Hearing his voice, not Him but him.


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The other day I had a very weird experience, well as about as weird as it's ever gotten for me. Having woken up after a night of continual tossing and turning, I turned on to my side and heard a voice. Now it took me a moment or two to even realise that I'd even heard something..and then a further minute to realise what had actually been said.

It was a low, deep and what I can only describe as nasty voice. Initially I think I was in denial about what was truly said to me, but I realise now, that I heard this voice speak:

"I'm going to hurt you."

Now in turn, I'm curious - would hearing a voice such as this, confirm me to know that the ideas/focus or intentions within my life were so good - that I was being challenged?

I'm not attempting to place significance upon myself - but gain a further insight :)

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Guest LiterateParakeet

Voices can come from so many places...

...an actual person

...the Holy Ghost

...Satan??? perhaps, I am not sure

...mental illness (not saying this is the case for you, but mentioning it for clarification purposes)

....people with schizophrenia hear voices from outside of them, perhaps from the microwave, or the a book on the table

....people with dissociation can hear voices inside their heads

All that said, if I had your experience I would have assumed it was an actual person and it would have scared the beejeebees out of me. My husband once had an experience that he felt was from Satan, but it was visual not auditory.

This is my long way of saying...I don't know. ;)

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I remember shortly after I turned 9, I started hearing my name. It was always when I was by myself, it was always just once happened about once a month to once every other month. It stopped when we moved to Louisiana (from Colorado) when I went into a small depression. It wasn't a scary voice, it wasn't a deep voice, it wasn't any voice I recognized. At that age I thought it was just my imagination.

Then about a year ago, I heard a little child crying calling "mommy" in the middle of the night that woke me up. I went to the living room where the voice seemed to be coming from and didn't see anything. I checked on my daughter (then she was 10 years old) and she was still asleep. So again I thought it was my imagination and went back to bed.

In both of our situations... it could be our imaginations, or could actually been a spirit (either from God or from Satan, I don't know) calling to us.

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GB-UK - I did initially think that, however I was wide awake, I just happened to be thinking about things that had been going on the previous day.

KrazyKay - sounds interesting. Though, I would hope that Heavenly Father wouldn't be sending such a message to me! I did inititally think the voice had said "I won't hurt you" - but at the same time - if that was the case, it wouldn't have been said in a threatening manner....Who knows, eh?! :)

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GB-UK - I did initially think that, however I was wide awake, I just happened to be thinking about things that had been going on the previous day.

KrazyKay - sounds interesting. Though, I would hope that Heavenly Father wouldn't be sending such a message to me! I did inititally think the voice had said "I won't hurt you" - but at the same time - if that was the case, it wouldn't have been said in a threatening manner....Who knows, eh?! :)

Only you will be able to really know the significance of such a message. Keep in mind, though, all the possibilities that have been mentioned. Let me tell you though, the wake circuits of the brain are separate from the sleep circuitry. This is what makes it possible to be both awake and asleep at the same time. The brain can perceive it as being awake when the sleep circuits are still going after you wake up. That, in fact, is what sleep walking and sleep talking, sleep eating, etc. are, parasomnias. If you were 'tossing and turning' all night, then you were sleep deprived. The sleep circuits have a higher chance of continuing after waking when a person is sleep deprived. We carry with us the sleep debt of a couple weeks too. Of course, I couldn't interpret it just by that description alone but just saying like others have, there are other possibilities.

The other thing to think about is that Satan and his forces want to pull you away from truth all the time. That message has never changed and probably never will your whole life. So, if that message is from some evil force, it is not a new one and so shouldn't be shocking in any way. Just put on the armor of God and you can't be "hurt".

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SeminarySnoozer - Thank you.

I do take on all of the points you've made as another close friend of mine did indeed say the very same thing. I will only say in response that, I had (if anything) been sleeping too much for the previous days and weeks leading up to it.

Oh I'm not alarmed - if anything it's done anything but - it's actually proven to me that what I'm attempting to do..or where my minds focus is at must be a good thing. Either way, he's not done a good job of disheartening me - I've grown in strength :)

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I don't know if you actually heard a voice or not, and if you did, whose it was.

I will say this, though. Satan is known as the Father of Lies. Maybe he's unable to hurt you directly, so he's trying to frighten you. And when people are frightened, they do stupid things. Don't let him psych you out. Have confidence that God is watching over you, too. ;)



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You were probably experiencing a hallucination, but not because you are schizophrenic. When humans are drifting off to sleep and right before they wake up they enter what is called the Hypnagogic state - a level of consciousness which is between full wakefulness and dream. Someone who is in this state can hear voices, see things, feel the presence of others and even experience tactile sensations (like a crushing weight bearing down on you). I can say this with authority because this often happens to me when I am drifting off to sleep at night and it can be disturbing even if you know what's going on. The trick is to remember that it isn't any more real than a dream and that it can be easily remedied by simply attempting to move a finger or toe, which will cause you to fully awaken.

Edited by Origen
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Thank you both for your posts :) I appreciate it.

Origen - I read what you said and it's true. I know a lot of people who go through that quite often, but the voice..well it made sense to what's currently taking place in my life, if that makes sense?

HEthePrimate - Thanks :) I'm focusing on that - though it feels even if he can't hurt me, he can use those around me to do just that. And if it was him..well let's say he's pulling all the strings out at the moment - two people who affect or influence me the most have...turned - their manner and their attitude has changed. Let's just hope it's all coincidence :/

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Wow, Lollypop, what an experience!

I've not often had experiences like the one you're describing. It's been just a couple of times in my life that I've actually heard (auditory) things from the spirit world. Once when I was very young, and it was from a righteous spirit, and once when I was older, that one was definitely evil. It was horrific.. Another time I felt the adversary so strong, when I was ill and weakened by the illness. I knew I was feeling something evil.

I like a lot of what has been written already. I guess what I'm trying to say is that you probably know in your heart what that voice was. It does sound like something an evil spirit would say. I've heard in my head along the same lines myself at various times in my life or got the feeling that someone wanted to hurt me. Trust your instincts and, as was so succinctly said a couple of threads ago, don't let this frighten you but trust in the Spirit. The spirit realm is so real. It took me a long time to figure out that my knowledge of that realm was like a rock skiffing the surface of a very deep body of water, i.e., my knowledge of it was very limited. So, just be careful and always seek the promptings of the Holy Ghost in your life and try to stay far, far away from the evil side of the spiritual realm....


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You were probably experiencing a hallucination, but not because you are schizophrenic. When humans are drifting off to sleep and right before they wake up they enter what is called the Hypnagogic state - a level of consciousness which is between full wakefulness and dream. Someone who is in this state can hear voices, see things, feel the presence of others and even experience tactile sensations (like a crushing weight bearing down on you). I can say this with authority because this often happens to me when I am drifting off to sleep at night and it can be disturbing even if you know what's going on. The trick is to remember that it isn't any more real than a dream and that it can be easily remedied by simply attempting to move a finger or toe, which will cause you to fully awaken.

I've noticed these things recently as I've been prescribed adderall for my ADD. Haven't gotten much sleep for the past few days only a few hours a night and have started really experiencing some weird and scary stuff.

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Once I had a dream, only I didn't think it was a dream for a long time later.

I for sure was sitting up in my bed, at the end of my bed was a man, I can still picture him, he was slowly reaching for me.

The reason I didn't think it was a dream is because I was awake (so I thought) I really was sitting up, not just dreaming that part, I really did jump up and run to my parents.

I, now, am pretty sure that i was just in between awake and asleep. My eyes were really open and I really sat up, I think my brain put the rest together.

I am saying this because it's possible you felt awake and you were really alert, but still asleep. I could be very wrong, but that is my first thought.

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My first thought is to talk to Heavenly Father about it.

If Heavenly Father can affect my dreams then so can Satan. In fact, yesterday I felt impressed in my prayers to pray for my family to be protected as we sleep and that are dreams will be normal.

And, I agree with HethePrimate. Don't let fear overcome you. Fear is the opposite of faith.

Satan and his followers are working hard to hurt us. But if you are spiritually prepared, ye shall not fear.


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I've been having weird hallucinations over the last few years on waking up. I have also been under a lot of stress too. I wake up seeing something in the room and screaming, and last night I woke up to see a hand coming through the wall.:eek: I know they are the waking up hallucinations as they fade. I attribute it to stress and night terrors.

But I do remember when I was about five (I wasn't LDS then) being wide awake and seeing at the end of my bed four 'Priests' from different religion denominations pointing at me. I remember it clear as day. I ran and called my mum, I was so scared.

The difference between the hallucinations and that experience is that the hallucinations gradually fade, the men didn't.

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I've experienced similar problems. I've grown up having terrible nightmares and night terrors since I was a kid. They have only escalated to paranoia and hallucinations ever since I spent a year of my life in a completely altered state from drug abuse. I frequently wake in the middle of the night and see a man who looks incredibly similar to the Japanese death god standing over me with his dagger held between his teeth. Gosh, its scary but nothing ever happens and I'm certainly happy about that. My only problem is that I have such a hard time telling when I'm sensing communications from the spirit world because of the obscurities of reality.

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Unfortunately I don't have a priesthood holder in my house, so it's not something I can call upon at a moments notice.

I've noticed over the past couple of weeks that the stress from work has been pushing me further and further into a heightened state of paranoia.

This wasn't something that was...a problem at the time. And, I apologise for not replying sooner - I wasn't getting any notifications!! From the experiences I've had since hearing that voice...I've really been pushed. The voice I heard...spoke in connection to something I was praying about. And you know what, I've had a proper trial since that day....especially where it concerns the issue.

But I'm not going to let it pull me down...I'm sticking to what I know to be true and I will push for the good to come forth. It's so hard - but I know the results will be worth it. Fingers Crossed.

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I was sound asleep one night and was awakened by my son say Mom..mom...mom. Mothers out there know that 'mom' It will jolt you out of bed in a moment. This is where it gets weird, my son is 1600 miles away, working in an auto factory, and he was on his way home when he got into an automobile accident at about the same time the 'mom' woke me up. I found this out because I called him after being woke up from a sound sleep with the mom..mom..mom. His voice was as clear as it was when he was a kid standing next to my bed, it was right there in the room with me, clear and recognizable.

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Wow that is amazing! A positive reinforcement of spiritual connection. My Mum had a weird experience...in London as many of you know we have the London Underground, she was standing on the platform - waiting for the tube to pull in and heard a voice telling her to Jump. She got really frightened as the voice and thought pushed her to do it, and ended up pushing herself back against the walls of the platform. She stood there until she felt better....

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