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My name is John. I was asked by a friend at work to join this site. She is a very faithful Mormon. She is concern for my well being after I told her my wife and I are Satanist. Her face immediately went into a surprise and disappointed expression. She asked why would the both of us be Satanist? How is that possible? I replied that I joined when I became an adult and that is where I met my wife. My wife and I just see it as the normal compare to religion. Currently my wife and I are expecting our first time being parents. Twins boy and girl. I know my friend is worried now about me telling her what I believe but I want to concern her that I can be a good person even though we believe in different things. She mentioned you guys would be able to save me from my Satanism. I do not see it as bad. Yes, I would say I'm not perfect and am very prideful but I'm a good person deep down inside.

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I'm a LaVey Satanist.

Interesting... Could you switch your choice of religious affiliation in your profile? It shows you as Mormon / LDS / Christian. We like having people of other beliefs (or lack there of) around here. But the wrong profile info can cause confusion in the minds of many people you might interact with.

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I'm a LaVey Satanist.

Interesting, and not at all what I expected. LaVeyites are few and far between now.

The guy was charismatic, for sure. His well-publicized friendships with people like Sammy Davis, Jr. and his televised appearances in red satin, horns and holding a pitchfork caused a lot of consternation.

Usually, there are a few reasons someone is a LaVeyite. I'm curious as to where you fall:

1) True believer.

2) Someone angry at the establishment, using grotesquerie and occultism as a means to express that anger.

3) People hungry for ritual, using the Will to Power ideal as a powerful motivational force.

Which would you say you are?

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Well, how I should I explain my views? I see myself as my own God. It is not about being angry or anything else. I have a strong case of pride that I feel LeVay Satanism can help me connect with other like minded individuals. I can say I'm an average person. There is no way I will make of Christians or any other individuals or groups. Though I do know people who hate religion with all their might. Everyone is different in the world.

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Well there are people who worship Satan, personally I do not worship Satan. I use Satan as a metaphor.

A metaphor for what?

Sorry for the misinterpretation. I understood "Satanist" to mean "one who worships Satan" or "one who follows the teachings of Satan". What do you mean when you say you are a "Satanist"?

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A metaphor for what?

Sorry for the misinterpretation. I understood "Satanist" to mean "one who worships Satan" or "one who follows the teachings of Satan". What do you mean when you say you are a "Satanist"?

LaVeyan Satanism does not involve the literal worship of any being other than the self, but rather uses "Satan" as a symbol of carnality and earthly values, of man's inherent nature, and of a cosmos which Satanists perceive to be permeated and motivated by a force that has been given many names by man over the course of time.

This is what I'm referring to. Should learn how to explain my beliefs better to others.

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This is what I'm referring to. Should learn how to explain my beliefs better to others.

The problem lies not in basic ideas(Though adoring and revering yourself is a tricky thing at the best of times), but rather in the ways in which he expressed his beliefs. Using Aleister Crowley, Ayn Rand and Nietzsche as the three corners of his major influences, LaVey at once filled his life with the trappings of ritual while disdaining those very things. He lived a life very much like Crowley, though obviously died in better circumstances.

I'm going to be honest: The idea that a friend of yours said they fear for your immortal soul, so they sent you to a random LDS website is unlikely. It's possible you are a LaVeyan, however. The man was charismatic and does have several followers. If that is the case, then you're more than welcome. As a new father, you might be seeing past the haze of will-to-power and self-interest that LaVey preached. You might be sensing that there is more to life than merely the imposition of your will upon the things of this world. If that's the case, then I can promise you that there is.

If you have started to sense at the back of your mind that there is room for selflessness and love, and his oft-repeated mantra of 'Death to the weakling, wealth to the strong!' is not the life that was meant for you... You're just learning what it is to be a good father. Most parents, when they feel that fragile, perfect life in their hands sense there is more to this. If you're starting to feel that prickling that suggests you don't want your child to grow up in the world LaVey preached, we're happy you're here. :)

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