities who still claim to be Mormon, despite the churches practice excommunicating those who have been found to practice it. What is your view of this issue?

I have no issue with polygamy properly and respectfully practiced. However it is easy for it to be abused a little more easily than monogamous marriage, which IMO is generally what happens with it in the world. So while the laws against it are likely unconstitutional, and were not made in justice they do serve a purpose. Edited by Blackmarch
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Hi im a religious studies uni student and have some questions about Morminism

1.What would you say is the most important quality for a person to poses to be?

Seen as good in God eyes?

2.What does the title elder signify within the Mormon religion?

3.How does a person become an elder within the Mormon religion?

4.Do you believe that it is possible for atheists to gain salvation provided that they have tried to live a good and moral life despite the fact they reject the existence of God?

5.Do you view the Mormon church as being a part of Christianity, or a separate and distinct religious faith?

6.Within my research I have come across the term the sons of perdition, to whom or what does this term refer?

7.Outside of the three Mormon kingdoms of heaven is said to be an outer darkness to which the sons of perdition will be sent, is this outer darkness similar to other accounts of hell or something else?

8.As a practicing Mormon does America hold any spiritual or religious value?

9.Polygamy despite being opposed by the Mormon Church since 1890 is still practiced within some communities who still claim to be Mormon, despite the churches practice excommunicating those who have been found to practice it. What is your view of this issue?

Good group of questions. Here we go.

1. Honesty. I also like the previous answer given ( charity ) but I couldn't very well pick it again ;)

2. The title of Elder is an office within the Melchezidek Priesthood. Males are traditionally ordained to the office at age 18 or 19.

3. Males in the church age 12 begin the first step of holding what we call the priesthood. In time, and according to the individual's worthiness, he is ordained to the office of Elder.

4. Yes. Salvation is understood somewhat differently in the LDS church than protestant religions. In the LDS faith we believe, as protestants do, that Salvation is a free gift to all mankind. However, we also believe that the term Exaltation refers to a yet higher state that we can attain, based upon our obedience to Christ and His teachings. This belief about exaltation is unique to the LDS church so far as I can tell. So to answer your question completely, You definitely will recieve Salvation, however to recieve Exaltation, you must accept Christ (and by connection, God) and obey his will.

5. I believe the LDS church is absolutely Christian. However we are unique in that we are a restorative Christian faith rather than a protestant Christian faith.

6. Sons of Perdition are those who reject the Salvation that is given them. We believe that very few people will ultimately become Sons of Perdition.

7. Yes, Outer Darkness will be the destination for the Sons of Perdition, and it is equivalent to the protestant idea of Hell. On what was necessary to become a Son of Perdition, Joseph Smith once said that 'A man must deny the existence of the noonday sun while it is shining upon his face.' To place it in religious terms, one must deny the existence of God while in God's very presence, or after having been in God's very presence.

8. Several prophecies of Joseph Smith have indicated that the land of the United States has been an important place in religious history, and that it yet will play an important role in the fulfillment of several events pertinent to the second coming of Christ. For my part, it is a very serious religious area due to the early church, and the events surrounding the founding of the religion as well as the events leading up to, and including the great migration to Salt Lake.

8. Polygamy, when commanded by God, is a righteous practice. When it is not commanded by God, it is forbidden. Consider this, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob all had more than one wife. Clearly God accepted the practice at that time. However in the NT, it is forbidden. Now in today's era, it's happened the same way. Joseph Smith was commanded to establish the practice, and Wilford Woodruff was commanded to bring it to an end.

As to how I feel about it being practiced today, I don't begrudge them the right to worship God as they please, however I do wish they would cease attempting to claim they are still part of the LDS church.

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Hi im a religious studies uni student and have some questions about Morminism

What would you say is the most important quality for a person to poses to be seen as good in God eyes?

Wise as serpents yet harmless as doves.

What does the title elder signify within the Mormon religion?

One who holds the Melchizedek priesthood, who has had it given by one who has a "line of authority" going back to Jesus Christ. Also the title used by a member of the quorum of the 70, or the 12.

How does a person become an elder within the Mormon religion?

The Stake President must approve, the Stake congregation must approve in open meeting.

Do you believe that it is possible for atheists to gain salvation provided that they have tried to live a good and moral life despite the fact they reject the existence of God?

Yes. But not if they reject Him forever (meaning in the next life/lives).

Do you view the Mormon church as being a part of Christianity, or a separate and distinct religious faith?

Definitely a part of Christianity, but not necessarily so.

Within my research I have come across the term the sons of perdition, to whom or what does this term refer?

If you have met God in the flesh, embraced Him and then later turn against Him & His works, then that's who this refers to. No one else.

Outside of the three Mormon kingdoms of heaven is said to be an outer darkness to which the sons of perdition will be sent, is this outer darkness similar to other accounts of hell or something else?

Something else.

As a practicing Mormon does America hold any spiritual or religious value?


Polygamy despite being opposed by the Mormon Church since 1890 is still practiced within some communities who still claim to be Mormon, despite the churches practice excommunicating those who have been found to practice it. What is your view of this issue?

It's complicated. All of my grandparents grew up in polygamist settlements in Mexico. I think only 2% or less of active Mormons could possibly live this lifestyle in righteousness. At a guess. Glad it's gone.


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What would you say is the most important quality for a person to poses to be?

Seen as good in God eyes?

Obedient to the commandments

What does the title elder signify within the Mormon religion?

I would say one called to Represent Jesus Christ, or one sent to in His name.

How does a person become an elder within the Mormon religion?

They are called buy the church. Set Part -- mean they have authority given to them to be an Elder

Do you believe that it is possible for atheists to gain salvation provided that they have tried to live a good and moral life despite the fact they reject the existence of God?

Salvation is depended on God's Laws and Requirements, not man's. What ever God requires for salvation is his choosing, and not for us to choose. The requirement for salvation is the same for all. God would not be just if He had different commandments or requirements for each person. If I want Salvation I have to follow the Law that gets me salvation. That is the same for all people. (But the requirements don't start until somebody is accountable)

Do you view the Mormon church as being a part of Christianity, or a separate and distinct religious faith?

I suggest you read the Book of Mormon that was use. (as well as the Bible, Doctrine and Covenants and Pearl of Great price)

The Book of Mormon |

Book of Mormon

If your definition of Christianity is those that believe in Christ for salvation then yes we are Christians.

Within my research I have come across the term the sons of perdition, to whom or what does this term refer?

Sons of Perdition are those that Accepted Christ, knew he existed, and rejected him.

Outside of the three Mormon kingdoms of heaven is said to be an outer darkness to which the sons of perdition will be sent, is this outer darkness similar to other accounts of hell or something else?

Here is a definition of Hell - Support Materials Chapter - Hell

As a practicing Mormon does America hold any spiritual or religious value?

Yes we have learned through the Book of Mormon and through Joseph Smith that God shaped America the way it did so God's Church could be restored back to the earth.

Polygamy despite being opposed by the Mormon Church since 1890 is still practiced within some communities who still claim to be Mormon, despite the churches practice excommunicating those who have been found to practice it. What is your view of this issue?

If you even look at what those Church's do and what the LDS or Mormon Church does you can see the difference. Yes they use the title of Mormon, but they are no where close to what the LDS church is. (I don't even know if they still use the book of Mormon).

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