Inactive for 13+ years & am curious about comming back..


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Hi all......

I've recently viewed some YouTube videos of my favorite hymns, and for the last 3 days I have had nothing on my mind but the church.... I feel comfortable in writing this... I just dont know where to start... I would like to see about becomming active again... although I am a lil scared... (LONG & troublesome history about me and the church). Anyways, I have NO idea who to talk to or where to go... I really dont need to see missionaries....

I'd appreciate any advice you all may have..

thanks, Brenda^_^

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I returned after being inactive for about ten years (give or take) and effectively I just walked in through the doors (I will admit I did have my family with me) - some of the people I knew but a lot I didn't and I was made to feel very welcome.

My bishop at the time came up to greet me. The hardest bit, as with everything, was just walking through the doors, but it was well worth it and I haven't regretted it once.

Hope that helps somewhat.

Edited by lizrenowden
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Here is a tool you can use to find where your church is and what time they meet.

LDS Maps

Remember that the LORD came to save us from our sins. Often the hardest part is beginning the journey back to Him. You will find He is waiting with open arms to embrace you.

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I had been active for 3 years. (I know that's a lot less then 13.. but the same principle applies).

I just kept getting this feeling that I really needed to go back to church. I was also very scared and nervous about going back. Especially since I no longer live in my hometown so I'd be going to a ward where I knew NOBODY.

My dad ended up coming down and finding the ward closest to my home and going to church for the first time there with me. My new ward is wonderful and I've had my records sent there and the other members are great. It feels wonderful to have the gospel back in my life and I'm so happy I found the courage to go back.

The only downside is feeling the pain of being married to a non member and wondering if they'll ever join...

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I've been inactive for 3 years (like zuko725 said, it's not 13, but I understand a little) and I came on here as well before I attended my ward. The advice I got here was effectively to just go and act like I've always gone! It's really gone well for two weeks in a row. I was terribly nervous the first Sunday, but it was lovely.

However, besides simply getting there, I would also suggest a couple other things. First, I scheduled an appointment with the Bishop to tell him a little about my history. This way, I've made myself known to the Bishop and he knows my history of inactivity, just in case I begin to slip away. I would suggest that you do the same as well. Bishops are called by revelation, so his counsel to you can be inspired. Which leads to my next piece of advice: fasting before you go to Church. I am going to fast before my appointment with the Bishop (it's this Sunday). My fast will be for the courage to actually go to the appointment (!) and also that my Bishop might have the Spirit with him to give me the guidance I need.

Next, I cannot stress this enough, do the "ABCs" of LDS activity. This has helped me a lot. I go to all my meetings and also try to attend any extra ward activities. In making an effort to become known in my ward, I will build a support system that will keep me on the straight and narrow.

Last, read your scriptures and pray daily. Of all the things, this one is probably what has made the biggest difference. I am rebuilding my relationship with Christ and nothing draws me closer to Him than reading the scriptures and praying. At times I don't feel anything, but I know that obedience sometimes precedes spiritual experiences.

I hope that helps! I immediately related to your story since I listened to YouTube videos of hymns before signing onto this site as well! I would recommend BYU's "Come Thou Font" www DOT youtube DOT com/watch?v=mUhU0HgTq94

Edited by RVaSydney
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Hi Brenda,

I just came back to church last July, at first I was afraid, hesitant and all stupor of thoughts came to my mind.

I just prayed and with FULL CONVICTION, i attended church and NEVER did I REGRET coming back.

And I am STAYING for GOOD.

I found out that all I need to do is GO back and draw near to HIM because he has been WAITING for me all this 10 years I ran away from HIM.

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