Somali Cleric Calls For Pope's Death


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A HARDLINE cleric linked to Somalia's powerful Islamist movement has called for Muslims to "hunt down" and kill Pope Benedict XVI for his controversial comments about Islam.

Sheikh Abubukar Hassan Malin urged Muslims to find the pontiff and punish him for insulting the Prophet Mohammed and Allah in a speech that he said was as offensive as author Salman Rushdie's novel The Satanic Verses.

"We urge you Muslims wherever you are to hunt down the Pope for his barbaric statements as you have pursued Salman Rushdie, the enemy of Allah who offended our religion," he said in Friday evening prayers.

"Whoever offends our Prophet Mohammed should be killed on the spot by the nearest Muslim," Malin, a prominent cleric in the Somali capital, told worshippers at a mosque in southern Mogadishu.

Just heard some Islamic representatives say that Islam was not in any way spread by violence in the past. Guess all my history books are wrong.

Good thing peace and tolerance is the rule today.

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A HARDLINE cleric linked to Somalia's powerful Islamist movement has called for Muslims to "hunt down" and kill Pope Benedict XVI for his controversial comments about Islam.

Sheikh Abubukar Hassan Malin urged Muslims to find the pontiff and punish him for insulting the Prophet Mohammed and Allah in a speech that he said was as offensive as author Salman Rushdie's novel The Satanic Verses.

"We urge you Muslims wherever you are to hunt down the Pope for his barbaric statements as you have pursued Salman Rushdie, the enemy of Allah who offended our religion," he said in Friday evening prayers.

"Whoever offends our Prophet Mohammed should be killed on the spot by the nearest Muslim," Malin, a prominent cleric in the Somali capital, told worshippers at a mosque in southern Mogadishu.

Just heard some Islamic representatives say that Islam was not in any way spread by violence in the past. Guess all my history books are wrong.

Good thing peace and tolerance is the rule today.

Assuming they actually did carry out this assassination, I wonder how it would affect relations between Christianity and Islam as a whole.


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I just don't know how they get away with it! The average muslim mustn't actually read up about what their leaders are saying because if they did they would read that what the Pope actually said. He quoted someone from many centuries ago and then went on to say that he disagreed!

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Some anti-Christian is out there right now posting comments from some ridiculous White Supremicist masquerading his hateful vile with Christian vocabulary, and telling Muslims that it is typical Christian thought. They pose rhetorical questions about how if "moderate Christians" disagreed, how come they do not condemn such speech.

It does Christians, who might wish to present the Gospel to Muslims, no good to falsely portray the worst of their teachers as mainstream scholars. We'll burn our bridges if we do so, and perhaps close the gateway for some to elect conversion.

I pray that our intelligence services will be ever vigilent, but that our Christian brothers and sisters in the troubled Muslim nations would know both God's protection, and that our prayers are with them.

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Some anti-Christian is out there right now posting comments from some ridiculous White Supremicist masquerading his hateful vile with Christian vocabulary, and telling Muslims that it is typical Christian thought. They pose rhetorical questions about how if "moderate Christians" disagreed, how come they do not condemn such speech.

It does Christians, who might wish to present the Gospel to Muslims, no good to falsely portray the worst of their teachers as mainstream scholars. We'll burn our bridges if we do so, and perhaps close the gateway for some to elect conversion.

I pray that our intelligence services will be ever vigilent, but that our Christian brothers and sisters in the troubled Muslim nations would know both God's protection, and that our prayers are with them.

:) I liked this post. :)
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Some anti-Christian is out there right now posting comments from some ridiculous White Supremicist masquerading his hateful vile with Christian vocabulary, and telling Muslims that it is typical Christian thought. They pose rhetorical questions about how if "moderate Christians" disagreed, how come they do not condemn such speech.

It does Christians, who might wish to present the Gospel to Muslims, no good to falsely portray the worst of their teachers as mainstream scholars. We'll burn our bridges if we do so, and perhaps close the gateway for some to elect conversion.

I pray that our intelligence services will be ever vigilent, but that our Christian brothers and sisters in the troubled Muslim nations would know both God's protection, and that our prayers are with them.

But is this "ridiculous White Supremicist" Bombing mosques because he feels insulted?

You say, "It does Christians, who might wish to present the Gospel to Muslims, no good to falsely portray the worst of their teachers as mainstream scholars."

It's not like these are part of a "fringe" group, I mean, we are talking about millions and millions of people throughout the world who are willing to kill people because someone dared to link Islam with violence! (wonder where they got that silly idea! :hmmm: ) Remember the "cartoons" thing a while back? I mean whole contries where rioting!

I'm not saying all muslims are crazy...But it is certainly more mainstream to Islam than "some ridiculous White Supremicist" is to Christianity.

I think the Pope, told it like it is. Probably not the most Pollitically Correct thing to do...but, I think it needs to be said.

Josh B)

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But PC, unfortunantly the white supremicist garners little support in the Christian world while the forces of extremism and holy war find comfort in much of the Muslim world. The ball is in their court -- it's time for their leaders to show us they are part of the 21st. Century and not the 7th.

Really? Give me some %, some sources that explicate how prevelant 'radical jihadists' are in the Muslim community. For all I know, this movement could represent a few thousand out of the billion adherents. I'd say the burden is upon you to prove that it's more.

But is this "ridiculous White Supremicist" Bombing mosques because he feels insulted?

No. He's bombing churches because they're integrated, or because they sponsor integrationist speakers, etc.

It's not like these are part of a "fringe" group, I mean, we are talking about millions and millions of people throughout the world who are willing to kill people because someone dared to link Islam with violence! (wonder where they got that silly idea! :hmmm: ) Remember the "cartoons" thing a while back? I mean whole contries where rioting!

No, I'd argue that it's 1000s who are actually jihadists, not millions. If I'm right, we're talking about a statistical 0% (less than 1/2%). Protesters are not suicide bombers.

I'm not saying all muslims are crazy...But it is certainly more mainstream to Islam than "some ridiculous White Supremicist" is to Christianity.

I only say prove that radical jihadists represent a signficant faction of Islam.

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Guest ApostleKnight

Islam was spread in its infancy largely through violent conquests led by Mohammed and other leaders.

Similarly, Judaism was spread in its infancy largely through violent conquests led by Joshua and other leaders.

I can't in fairness condemn Islam based on its violent past, and then accept Judaism with its violent past. The key word there is past.

That being said, Muslim leaders need to step out of the time machine that's apparently keeping them serenely planted in an age where barbarism was the norm. Islam is still living out the militant mindset of its founders, and the world's nations need to stop making excuses for it and dismissing it as the understandable throes of a misunderstood religion.

Not all Muslims believe as their leaders do. Too many Muslims believe as their leaders do. That's where we are, no more and no less.

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Really? Give me some %, some sources that explicate how prevelant 'radical jihadists' are in the Muslim community. For all I know, this movement could represent a few thousand out of the billion adherents. I'd say the burden is upon you to prove that it's more.

Well, first of all let me tell you how hard it is to find statistics on this, but I found one which agrees with you, in that the majority of mulims would prefer a "more moderate version" However, He gives the numbers at 10-15% I'm sure all these people aren't actual "terorrists" but they agree with terorrists.

Militant Islam derives from Islam but is a misanthropic, misogynist, triumphalist, millenarian, anti-modern, anti-Christian, anti-Semitic, terroristic, jihadistic, and suicidal version of it. Fortunately, it appeals to only about 10 percent to 15 percent of Muslims, meaning that a substantial majority would prefer a more moderate version.

So about 1.2 billion muslims...10% would be...120,000,000. About 10 times more "millitant" muslims than the whole LDS faith.

I only say prove that radical jihadists represent a signficant faction of Islam.

I have given you a statistic from Daniel Pipes "A leading intellectual figure and stalwart fighter in America's confrontation with radical Islam" who "is perhaps best known for his idea that 'radical Islam is the problem, moderate Islam is the solution'."

Josh B)

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Well, first of all let me tell you how hard it is to find statistics on this, but I found one which agrees with you, in that the majority of mulims would prefer a "more moderate version" However, He gives the numbers at 10-15% I'm sure all these people aren't actual "terorrists" but they agree with terorrists.


You are raised where you are told your rights aren't being met, or that a group of people are evil, or something.... (bear with me, I only care so much), and you grow up believing that.

Some of your people make a liberating move...

You agree with it.

It is life.

You learn what you know.

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<div class='quotemain'>

Well, first of all let me tell you how hard it is to find statistics on this, but I found one which agrees with you, in that the majority of mulims would prefer a "more moderate version" However, He gives the numbers at 10-15% I'm sure all these people aren't actual "terorrists" but they agree with terorrists.


You are raised where you are told your rights aren't being met, or that a group of people are evil, or something.... (bear with me, I only care so much), and you grow up believing that.

Some of your people make a liberating move...

You agree with it.

It is life.

You learn what you know.

Good morning Desiré, :)

I'm afarid you have confused me again...

These are not "Hypothetical" numbers on my part, but the opinion of a profession in that field.

According to my source, 10-15% of muslims are "Militant" and have "misanthropic, misogynist, triumphalist, millenarian, anti-modern, anti-Christian, anti-Semitic, terroristic, jihadistic, and suicidal" leanings.

True, they are this way because they were probably "raised" like that, of course wasn't there a bunch of 'home-grown' terrorists in Canada a while back?

Josh B)

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Yesterday he said: "The Muslims take their religion very seriously and non-Muslims must appreciate that and that must also understand that there may be serious consequences if you insult Islam and the prophet.

"Whoever insults the message of Mohammed is going to be subject to capital punishment."

He added: "I am here have a peaceful demonstration. But there may be people in Italy or other parts of the world who would carry that out.

"I think that warning needs to be understood by all people who want to insult Islam and want to insult the prophet of Islam."

As well as placards attacking the Pope such as "Pope go to Hell", his followers outside the country's principal Roman Catholic church also waved slogans aimed at offending the sentiments of Christians such as "Jesus is the slave of Allah".

Now that's real tolerance, isn't it?

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Well, first of all let me tell you how hard it is to find statistics on this, but I found one which agrees with you, in that the majority of mulims would prefer a "more moderate version" However, He gives the numbers at 10-15% I'm sure all these people aren't actual "terorrists" but they agree with terorrists.


You are raised where you are told your rights aren't being met, or that a group of people are evil, or something.... (bear with me, I only care so much), and you grow up believing that.

Some of your people make a liberating move...

You agree with it.

It is life.

You learn what you know.

Good morning Desiré, :)

I'm afarid you have confused me again...

I have the worst communication skills on the planet...

If I can restrain myself, I will try not to post as much, because I am having a really bad time with things. :)

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I have the worst communication skills on the planet...

If I can restrain myself, I will try not to post as much, because I am having a really bad time with things. :)

I wouldn't say you have the worst communication skills on the planet! I know at least one other person who confuses me more :lol:;);)

Don't post less! :ahhh: (although on an unrelated note I noticed you beat me to "Consultant" :blink: )

What were you saying in your earlier post though?

Josh B)

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In smaller, and maybe smarter words..

They think they are as right as we think we are right.

Ah....but that dosen't make them right does it? In the cosmic sense God will judge who is right, and who is wrong. But for right now. With all the logic God has given me, I say they're wrong.

Josh B)

P.S. I'm making a comeback!

God judges their hearts too...

P.S. I am glad you think that is wrong.

You are not as scary anymore. :P

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