Congratulations to the Occupy movement.


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You tell those who feel Obama and Pelosi are partly to blame for this economic mess and widening gap between rich and poor to starve themselves to death and you think I'm reactionary?

Why now are you calling me ignorant?

I don't think your ignorant and I have appreciated many of your posts in the past. It's too bad you feel it necessary to be so offensive.

I apologize that you were offended by this. I meant 'Ignorant' in the classical sense, as in:



Lacking knowledge, information, or awareness about something in particular: "ignorant of astronomy".'

In this particular case, it was because of this:

After Nancy Pelosi and Obama gave this movement a wink n' nod I knew it as just another protest asking for Bigger Government and more Nanny State.

In this case, it was because you suggested that the protest was bad and must be for handing lots of money to the government because Obama said it was good.

I then pointed out that Obama had several reasons for supporting the movement. Not least because there were a lot of angry people in states that traditionally supported Democrats - His powerbases as he comes up to an election. I said it would be political suicide not to acknowledge the protesters and support them. I then pointed out that numerous Republicans were now coming out for the protesters, and provided a link on those who had done so.

You responded with: boy much?

This suggested that the only reason why someone would dare to suggest that Obama was not the Devil Incarnate and that he might have self-serving reasons, rather than the desire to crush America under a wall of SOCIALISM, was that they were Obama's biggest fans. This was patently absurd.

This is where the word ignorant and reactionary came in. I had suggested you were ignorant as it seemed you weren't aware of all the facts involved when you had spoken.

Reactionary was me suggesting that you automatically assign malice and evil to Obama in any given statement he may or may not make.

They were not insults. Merely observations based upon what you were saying.

Edited by FunkyTown
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