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I am active LDS. From a child have been very interested in LDS doctrine and history. I am a college professor and realize the hazards of intellectualism (2 Nephi 9:28 & 29) but also realize that the Lord put us on the earth to learn and reason. I am here to learn from others, offer an occasional comment if I think it would be helpful to another. Hope others will do the same for me.

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I am active LDS. From a child have been very interested in LDS doctrine and history. I am a college professor and realize the hazards of intellectualism (2 Nephi 9:28 & 29) but also realize that the Lord put us on the earth to learn and reason. I am here to learn from others, offer an occasional comment if I think it would be helpful to another. Hope others will do the same for me.

Greetings! nothing wrong with intellecttualization itself.. where many go astray is when they put their thoughts before their faith in God.

Until we know everything theres always going to be change in understanding something, and new things discovered in science that will shed new light on things in the gospel. Often in ways we didn't think of previous to that.

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