Steve Irwin Dead


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Shantress -

You ever driven distracted with children in the car. Ever speed. Ever lost track of a young child in the house for just a few moments with the toloit seat up? Or a pets water dish out? Or an open electrical socket? Or ever left your child with someone who might have done these things? Or has any child in your care put themselves in a precarious moment, because you were distracted for that moment? All of these things are examples terribly bad judgement that virtually everybody has done...... and thousands of children get killed over stuff like this. But because you are ignorant of wildlife (and perhaps don't really care for it anyhow), and have issues with the famous in general, and have that American tendency to want to knock down the famous, you make a special exception of Irwin's bad judgement, despite a lifetime of bringing conservationalist awareness, and education, with regards to our wildlife.

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Shantress -

You ever driven distracted with children in the car. Ever speed. Ever lost track of a young child in the house for just a few moments with the toloit seat up? Or a pets water dish out? Or an open electrical socket? Or ever left your child with someone who might have done these things? Or has any child in your care put themselves in a precarious moment, because you were distracted for that moment? All of these things are examples terribly bad judgement that virtually everybody has done...... and thousands of children get killed over stuff like this. But because you are ignorant of wildlife (and perhaps don't really care for it anyhow), and have issues with the famous in general, and have that American tendency to want to knock down the famous, you make a special exception of Irwin's bad judgement, despite a lifetime of bringing conservationalist awareness, and education, with regards to our wildlife.

Sgallan, I prefer not to converse with you anymore, as you are getting a bit too hostile and insulting for my liking. I think it's kind of creepy. How dare you say I'm ignorant of anything??? I don't care for wildlife? I have issues with the famous? Trust me, you have no clue. You don't know anything about me.

I never said I was perfect, but imperfections such as letting my child around my cat's water bowl, and taking my child within feet of a crocodile cannot be compared.

Why do you get so angry when someone disagrees with you? I'm not putting you down for thinking that he was not at fault for anything. Perhaps you could show me the same courtesy?

No more insulting me please because I disagree with your opinion.

And no harm, either. :hmmm:

You're right - he was lucky, but could have been unlucky.
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First of all I think Steve did a lot of good and gained his audience from the shock value he created with his stunts. I personally did not know about what he did with his child until after he had died. Now knowing he did that doesn't change my opinion of him and I am glad he considered it a mistake after doing it.

Michael Jackson also made a stupid mistake when he held his son by the leg from the balcony. Michael had already done enough stupid things before that where I had formed my opinion of him as being a mess. :wow:

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First of all I think Steve did a lot of good and gained his audience from the shock value he created with his stunts. I personally did not know about what he did with his child until after he had died. Now knowing he did that doesn't change my opinion of him and I am glad he considered it a mistake after doing it.

Exactly. :sparklygrin:

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Honestly I think now is not a good time to be bad mouthing the man for anything he has done period!!!

Shanstress have a little respect please and try not to take everything so personal.

This is about a good man who died I give my respects to Him and my heart felt sympathy to his family. I respect the man and cheer him for the life he lived the excitement he showed and the obvious love he showed for his work and his family. I hope we can all live a life like that.

let us remember the old saying if you cant say something nice dont say anything at all shall we.

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PS - Shantress, I actually mean what I am talking about. But you are so much better than me I wouldn't expect you to understand.

You mean what you're talking about such as me being ignorant about wildlife and having issues with famous people? No, you don't. And I don't think I'm better than ANYONE... but I do know that I have a right to my opinion. You also have the right to yours. SUPER!

Honestly I think now is not a good time to be bad mouthing the man for anything he has done period!!!

Shanstress have a little respect please and try not to take everything so personal.

This is about a good man who died I give my respects to Him and my heart felt sympathy to his family. I respect the man and cheer him for the life he lived the excitement he showed and the obvious love he showed for his work and his family. I hope we can all live a life like that.

let us remember the old saying if you cant say something nice dont say anything at all shall we.

I'm not taking anything personally. I simply disagree with this stunt of his. You guys are acting like I stated that I hate him and I'm glad he's dead... SHEESH!
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let us remember the old saying if you cant say something nice dont say anything at all shall we.

Ahh, yes. I love that thought.

I first heard it from Thumper in 'Bambi', and he supposedly heard it from his Mom.

If we could only do what our Mom's tried to teach us, then I think we'd all get along. :)

And btw, a time to "NOT GRIPE" is when someone we love has died.

It's not good to be with those who are contentious.

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You guys are awesome! :blink:

Why is it so hard to accept that someone may think differently than you, and has a right to? I'm sure there are people that you have little respect for, and perhaps that person is even dead... if not, they will be one day.

And BTW, it's not very Christian-like (Desire') or humanitarian-like (sgallan) for one to say something rude and the other to encourage it. You guys are actually being hypocritical in the way you are not accepting me and what you consider are my faults, and moving on.

Regardless of what you think, I am not some cold, unfeeling person. But you wouldn't know that, because you don't know me.

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I haven't checked in on this site in quite a long time, but, obviously, not a lot has changed! :( People are still in here tossing word grenades at each other with very little provocation. Just goes to show that life goes on. ;)

I did not personally see that particular segment with his child in his arms, but I did see a different one quite some time back, and I thought to myself that I sure wouldn't have taken my child with me in a place like that. However, I've gotten plenty of criticism over the years for various things I did or did not allow my children to do. What I have learned is that no matter what you do, somebody out there is not going to agree with it. (but, I do not think that is an "American" trait. . . . . it's a "human" trait.)

Personally, regardless of the things that I saw him do that I certainly would not be willing to do myself . . . . . . . I was very saddened to hear of his untimely death. His family has really suffered a loss, and I firmly believe that the rest of the world has as well.

My personal opinion: the man pushed the envelope. . . . .he took risks that I thought were a little much, (but, then, my children will tell you that I'm over protective) :sparklygrin: . . . .but,. . . . . he had a great smile and personality, and I thoroughly enjoyed watching him. He had one of those personalitites that just kind of made you feel good.

Watching him made you know life is good, it is good to be alive, and he was enjoying his life to the very fullest. How many of us can truly say that we are enjoying our lives to their fullest?

I, personally, am going to miss having the opportunity to watch his shows, shake my head, and. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . with a feeling of awe and a smile,. . . . . . . .. . . walk away saying, "that man is a nut!"

Our world has truly lost someone special.


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You guys are awesome! :blink:

Why is it so hard to accept that someone may think differently than you, and has a right to? I'm sure there are people that you have little respect for, and perhaps that person is even dead... if not, they will be one day.

And BTW, it's not very Christian-like (Desire') or humanitarian-like (sgallan) for one to say something rude and the other to encourage it. You guys are actually being hypocritical in the way you are not accepting me and what you consider are my faults, and moving on.

Regardless of what you think, I am not some cold, unfeeling person. But you wouldn't know that, because you don't know me.

I think you shouldn't be judging people like that...

Just my opinion.

You can do what you want...

But please don't single me out like that.

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I read one to many slams on Shann..... just for voicing her opinion.... can't take it anymore

PICK ON ME for awhile Mr. G

I AM IN A MOOD.... Bring it on!

Just leave Shan alone

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  • 2 weeks later...

Steve Iwrin was a awesome, compassionate, guy! I hate it when people say he deserved what he got, because he didn't. His main goal and mission, was to save animals, to teach and show OTHERS about wildlife, which are God's creatures that we should be caring for. Really, I say he needs to be baptized (the dead one of course) So I'm working on trying to make that happen...hopefully..

Stingrays normally never kill either, they are usualy peaceful sea creatures. It's rare for a person to die from a stingray attack. Steve's problem however, was indeed punctured right in the heart in a dead hit strike. He was not agitaiting the animal, he was swimming over it and it reacted naturally.

And so, I had to put my bit in this XP honestly I wasn't fan until his death, when I learned who he really was (by watching animal planet) Please watch his bio's and shows before judging him!

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Since I feel like some of these statements are being directing at my comments, I will restate what I said:

1 - It's not a surprise that he is dead, as he put his life in danger on a daily basis.

2 - When he dangled his baby over the crocodile, I lost respect for him. I did call him an idiot, which may have been a strong choice of words, but yes, I happen to believe that anyone who would do that with their baby is an idiot. So shoot me!

I did not say that he deserved to die.

As far as judging? Yes, I judge people, and I think many do. If you see a child who doesn't look like they are cared for, or if a parent is speaking harshly to them, or hitting them in public, do you think about how sad that is for the kid that their parents treat them that way? I do. If you do, then you are judging that parent. Same as this situation.

I have been watching his shows a lot since then as well. My son loves them, and they are very educational, as well as entertaining. I do appreciate all the good that he has done, and that good stuff hasn't been wiped out of my mind. However, I still think he was idiotic for dangling his baby over a crocodile.

I'm glad you all loved him and are OK with him doing this. I'm sure he was a great guy and I know he did lots of wonderful things.


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As far as judging? Yes, I judge people, and I think many do. If you see a child who doesn't look like they are cared for, or if a parent is speaking harshly to them, or hitting them in public, do you think about how sad that is for the kid that their parents treat them that way? I do. If you do, then you are judging that parent. Same as this situation.

That is based on if they lived a good life themselves and were raised right themselves.

You STILL don't know what is going on inside them.

I know a close friend of mine who was beaten as a child...

And it really still effects her today...

She has a really hard time around people she really cares about.

Also, judging is no good...

In my opinion, calling him an idiot is a little rude,

and name calling shouldn't happen...

A way to become more Christ-like in my eyes....

is to maybe not call people names...

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Once again: :hmmm:

Now, he didn't really "dangle the baby in front of a crocodile"...he had the baby in one arm while he fed the animal with the other. Bear in mind that he dealt with them every day from the time he himself was a small child, and it was what he knew. The public blew that incident way out of proportion.

Die, dead horse, DIE!!! :deadhorse:

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