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Everything posted by Nate

  1. So i'm excited about the new great and terrible that has come out. I haven't finished it yet but it has prompted me about where its plot is going with the twin boys. I could be completely wrong but I think that the brothers are going to be the two prophets in the 11the chapter of Revelations. Even if its wrong (my theory) its an interesting thought that the two prophets would be brothers of even twins at that. Lineage has always seemed to be a big play with priesthood callings of prophets and it just opens up some thoughts. Anyone have the same thoughts or something to add?
  2. From what I understand just as there was an angle to guard the Garden of Eden there are "guardian angles" that protect the temple from the spirits that are forbidin to enter. Dont ask me to reference cause I dont know( doest that just chap your glutious maximus ).
  3. When the feces hits the fan and communities have to live and rely more on their communities to sustain life i.e. food storage, crops, security, will excommunication be more severe? Maybe like now you cant have the crops or something to that degree?
  4. Pretty much anything from U2 perks me up.
  5. And if your wife were to die at a young age and you were to remarry and reseal to another? Should the question be more for polygamy for THIS life or eternities? What I mean is if you have someone in your ward who has a sealing to more than one spouse living or dead is that not polygamy in a sense?
  6. I watch it online on I am at work when its on so I just catch up on it. That tripped me out when 5 years into the future Nathan was really Sylar. He finally got to Claire so he is invincible. Hiro needs to make sushi out of Sylar before the bomb.
  7. I stick people with needles and put tubes/cathaders in places that people dont appreciate.
  8. Nate you pay taxes????? When your are serving over seas???? Holy cow hockey my husband got (retired now) his regular pay no taxes pluse danger pay and separation allowance to help with child care cost for the spouse. Our heath care still is paid for as well. A Canadian soldier third rank up from a privet (Canada has few ranks) as a master corporal makes $1800 clear after taxes once our rent of $450 was taken off. It close to doubles that with out taxes then you add on the danger pay and separation allowance. As far as right equipment that just makes me sick, when I helped gather all my husbands kit together when he retired, there were three kinds of flack jackets and body armor. Ten pars of boots from jungle boots to desert boots and every thing in-between. We loaded up the trunk and the car and he still came home with a trunk full. He had six different helmets for heaven sake. Any thing that his body touched like uniforms boots towels t-shirt etc. came home. It all had to be accounted for. Some he is saving for his grandson, he planes on giving them his army boots, and most of them saw little use. The rest will find its way on e-bay. I think it is a crime that men like you should go in to a fight with out all the best equipment. How can the government pound their chest and say we are the best when they treat the best their country can provide with second rate equipment. I’m going to shut up know before I start government bashing. I am in garission and am not overseas right now. So no extras for us. But I still feel bad for the ones that are over seas.
  9. For how much is being put into this conflict it sure would be nice to see a bigger raise for us soldiers. After filing my taxes I only made in the high 20's. I'm a Noncommissioned Officer with a family. That doesn't include housing and the free medical which is a perk beyond measure. Not to seem negitive cause I still serve and did not join cause of the tons of cash the military provides. In a better note I deal with budget cuts every day and fight tooth and nail to get the right equipment I need to do my job effectively. The Army is trying to be smart and its better now then the beginning. At first soldiers didn't even have the right body armer if they even had any. Now soldiers are pretty well equipted and have better protection then they have ever had. Most in garrison jobs are being replaced with civilians so the more soldiers are in the field and ready to fight. Its saving the Army lots of money. I don't know how the other armed forces do it though.
  10. How do you think these prophets will be raised. There has never been a significant prophet foretold in the scriptures that is some sort of resurrected being from the past. It seems there is a differ prophet per assignment/event. I just dont buy that they are from a previous generation. So are they in our mist today. How do you think they will be prepared. Will there parents know of there mission and be instructed so that they are raised correctly? Are they in your decons quorm? Just interesting thoughts to think. It seems that there will be many significant roles to be filled when the fecal matter hits the osculating wind producer. Just look at our youth, what roles will they play. What burdens will they be asked to carry?
  11. On light of Travelers words our body will also be inherited after death from the promises of God. Though its promised to all who have dewlt upon this earth the concept is the same. There is something about the physical aspect of a covenent, from land, to body, to eventually the ultimate controll of the physical with he power to controll it.
  12. I think thats what I said but not as cool. B)
  13. Perhaps not chance inspired this topic?! I understand that they will be preaching to the people and with that would there not be christians? Cant say that I believe that they will be Moses or Elijah either, though the powers that will be displayed are very simular especially that of Elijah. Even if one believes in a rapture would there not be conversions after that event? There will always be Christians upon this earth now untill we inherit it. Every generation believes that theirs is the one that Christ will come, what makes this one differ? I dont know but I feel that these prophets are upon the earth now. To the LDS folks. If Elder Mckonkie stated that they would be faithfull followers of the prophet Joseph Smith then we could look to the quorm on who this could possible be. Kinda goes back to what I origonaly stated about do we as a people actually look forward to these prophets as the ancients looks for there prophets. I do not feel that it will be any in the quorm now cause of age, upcomeing generations perhaps. All of christianity has looked forward to these prophets preceeding the millineum. Why do we as a church have so little of opinion on these two. Surely they are significant enough that The Lord reveled to John about these two 2000 years ago. If we are the church of the last days then whats up? Thank you for you insights PC.
  14. So we have read and understood that the children of Israel were waiting for a Messiah to be there king. It was fulfilled. Many waited for a restoration in differ forms and we as LDS believe that it was fulfilled through "that great prophet" Joseph Smith. So we in our scriptures still have two prophets to come before the coming of the Lord. Are they looked forward to like other prophets in the past have been? Are we looking for them and like people of old looking and speculating on there coming. Are they in our mist now? Of course the coming of Christ is a bit more consuming to think of in the events leading up to that point but have we thought of those two still to come? Insights?
  15. I have always understood that the rest was of the world and that its time to work spiritually. I gues that has help me with the do's and dont's. You still work just on the things of the spirit and applying the teachings more.
  16. I let fortune cookies decide my fate.
  17. Talking about a pre-existing defilement. Its more than your opinion, its a directive from the prophet. I had a mark that by choice I had put upon my body. I made a choice to alter the already existing defiling mark to more personalize it for my own comfort. I choose a spiritual change to my tattoo not to rectify what I did rather to get the most meaning out of it. I regret my decision to get a tattoo for I was young and very far from the teachings of Christ. I'm just trying to make the most of it. I agree with you Ben, it is a very personalized decision to make a choice of receiving that recommend. I guess at least I don't have a swastika on my forehead, pretty hard to change that.
  18. Alright, so haveing a tattoo will not prevent you from haveing a temple recomend. Here is another question, after you are endowed and now recieve a new tattoo, will that prevent you from going or renewing a recomend. A bishop/stake pres are gardians of sacrad ordinences and covenents, they are to "judge" if a person is worthy to handle and partake of those acts. I remember something along the lines of following our leaders and being obediant. The prophet today told us not to get tattoos. So if one recieved one now would it not be disobeying a direct commandment? One that directly relates to covenents in the temple? So could a priesthood leader deam that disobedience grounds for not issueing a temple recommend? I have a tattoo from my youth which was a sun with a little rock climber in the middle. Latter in life (1 year ago) I had it altered and had the sun filled in with an additional moon and stars surrounding it. I took a mistake from the past and make it a spiritual significance to myself representing the 3 kingdoms. So what are peoples take on that? Should I have just stuck with my youth disicion or did what I did do and made it more meaningfull for my new spiritial life?
  19. Fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too. Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe can. i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs forwrad it.
  20. Well I believing that Joseph had the authority to recorrect mistranslations in the Bible? If he had that authority and would not of included them then thats significant to me? Do they carry the spirit? I will read them in the Bible and not exclude them but as well I read parts of the Q'uran and the apocropha? Do you feel that the dead sea scrolls are scripture? I do not have the authority to deem scripture for others, only how something inspires me? There are somethings that are of God that I dont feel the spirit cause I just dont get? So here is my answer in one simple phrase "?". Yup, thats it? Hope I anwsered your question? Have a blessed day blessed? Like how I didnt even anwser the question?