6 Christian Questions...i Need To Know!

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Here are 6 questions I asked JoshuaK a Christian who posts on these boards....if you are a Christian I would like you to answer these too....if you don't mind....thanks!

1) How come Christians don't have any Temples? Christ worshipped in a Temple, He went there to teach often and he even refers to the Temple as a house of God....And you can read about Temples all through the Bible....so, why don't Christians have Temples?

2) If Christians believe the Bible to be the word of God, literally...then where are your Prophets...God always had prophets to lead and guide his people....why don't Christians have a Prophet?

3) Which one of the Christian churches should I go to to learn about Christ and His Gospel...there are so many? I have looked into some and they all teach something that I think is right but then they all have alot of differences...which one is the right Christian church...the one Jesus himself set up?

4) What's the difference between a Christian and a Baptist? Or a Lutheran? Or Pentacostal? Presbyterian? Methodist? Calvinist? Evangelical?

5) If a person never hears the word of God...(I'm taking those who have been sheltered away from the Bible or denied the Bible such as in China), or never knows of or is taught of Christ....what happens to that person when he dies? Does he go to hell? Don't the Christian believe you have to be Baptised or you go to hell?

6) And finally...what does "Saved" mean? I hear Christians say that all the time...even mass murderers on death row...does that me their sins are forgiven and they get to go to heaven with say an honest hardworking man who gave all he could to his fellow man?...do they reap the same reword?....cause if that's the case then I will go out and sin as much as I can (cause less face it, it's fun) and near the end of my life somewhere I'll get "Saved"!

Please answer these questions to the best of your ability....I will be waiting for your reply....oh and please don't answer any of these questions with a question...your direct Christian answer will suffice...thanks!

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hello :)

I hope I can answer all your questions....

Hello JoshuaK, Yes I have a question..actually 6 of them....

Poetic Justice?....lol :)

1) How come Christians don't have any Temples? Christ worshipped in a Temple, He went there to teach often and he even refers to the Temple as a house of God....And you can read about Temples all through the Bible....so, why don't Christians have Temples?

Good Question, the Jews actually only had one “Temple” This was where the “presence” of God dwelt. When Jesus was crucified the curtain of the temple was ripped in two because God no longer dwelt in the temple. Also, Early Christians worshiped in houses.

Consider also what Paul said: “The God who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in shrines made by man,”

2) If Christians believe the Bible to be the word of God, literally...then where are your Prophets...God always had prophets to lead and guide his people....why don't Christians have a Prophet?

Well two points to that,

Some Christian denominations Do have prophets. And while most do not have “official” prophets, we do believe in the Gift of Prophecy. We just don’t make it “official”

3) Which one of the Christian churches should I go to to learn about Christ and His Gospel...there are so many? I have looked into some and they all teach something that I think is right but then they all have alot of differences...which one is the right Christian church...the one Jesus himself set up?

I would say there is no “right” Church, I believe Mormons are Christians, and most other denominations are as well…all these Christians make-up “The Body of Christ” I base my faith on the Bible, not on a certain denomination, I’m sure they all have some areas where they are wrong.

If you want to learn about Christ and His Gospel…depend on the Bible.

4) What's the difference between a Christian and a Baptist? Or a Lutheran? Or Pentacostal? Presbyterian? Methodist? Calvinist? Evangelical?

Well…not being all of these things I can’t really say, but I’ll tell you want I think.

First of all, all these denominations are “Christian” I don’t agree with everything they say, but they’re all Christians.

Baptists don’t believe in speaking in tongues or dancing. Lutherans….I don’t know. Pentecostals believe in speaking in speaking in tongues, healing, etc…Calvinist have some strange beliefs about salvation…I really can’t speak for them.

5) If a person never hears the word of God...(I'm taking those who have been sheltered away from the Bible or denied the Bible such as in China), or never knows of or is taught of Christ....what happens to that person when he dies? Does he go to hell? Don't the Christian believe you have to be Baptised or you go to hell?

For your first question, I don’t know. I will try and research it for you. As for your second question, Most Christian denominations do not believe you need to be baptized to be saved.

6) And finally...what does "Saved" mean? I hear Christians say that all the time...even mass murderers on death row...does that me their sins are forgiven and they get to go to heaven with say an honest hardworking man who gave all he could to his fellow man?...do they reap the same reword?....cause if that's the case then I will go out and sin as much as I can (cause less face it, it's fun) and near the end of my life somewhere I'll get "Saved"!

I would say “saved” means your sins are forgiven.

As for whether a mass murderer would go to the same heaven, I remind you of Jesus’ parable about the people who agree go out into a field and work for a certain amount of money, and all throughout the day other people come and start to work with them…and at the end of the Day Jesus gives them all the same amount of money.

Now I’m not saying you aren’t rewarded for your good works…remember Jesus speaks of “saving up treasures in heaven” I would say they would all go to heaven, but some will more “treasure” in heaven.


Josh B)

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I know one thing about Calvinism is the fact that they hold a belief that everyone is pre-destined to go somewhere in the afterlife. For example, Abraham was pre-destined, before he was ever born, to go to heaven. No mater what he did in this life, it would not have changed that. Judas was pre-destined to go to hell. Nothing he could have done in this life would have changed that.

I think this is one of their key beliefs. It is also quite confusing to me because I think I would get discouraged in a religion like that; believing that nothing I could do in this life could change my reward in the afterlife. What if I was pre-destined to go to hell? I would demand retribution for that injustice.


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I hear what you are saying LH about it seeming unfair/unjust. However, if we look at things from a wholly perfect being/God who abhors sin, and chooses not to be in the company of it, it seems like our focus might be wrong. The real question might be how can a perfect God allow anyone into His presence?

Dr. T

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1) How come Christians don't have any Temples? Christ worshipped in a Temple, He went there to teach often and he even refers to the Temple as a house of God....And you can read about Temples all through the Bible....so, why don't Christians have Temples?

The Temple (there was always just one, as far as I know) was associated with the animal-sacrifice system. Since Jesus became our sacrifice once and for all, we no longer need a temple building. On the other hand, I believe it was Paul who said that our bodies are now the temple of the Holy Spirit.

2) If Christians believe the Bible to be the word of God, literally...then where are your Prophets...God always had prophets to lead and guide his people....why don't Christians have a Prophet?

Actually, prophets--in the Old Testament sense--had not been seen for 400 years when Jesus made his advent. In the New Testament sense, our preachers/teachers are prophets, proclaiming the word of God. One understanding of prophecy is to proclaim God's word. Additionally, at least in Pentecostal churches, we do have those who exercise the gift of prophecy.

3) Which one of the Christian churches should I go to to learn about Christ and His Gospel...there are so many? I have looked into some and they all teach something that I think is right but then they all have alot of differences...which one is the right Christian church...the one Jesus himself set up?

90% of Christian churches agree on 90% of what we teach. Now, those are rough figures, but me thinks they are not far off. Those areas we disagree about are generally "non-essential." That is, while doctrine is important, we all expect to see each other in the kingdom of God. Why non-LDS Christians often contend with the COJCLDS is that we disagree in areas that are considered foundational, or core, or basic.

So, the non-LDS Christian answer is: Find a Christian you respect and go with him/her. Test what you see and hear with what you find in the Bible. As you would do in a Mormon church, pray--see if the Spirit of God is there.

When my family moved to Seattle, we knew we would go to an Assemblies of God church. There were about a half dozen to choose from. It took us about three months to receive confirmation from God as to which one we should make our community of faith.

4) What's the difference between a Christian and a Baptist? Or a Lutheran? Or Pentacostal? Presbyterian? Methodist? Calvinist? Evangelical?

Wow! That's a tall order. First, all these you have listed are Christians. Baptists and Pentecostals tend to ve Evangelical. Many Presbyterians are as well. In reality, the most obvious difference between these churches is in what kind of worship experience you'll see. Baptists tend to focus on preaching. Pentecostals focus more on the singing/worship. Presbyterians are known for their strong education. Methodists emphasize holy living. Calvinists emphasize the glory and power of God. They all have strengths, and you could please God in any of them.

5) If a person never hears the word of God...(I'm taking those who have been sheltered away from the Bible or denied the Bible such as in China), or never knows of or is taught of Christ....what happens to that person when he dies? Does he go to hell? Don't the Christian believe you have to be Baptised or you go to hell?

Some Christians believe that salvation is in baptism, but most of the ones you listed above (including my own) do not. Many Christians will tell you that we cannot know the fate of those who have never heard--so we need to be active in sharing our faith and in supporting our missionaries. On the other hand, God is just, fair, good and merciful. So, for sure, come the day of judgment, nobody will raise any objections, or question God's actions. Everyone will say AMEN!

6) And finally...what does "Saved" mean? I hear Christians say that all the time...even mass murderers on death row...does that me their sins are forgiven and they get to go to heaven with say an honest hardworking man who gave all he could to his fellow man?...do they reap the same reword?....cause if that's the case then I will go out and sin as much as I can (cause less face it, it's fun) and near the end of my life somewhere I'll get "Saved"!

I work prisons, and I'll tell you straight up that God will not be played. If you live for the Devil, thinking you'll get saved late in life, you will end up hardening your heart so much, that come that late time in your life, you'll have no desire to come to God. Furthermore, you have no guarantee that even tomorrow will come. The Bible says that today is the day of salvation, now is the time.

Having said that, there is a parable Jesus tells in which those who started their day job early in the morning got the same pay as those who came on for the last hour. In the story, the early workers are upset. Jesus says, "Hey, I gave you what I promised you! I didn't cheat you at all. What's it to you if I'm merciful with these latecomers?"

Not need to be baptised to be saved?

Jesus lived a perfect life, and therefore was "saved" by the general christian perspective... so WHY ON EARTH (literally.. he he) would he get baptised?

Thank you. I love easy questions. :wub:

Step #1: Become a Christian (convert, get saved, be born again, etc.)

Step #2: Get water baptized (Jesus did it, you're following him now, so you need to do it).

Jesus got baptized to show us the way. We get baptized as a testimony of our salvation, not a a prerequisite.

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Jesus got baptized to show us the way. We get baptized as a testimony of our salvation, not a a prerequisite.


WOuld you say that Jesus need salvation?


Jesus, as P.C. pointed out lived His life as a testimony/example of the proper life, etc.

Dr. T

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I agree Des. I'm not baptized, (not there yet) but when I find that to be the right decision, I would do that because as you said, Jesus modeled it. The thief on the cross was not baptized however, it is not a perquisite for salvation based on that example.


Dr. T

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I agree Des. I'm not baptized, (not there yet) but when I find that to be the right decision, I would do that because as you said, Jesus modeled it. The thief on the cross was not baptized however, it is not a perquisite for salvation based on that example.


Dr. T

The thief on the cross was given a chance to learn it in the spirit world. He is not saved, but if we did his temple work, and if he accepted the gosple, he could be.
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4) What's the difference between a Christian and a Baptist? Or a Lutheran? Or Pentacostal? Presbyterian? Methodist? Calvinist? Evangelical?

...Lutherans….I don’t know.

I agree with what JoshuaK and PC have said, plus....there are two groups of Lutherans, Missouri Synod and Evangelical. MS are more conservative and I believe have certain restrictions. EL's have no dietary restrictions or unnecessary activity restrictions, like dancing. :) EL's focus more on the teaching of the gospel. The Sunday Sermon is designed to teach, we have a liturgy for our worship service and weekly teaching activities, like Confirmation Classes. Depending on your Pastor there are a variety of Youth activities. My Pastor in my youth was very active and took the youth (Hi-League and Confirmation Classes) on many activites like camping, conferences, etc. Hi-League was set up as a Friday night youth activity with a bible study at the end.


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