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What limitations are placed on Satan? Can he put thoughts into our minds? Can he perceive our thoughts?

Lawrence R. Peterson, Jr., high councilor, Salt Lake Brighton Stake. One of the most impressive doctrines found in the Book of Mormon is that Satan’s power over a person increases as that person becomes more wicked, until eventually the person is “taken captive by the devil” and bound with the “chains of hell.” (Alma 12:11.) Satan’s method is to influence the thoughts of men, tempting them and enticing them, always working “in the hearts of the children of men.” (2 Ne. 28:20.) Nephi chillingly describes the method: “He whispereth in their ears, until he grasps them with his awful chains, from whence there is no deliverance.” (2 Ne. 28:22.)

But Satan’s power is not unrestrained. Joseph Smith taught that Satan has no power over us unless we give it to him. (See Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, sel. Joseph Fielding Smith, Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1938, p. 181.) And Nephi explained that the righteousness of a people deprives Satan of his power, “for he hath no power over the hearts of the people, for they dwell in righteousness.” (1 Ne. 22:26.)

From July 1984 Ensign

I Have a Question - Ensign Sept. 1995

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  • 1 month later...

You may be looking for D&C 6:16; Yea, I tell thee, that thou mayest know that there is none else save God that knowest thy thoughts and the intents of thy heart."

I strongly believe that the adversary can influence our thoughts, as I've experienced it for myself. Although, I am looking for scriptures that would back this up.

Hope you're able to find what you're looking for :-)

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Actually, just to continue this line of speculation...what I am worried about is "being deceived". Church leaders discuss the problem of being deceived if one is too persistent in one's prayers so...I am frequestly petitioning the Lord and I worry about negative consequences.

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Hello, Sunday 21

Sorry it has taken me so long to answer. I didn't realize you had answered my original post......

To answer your first question, I was actually cautioned in a priesthood blessing some years ago to be careful about saying my personal prayers out loud. That the adversary/his followers could hear them and find more ways to tempt me.

I was told another spooky thing in another blessing. I was told that I had friends in the preexistence that turned away from the Savior and joined the adversary's forces. I was told that these "friends" were now the evil spirits sent specifically to tempt me because they knew me and my weaknesses so well.

To answer your second question about being deceived as a result of being too persistent in one's prayers; at times, be careful what you pray for. Don't get me wrong though about how often one should pray~The scriptures command us to always have a prayer in our hearts. It sounds like you are always "petitioning the Lord" about various things. It would be one thing to keep praying over the same thing you had already received an answer for and didn't want to hear........Perhaps then you would be opening yourself up to being deceived. But, to "frequently petition" the Lord in prayer is what we are counseled to do. Just accept whatever answer he gives you.

I, myself, have been deceived by the adversary. I'm not sure why; but, I have been.......

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Thank you sooo much. I truly appreciate your kindness in responding. I have felt so alone. I have also been deceived by the adversary. I did ..finally..find out why. The Lord knew that I would really have to rely on his promptings in a very difficult time and wanted me to sort out what was him and what was not. Bless you for your help.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey Sunday21;

How are you? I hope you are doing well. So sorry you have been feeling alone. I again didn't realize you had responded to my post. I just found it today....

I would like to be friends. I hope things are okay for you. Hope to hear from you soon

Take Care


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  • 7 months later...

You may be looking for D&C 6:16; Yea, I tell thee, that thou mayest know that there is none else save God that knowest thy thoughts and the intents of thy heart."

I strongly believe that the adversary can influence our thoughts, as I've experienced it for myself. Although, I am looking for scriptures that would back this up.

Mormon describes Satan as "putting" wicked ideas into the hearts of Gadianton and of those who built the tower of Babel (Helaman 6:28-29) I know that this does not speak of thoughts, but the idea of putting them into a heart is clearly metaphorical, since the heart does not think or even "feel," technically. So I understand this to be akin to influencing one's thoughts. Those ideas were Satan's, not the individuals he tempted. So while he does not know the intents of our hearts, or our thoughts, he certainly has power to act upon us in various ways, within the bounds God has set.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mormon describes Satan as "putting" wicked ideas into the hearts of Gadianton and of those who built the tower of Babel (Helaman 6:28-29) I know that this does not speak of thoughts, but the idea of putting them into a heart is clearly metaphorical, since the heart does not think or even "feel," technically. So I understand this to be akin to influencing one's thoughts. Those ideas were Satan's, not the individuals he tempted. So while he does not know the intents of our hearts, or our thoughts, he certainly has power to act upon us in various ways, within the bounds God has set.

Hello, Sightbyfaith;

Thanks for the reference. I apologize for taking so lot to respond. I just found your response today and so am posting this......

I definitely believe the adversary does influence my thought and, if I'm not careful, my spiritual well-being...

I'm so grateful for the scriptures and for prayer. There is nothing like the power of God intervening on my behalf to comfort and shield me from the "fiery darts" of the adversary....



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  • 3 years later...

Do you think that Satan can put thoughts in your head? Has anyone read anything about this?

Joseph Smith said that Satan must be multi-lingual because he tempted Christ (in Aramaic), Moses (in Egyptian or Hebrew), and that he had tempted him, Joseph, so he spoke English, too.

I certainly hope Satan can put thoughts into my mind, because, if my temptations and other evil thoughts do not come from him, they must come from me, and I'm not that guy (or hope not).


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