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I've read a book or two in my time. I recently talked to two high school students that admitted to me that they have NEVER read a book from cover to cover! Truly hard to believe. How is that possible?

Dr. T

How very sad! They have no idea what they are missing. How is it possible to get through high school without reading? I realize that not everyone is cut out for academics, but even a ditch digger can reep personal and professional benefits from reading. I fear that parents are too strong a role model in many cases. If the parents don't read, the child will not either.

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To be honest I had never read a book cover to cover till I got out of high school. I had ADD and ADHD. For some reason when I got active in church and wanted to serve a mission, everything was ignited by my brother telling me to try and read one of the Work and the Glory. I had discovered a new world. Within my year to prepare for my mission I went crazy with books. I read, The whole work and glory, BOM 2X, D&C, PofGP. All the doctrines of salvation, miracle of forgiveness. All the missionary books (marvelous work, Jesus the Christ, etc.). Since then, 7 years ago im a reading freak. Pretty much have read all series fictional and non except the history of the church. I wish my mind would of let me read when I was a child.

I've read the BOM 11X and the BiBle cover to cover. It just has to click with some kids, but when it does holy smokes life gets interesting.

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I fear that parents are too strong a role model in many cases. If the parents don't read, the child will not either.

Agreed :)

I bring stacks of books home for the library and my children jump all over them. They treat them like Chistmas presents.

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I didn't know there was a sequel to little women!! You have deffinately made my day! though... it will have to be added to the already long list, so we'll jut have to see when I get around to it :unsure:

oh! and I'm reading Wuthering Heights, and so far it's awesome!

and! I just have to mention I'm stoked for The Golden Compass to come out !! :wow:

Anything by Anita Stansfield or Rachel Ann Nunes is going to be good. I love their novels.

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I was talking to my sister in law last night and we were talking about books. She told me she read the last chapter of a book she was reading and it made me want to ask you all, have you ever done that and if so do you do it often? Dr. T

Do you mean before you even start to read from the beginning? No I don't, because I don't want to ruin the story for myself

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I NEVER look ahead in a book I am reading, but I know several people who do. Some will just scan ahead to see if a certain character's name comes up more (to make sure she doesn't die or to find out if she is integral to the plot or incidental). Others read the whole ending just to know where the story is going or to decide if they want to read the rest or not.

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Here's a good one I bought for my wife's birthday. It's called From Baghdad, With Love; about a group of Marines who found a puppy while sweeping Fallujah for insurgents. It's a great story of how these big hard Marines adopted this puppy, babied and cared for it, then started a fight with the government to let it be sent to the US. Some good pictures in there, too.

My wife loved the book, and you might enjoy it as well.

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Guest Ntando Muthwa

I recently read the books ''when your prayers seem unanswered'' and "Believing Christ", these I must testify are very good books. I have trouble though in finding good LDS books, except specified manuals we use on Sunadys, since I live in South Africa. But the little books I get I make sure I read and I have enjoyed all of them.

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Currently, I am reading "Between a Rock and a Hard Place" by Aron Ralston. It is an aggrevating read because the guy took too many chances in his life... he ends up getting pinned underneath a boulder and has to cut off his arm to survive. The book has kinda angered me, but it still has been a pretty good read if you like survival type biographies.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am an avid reader, probably almost obsessed! Ive already read 7 books this year. I would highly highly recommend 'The tea Rose' by jennifer donnely. It is probably one of the best books I have ever read I didnt want it to end. There is a sequel too called the winter rose which is just as good. Please read them!!! :)

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some of my favorite LDS fiction books r the work and the glory, so good...and im big on the history of the world wars so the books children of the promise and hearts of the children are really good...the children of the promise books are in my opinion alot better then the second one but that is still good too.

Millennial Glory series is some really good books. They is written by Wendie L Edwards

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Our Book Group read Alice in Wonderland for March (had that meeting last week - it was great! The hostess had a tea party set up for us with homemade cherry tarts and little bottles of KoolAid that said "drink me").

For April we are supposed to read Fire of the Covenant, which isn't really my kind of book, but I'll see if I can borrow it from someone. I'm not going to buy it and I already checked the library here - no dice.

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  • 11 months later...

Basically, I just wrote a long post about tons of my faves, and lost it. So I'll just list them. I work at Deseret Book, so I am exposed to a lot.

Kate's Turn series--girl goes back to pioneer times. Really entertaining.

Tennis Shoes Among the Nephites--introduce your kids to these! It brought the scripture characters to life for me.

Betsy Brannon Green--great LDS mystery

Traci Hunter Abramson--series about a girl in the Witness Protection Program trying to get an Olympic Gold medal and married to a MLB player, yet trying to stay away from the mafia.

Sariah Wilson--love stories in BoM times

Rachel Nunes--great writing

Josi Kilpack--real to life stories. "Sheep's Clothing" is a great one for teenage girls giving out too much info on the net.

Women of Genesis--made me want to read Genesis to find out more about these women!

Peacegiver--Faith and teachings, but INCREDIBLE. It's a mustread for anyone.

Romancing the Nephites

The Secret Journal of Brett Colton--my all time fave of fiction. In the teen section, but definitely applies to anyone of any age. I love and recognize Jesus Christ as my older brother so much more now, even tho the book doesn't necessarily mention it.

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  • 1 year later...

Hi, yes please, tell me about LDS fiction and any books that have appealed to you. I've kind of hit this reading slump (and sadly i haven't been back into reading all that long). i loved little women, and My Sister's Keeper. I just started Emma, but it's slow going - i like it, it's just not grabbing me the way the 2 previous books did. Our book club is about to start Shadow Of The Wind, which i haven't started yet. sorry it's taken me so long to reply, i have 2 small children who demand lots and lots of attention :wacko::sparklygrin:

I don't usually read a whole lot of fiction but I read one a couple years ago that I liked. It was by a BYU professor and it was called Lifted Up. It is a short read with a powerful ending, but it was really good. I have recommended it several times and have had no complaints yet.

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