At The Risk Of Being Beheaded.....


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This has probably already been discussed but....

Why are some of the ex-members so adament about convincing the others that Mormons are wrong? Some/MOst of the ex-members are peaceful and dont, but there are a few who every chance they get post that we're wrong, its not true, etc. Why come here if your convinced the church is not true? Not chastising I'm just curious! :sparklygrin:

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We are also concerned as moderators and we have been getting complaints. Please use the "report button" and let us know when you see something. The report button get's your complaint into the moderator control center and where all of the moderators can know what you find offensive.

"Please contact the LDS Talk staff immediately if you see any offensive behavior. "

Thank You for sharing your concerns. :)

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Not sure what you mean Scott. When has anyone been chased off before? Ones own behavior determines their ability to stay or not.

Just as a reminder here are the LDS Talk Rules :D

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Are you guys kidding me? I post at a lot of boards. Even moderate on a couple. You'd think a board with the handle of LDSTALK would have a huge amount of traffic. This one did a very very long time ago. But this thing is - generally speaking - about the slowest board I post on. With a handful of regulars who clearly do not want a busy board - except when things get to slow and it looks like the board may die. Then when things start hopping - like now - a thread like this pops up. It happens every time and has for years.

Save posting the rules of engagement..... all boards have them. Some more strict. And they thrive. Oh, and I have been chased off several times. I haven't even got around to bookmarking this site (again) yet as I suspect I won't be here long.

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This has probably already been discussed but....

Why are some of the ex-members so adament about convincing the others that Mormons are wrong? Some/MOst of the ex-members are peaceful and dont, but there are a few who every chance they get post that we're wrong, its not true, etc. Why come here if your convinced the church is not true? Not chastising I'm just curious! :sparklygrin:

Yeah, those darn anti-mormons are poop-heads. Let's run 'em off and create a little cyber-Zion. :rolleyes:

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Aw Jason you dont bother me any! I think you are very peaceful in discussions! I just get irritated by some of em that cant offer any good advice without tellin everyone the main problem is they're mormon and that the religion is wrong. I dont tell anyone they're wrong to believe what the believe!

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Are you guys kidding me? I post at a lot of boards. Even moderate on a couple. You'd think a board with the handle of LDSTALK would have a huge amount of traffic. This one did a very very long time ago. But this thing is - generally speaking - about the slowest board I post on.

Here's my humble opinion as a non-LDS poster here.

1. I really had not posted much on any boards before coming here. I came after a brief encounter with anti-LDS rhetoric in our local paper, mostly out of curiosity. Who are these people?

2. I've found a place with moderate to heavy traffic, with a variety of views (about 70% LDS is what I've heard). Ex's are here, the occasional Anti, and a few of us evangelicals.

3. There's at least one, and often two non-LDS moderators.

4. There's a lot said here about LDS that wouldn't fly on a board I own, if it were against speaking in tongues, for example, at a Pentecostaltalk site.

5. There's more traffic at's religion site, but a lot of it quickly degenerates into personality-bashing. So, if that's a draw for you, head on over. A fair # of agnostics park there.

6. There's far less forum traffic at The moderators there have created a lds-safe environment that's meant to uplift the faithful. It's not an unworthy effort, but the result is less "action."

7. So, IMHO, this site has struck a healthy balance. Thanks Heather & Mods.

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Aw Jason you dont bother me any! I think you are very peaceful in discussions! I just get irritated by some of em that cant offer any good advice without tellin everyone the main problem is they're mormon and that the religion is wrong. I dont tell anyone they're wrong to believe what the believe!


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Why come here if your convinced the church is not true?

I like to know that my self? Please don’t bug me for Pete sake I don’t what to be saved by your ideas.

Like in my conversion I went looking for it, none came to me and said “hay winnie I know this church is true”.

If you believe your right then fine but leave me out of it.

Asking questions and answering them is fine but don’t be belligerent or just waste our time only to come back and say “well I know different”

If that is the whole point all along don’t wash our time.

I spent a long time answering cmblueeyes question only to have him come back and say

“I have prayed, and I have come to the conclusion that the mormons are wrong. God as burned in my heart telling me to not go back to the church”

If I know his topic was a waste of my time I would not have replied.

Go head and disagree but don’t wrap your enquiries in the form of a question you have really no interest in really asking with a closed mind.

It is not fair to us that take the time to reply.

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Why come here if your convinced the church is not true?

I like to know that my self? Please don’t bug me for Pete sake I don’t what to me saved by your ideas.

Like in my conversion I went looking for it, none came to me and said “hay winnie I know this church is true”.

If you believe you right then fine but leave me out of it.

It's like when I was a boy and I teased my little sister. I did it because I knew I would always win. It's kinda fun. :)

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Jason you are a bad boy. Quit pickin on your sister and go to time out for 15 minutes!

When I grew up, it was a spanking, not time out. Are you going to, um, spank me? ;)

I mean really in cases like cmblueeyes. I took the time to answer.

I think "cmblueeyes" is a phony. A troll who faked membership to stir the waters. Don't sweat that poster.

Jason your right How childish is that?

Well, I like to think that I help people too. Some people I help stay LDS, others I help leave the church. Either way, it's all about being a servant of the masses.

It would be nice to know your being sucked in to waste your time. However, I guess we have to put up with the many for the sake of a few who are the real thing.

Yeah. What you said.

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2. I've found a place with moderate to heavy traffic, with a variety of views (about 70% LDS is what I've heard). Ex's are here, the occasional Anti, and a few of us evangelicals.

Trust me on this one. This site doesn't generate as much posting traffic in a year as a number of sites I go to do in a week. This includes some LDS (with many non-LDS posters). This also includes this very board that - when I first started coming here about 7-8 years ago - was one of those sites that generated a heavy amount of traffic.

Now if you are comfortable here.... no problem. But I am not a big fan of over moderation, of threads being moved to locations where even long time posters know nothing about, and that sort of thing. Heck, I don't bash this religion except in political issues (even defend it from time to time) and it happens to me. It happens and when it does it usually slows boards down. It's happened here in a big way and has even happened a bit a Beliefnet though they seemed eased up some over there. Heck and even Strawberry - who used to be one of the sweeters ones (still very nice mind you) has become hardened by the process.

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2. I've found a place with moderate to heavy traffic, with a variety of views (about 70% LDS is what I've heard). Ex's are here, the occasional Anti, and a few of us evangelicals.

Trust me on this one. This site doesn't generate as much posting traffic in a year as a number of sites I go to do in a week. This includes some LDS (with many non-LDS posters). This also includes this very board that - when I first started coming here about 7-8 years ago - was one of those sites that generated a heavy amount of traffic.

Now if you are comfortable here.... no problem. But I am not a big fan of over moderation, of threads being moved to locations where even long time posters know nothing about, and that sort of thing. Heck, I don't bash this religion except in political issues (even defend it from time to time) and it happens to me. It happens and when it does it usually slows boards down. It's happened here in a big way and has even happened a bit a Beliefnet though they seemed eased up some over there. Heck and even Strawberry - who used to be one of the sweeters ones (still very nice mind you) has become hardened by the process.


I am not hardened. :D

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This has probably already been discussed but....

Why are some of the ex-members so adament about convincing the others that Mormons are wrong? Some/MOst of the ex-members are peaceful and dont, but there are a few who every chance they get post that we're wrong, its not true, etc. Why come here if your convinced the church is not true? Not chastising I'm just curious! :sparklygrin:

There is the same commitment in exmormons to tell the TRUTH to their still mormon brethren, just as mormons have it to convince christians how apostate they are.

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Guest MrsS

There is the same commitment in exmormons to tell the TRUTH to their still mormon brethren, just as mormons have it to convince christians how apostate they are.

Mormons do not try to convince christians how apostate they are. You are using apostate in the wrong context here.

The ex's and the anti's do it because they get a thrill out of it, and because they are trying to convince themselves that they were right by leaving the Church and for hating the Church. Thus what they say and do is done in hate and fear.

Why did you ever get baptised Serg if you didn't believe? Were you just a child and doing what every one told you to? If you can not believe 100% of the Church, 100% of the time, then leave. Put your Standard Works in the closet and go hunting for what truth you can find.

So much of the time your posts here are belligerent ( look the word up if you need to, as a matter of fact put that link in your Favorites and refer to it often), combative, contentious, contrary, pugnacious, and quarrelsome.

You ask a question, state your opinion and then when others state their opinions you rudely argue with them, and/or call them a liar. You refuse to accept the references that are given, again stating that it is all lies. If you want posters to agree to all that you say ~ go to the anti sites and have a field day there.

This is an LDS site, have respect for the Prophets - ALL OF THEM - the ancient and the Latter-day Prophets. In case you have not noticed, we LDS, out of respect and veneration, refer to the Prophets, Seers, Revelators, Apostles, Quroum of the 12, Patriarch's, Stake Presidents, Bishops, Elders, etc. by their full names.

It is Joseph Smith, or Prophet Joseph Smith.

2. I've found a place with moderate to heavy traffic, with a variety of views (about 70% LDS is what I've heard). Ex's are here, the occasional Anti, and a few of us evangelicals.

Trust me on this one. This site doesn't generate as much posting traffic in a year as a number of sites I go to do in a week. This includes some LDS (with many non-LDS posters). This also includes this very board that - when I first started coming here about 7-8 years ago - was one of those sites that generated a heavy amount of traffic.

Now if you are comfortable here.... no problem. But I am not a big fan of over moderation, of threads being moved to locations where even long time posters know nothing about, and that sort of thing. Heck, I don't bash this religion except in political issues (even defend it from time to time) and it happens to me. It happens and when it does it usually slows boards down. It's happened here in a big way and has even happened a bit a Beliefnet though they seemed eased up some over there. Heck and even Strawberry - who used to be one of the sweeters ones (still very nice mind you) has become hardened by the process.

Oh Scott please, this board is not overly moderated! Nor is it all that strict. I rather think it has a good balance. They allow you to freely vent your anger and the disgust you feel about us posters. And that my dear man is what you have been doing since you came back to this forum. You have been so angry and bitter. Your posts are rather negative and on the cruel side. It you are that unhappy here, then leave.

Personally I enjoy this forum. I want to publicly thank Heather for having this forum, and I want to thank all of the Moderators for the hard work that they do. Too often it IS thankless.

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My thanks for posting the “Rules” again.

I have to say that I joined this board for good positive LDS discussion and frankly I find that although in general the thoughts are good the over riding theme is not proactive in the LDS domain but in the LDS defending the faith.

I am challenged to see the number of posts that are negative toward the LDS teachings, the number of times the LDS leadership both past and present are addressed in a less than kind or respectful manner, I find referring to the Prophet of the restoration as “Smith” as insulting, but that is just me.

I am disappointed at those who state they are “LDS” and then by their actions are only here to attack the Church and its members and yes it’s still an attack no matter how subtle the comment tries to be. Frankly there is false representation all too much.

It has been remarked that there is limitations placed on discussions and that is limiting the free flow of comment and hence the number of participants, frankly I think there are a lot of LDS who would love a place to get right into good gospel discussions designed to enlighten, build up and strengthen but we know that most of the posts are ruled by the antagonists who for a range of reasons are not looking to build up but to break down.

In this thread alone we see some pointers, Serg, who lists himself as LDS but over recent days has started to come out and tell us how much he is opposed to the Church makes this comment

“There is the same commitment in exmormons to tell the TRUTH to their still mormon brethren, just as mormons have it to convince christians how apostate they are.”

Do you regard yourself as an exmormon here to tell the TRUTH to the LDS here? And what is the truth you speak of? Your mindset for things you either choose to object to or don’t understand or cannot exercise faith in? I would be interested to know if there are teachings in the Church you do have a testimony of?

As for Jason, well I actually respect you for your honesty, knowledge and character and that you admit to being here to have fun, I just think it an incredible shame that you cannot put all that you have and all that you are to better use.

I can see that “sqallan” is known better by long term members than I but I just do not comprehend why he would make 1235 posts in a group he has no interest in if not as some form of sport or cyber debating society and absolutely no interest in the objectives of the board.

We have mentioned others who come in, start a thread, post six times stating honest challenges and a desire for help only to demonstrate later a clear pre-mind set that is darn near Anti! And good caring people waste time trying to help, the rest of us waste time reading and we find the number of posts is down!

In the main I find the comments here are pretty good, too much them and us (who ever us may be) and the people good and considerate with a desire to learn.

If any one takes offence at what I have said I regret it but seeing the discussion was rolling I thought I had to put in. As in all matters I relate my comments from my own perception and as a mere mortal greatly subject to error.

Have a great Sabbath


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QUOTE(MrsS @ Jul 1 2006, 01:29 AM) *

Personally I enjoy this forum. I want to publicly thank Heather for having this forum, and I want to thank all of the Moderators for the hard work that they do. Too often it IS thankless.

I'd like to add my thanks to this comment and for all the efforts Heather and the Mods put in, I once helped friends by looking after a board while they went on vacation, so much work!

I have to once more demonstrate my ignorance, there are a number of things I don't know how to do, for example:

How does PM's work?

How do I gain access to the secure fourm?

Where and how do I find answers to other questions I may have from time to time like these?

Thanks for your help


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