Back Home With Their Father.

Winnie G

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Early yesterday evening just as my son-in-law was on his home from work.

He was connected, and was told to meet up with my youngest son for a long drive to bring my granddaughters home.

Wile I was out banking my daughter called and my dear friend visiting was able to get out of her that things had changed drastically; my two granddaughter sick with the flu throw up on the couch that was just bought. The boyfriend, throw a fit terrorizing my daughter and granddaughters. He trashed the whole apartment ripping out all the phone cords and computer cables, taking my daughters keys and told her to get out.

The end of the day was filled with phone calls to CFS (Children aid) the RCMP and cell phone calls as my son drove with my son-in–law as they drove to rescue the children.

My daughter and granddaughters were taken back to my son-in-laws home and arrived at 4 am this morning.

No sleep for us.

I want to thank all of you that kept us in your prayers.

What happens from there I have no idea but their save that’s all that matters now

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Early yesterday evening just as my son-in-law was on his home from work.

He was connected, and was told to meet up with my youngest son for a long drive to bring my granddaughters home.

Wile I was out banking my daughter called and my dear friend visiting was able to get out of her that things had changed drastically; my two granddaughter sick with the flu throw up on the couch that was just bought. The boyfriend, throw a fit terrorizing my daughter and granddaughters. He trashed the whole apartment ripping out all the phone cords and computer cables, taking my daughters keys and told her to get out.

The end of the day was filled with phone calls to CFS (Children aid) the RCMP and cell phone calls as my son drove with my son-in–law as they drove to rescue the children.

My daughter and granddaughters were taken back to my son-in-laws home and arrived at 4 am this morning.

No sleep for us.

I want to thank all of you that kept us in your prayers.

What happens from there I have no idea but their save that’s all that matters now

What a blankedy-blank-blank that dude is! Hopefully he won't allow your daughter to come back and she'll get smart about this whole deal. I'm glad the granddaughters are back home and safe!
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OH Winnie, Thank goodness they are all safe and sound. This MAY open her eyes, and hopefully so but it also may not. It could have turned out very disasterous but you already know this.

Didn't you also say that she is pregnant by this ummm person? Or was that a fabrication on your daughters part? Your son-in-law must be a real jewel to put up with this and bring her home. Hopefully she and he will get some kind of counseling and can mend the huge wounds that have opened between them. The girls are young enough that they will soon forget the bad memories.

You are still in our prayers daily. Thinking you will need them more now than ever. Please keep us posted either on the forum or via PM.



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<snip> I want to thank all of you that kept us in your prayers.

What happens from there I have no idea but their save that’s all that matters now

I am so happy that no one got hurt, but I am glad that he blew up now and not later on when she was more involved and brainwashed by him - know what I mean??

You all will remain in my prayers for some time - Love MrsS

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Well you can get one thing but loose another right?

Today my daughter was told that she would have to seek a place at a women’s shelter.

My son-in-law got her out with the girls but that did not mean he was going to let her move in with them.

She then informed all of us she was taking the girls and going back to Creepy man or kill her self.

The police were called and she is on a bus back to were she just came from.

Yes she was by Crrepyman but lost the child.

In the mean time CFS has faxed files from one province here to there and one city to the other. What my daughter does not know is they are keeping track of her wild behavior and bad judgment for the last 72 hours on top of what they already have on file.

The police made my daughter to agree that the girls were to stay in their fathers care for a month with no visits. The visitation will be revisited in 30 days.

So now, CFS has told my son-in-law he needed to hire a family lawyer sign a release to allow them to release their file on my daughter and the girls to his lawyer.

That way the lawyer can take the file to court and say, you gave her two weeks a month and it did not last a week Yad Yad Yad…..

In the mean time my daughter has placed her self in danger.

CFS can require a home visit and a mental evaluation before she receives any accesses to the girls.

Tonight I read to my older granddaughter her bedtime story and sang to the youngest wile her daddy ran to the store, she was crying, and her uncle could not get her to stop.

So he sat on the couch holding the phone to her ear so she could hear me, while she watch the DVD Cinderella. she my avatir, she so sweet.

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CFS visited my son in-law this afternoon,surprise spot visit, doing the home visit I suggested and to start a file. It was a male worker and it really set my son in-law at ease.

The girls were charming as always even with running noises.

He took a extensive family history and asked about drugs and alcohol and mental illness.

He was impressed at the friendship and bond with our side of the family.

My youngest is now his roommate. The girls love having Uncle P around and that one of my oldest sons is his best friend and is my son in-law emergency and back up babysitter. It helped that I called in the middle of the interview. That surprised me.

He told my son-in-law that he was to call with his next court date and that he would appear on his behalf. He reassured my son in-law that he was doing a good job, that the girls were safe and that CFS felt comfortable he was the girl custodial parent but if my daughter were to return or take the girls, they would not be pleased.

The worker is suppose to call me tomorrow or Monday before a case management meeting.

My daughter called me this evening and she is back to her nasty pleasant self.

She “informed” me that her and creepy man had planes to return to pick up the girls on the first of October.

When I told her that after this incident not to count on it. She throw a hissy fit trying to re-track what she said just the day before. She said she did not say those things to me and I told her that I was not the only one she told these violent acts too. Moreover, I was not deaf and heard this man screaming at her and the children and smashing the apartment up.

Then ripping out the phone????

We are now back to were we were at weeks ago, I hung up and she wont call me until things go bad again.

All I can see in my mind is my Jewish relatives Yiddish! with their hands up in the air. :ahhh::ahhh:

I will how ever sleep somewhat better knowing the girls are safe. We will drive out to see them for Thanksgiving on the 9th of October. (Canadian)

Its more of a religious holiday then what the state celebrates.

I can not thank you all enough for all your payers.

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It is so good to hear that your grandbabies are safe. Your daughter will keep going until she hits her absolute rock bottom. I just hope that it doesn't hurt you too bad. It's her life, not yours. Nothing you do can help her now. It'll all be up to her. Just worry about loving those beautiful little girls. They need you more now than ever. Most people don't think that kids remember the first 5 years of their life, but they do. I am living experience of that. Those little girls need someone stable in their life that can show them everyday that they are loved and you are PERFECT for that role! I hope all is well with you. I think the only reason I come on this sight is to see how you're doing, Winnie. I've become attatched! Even through all your trouble, you keep your head up and you say stuff that cheers me up. :sparklygrin: Have a good day!


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I will see my grand babies in three weeks give or take a day, for Thanksgiving.

I opened my mouth and offered to go there and cook. OOOPs??

My oldest son lives by them as well.

I finely remembered to tell my son in law that the oldest one told me she wants new under wear. He said I just bought some??? I said check it out she says its to tight.

Under wear shopping over the phone 100’s of miles away.

She likes Dora underwear, my fault I buy a lot of Dora stuff.

That’s why his apartment is so pink, he does not mind.

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I will see my grand babies in three weeks give or take a day, for Thanksgiving.

I opened my mouth and offered to go there and cook. OOOPs??

My oldest son lives by them as well.

I finely remembered to tell my son in law that the oldest one told me she wants new under wear. He said I just bought some??? I said check it out she says its to tight.

Under wear shopping over the phone 100’s of miles away.

She likes Dora underwear, my fault I buy a lot of Dora stuff.

That’s why his apartment is so pink, he does not mind.

heh thats pretty funny.

Im glad everything is ok for now. It breaks my heart to hear of your grandchildren's and son in law's situation. They well get through if they have faith ;)

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