Whitney Houston dead at 48


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When I lived in Japan I took my 5 year old daughter to a concert of Whitney Houston's. What a set of pipes! She was so talented and had such a wonderful voice. Unfortunately, she married Bobbie Brown and it went downhill from there, so much so that she became a regular feature on 'The Soup' because she had gotten so weird and hostile.

The world glorifies drug use, treating it as a right of passage that everyone needs to do in order to fully understand the human experience. But the music world is littered with unbelievable talent that succumbed to drugs and self-destructed. Whitney is just the latest in a long line...

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When I heard "heart attack", first thing I thought was speed.. Who knows if it was accidental or not. It's a terrible outcome when a life is lost. DH and I liked Amy Winehouse but she was all sorts of messed up from substance abuse. They both left people behind who love them.

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When someone famous dies, a retrospective of their lives is becoming a more personal thing. After all, we didn't know much about the private lives of Lou Abbot and Bud Cosstello. Since Whitney's private life was so much more part of her public image, it's tempting to sit back and look at some of her choices and wonder what could have been.

Having said that, it could put us towards the arrogant side of things if we don't consider how Heavenly Father felt about her life compared to how he feels about our lives. After all, she did share an amazing gift of music with the world. If she didn't quite live up to her potential, are we doing any better? We each have our own race to run to the same finish line. In this race, everyone can be the winner, and checking on how others did, or are doing doesn't help us win at all.

Even though we know death will claim us all at some point, the timing of it can still be unsettling.

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