Night *Terrors*


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Hey guys, I've been having some problems lately. I was baptized back in early November, and I was raised outside the church my entire life prior to that. That being said, I've fooled around and done my fair share of stupid things. Now I'm dating a wonderful, beautiful, upstanding young woman at my ward. Everything is going swimmingly with her, but when I go to sleep, bad things happen. I keep having persistent(almost every night), vivid dreams about sexual relations. With my girlfriend, with all sorts of different women I know. I wake up covered in sweat every night and I don't know what's happening to me. When i described these to a non-member friend of mine, he told me it sounded like I was having "sexual night terrors". This has been happening since early december. :confused:What do I do?

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Hey guys, I've been having some problems lately. I was baptized back in early November, and I was raised outside the church my entire life prior to that. That being said, I've fooled around and done my fair share of stupid things. Now I'm dating a wonderful, beautiful, upstanding young woman at my ward. Everything is going swimmingly with her, but when I go to sleep, bad things happen. I keep having persistent(almost every night), vivid dreams about sexual relations. With my girlfriend, with all sorts of different women I know. I wake up covered in sweat every night and I don't know what's happening to me. When i described these to a non-member friend of mine, he told me it sounded like I was having "sexual night terrors". This has been happening since early december. :confused:What do I do?

Nutshell: Pray for peace and comfort. Perhaps even ask for a blessing. You may wish to consult a professional as well if it continues to torment you. But FYI, occasional sex dreams are pretty normal.

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My friend has a couple of kids who have night terrors. Their doctor told her to wake them up between 1 and 45 minutes after they're in a deep sleep, every night. It breaks the sleep cycle where night terrors tend to occur. She wakes them up about 20 minutes after they're out, has a little conversation with them, then lets them go back to sleep. She said it works like a charm. If you know you go to sleep soon after hitting the pillow, you could set an alarm for yourself for 20-30 minutes after you go to bed, then get up and get a drink or write in your journal or pray or whatever gets you to stay awake for a short time, then go back to bed. I don't know for sure that it will work, but it might be worth a shot.

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My friend has a couple of kids who have night terrors. Their doctor told her to wake them up between 1 and 45 minutes after they're in a deep sleep, every night. It breaks the sleep cycle where night terrors tend to occur. She wakes them up about 20 minutes after they're out, has a little conversation with them, then lets them go back to sleep. She said it works like a charm. If you know you go to sleep soon after hitting the pillow, you could set an alarm for yourself for 20-30 minutes after you go to bed, then get up and get a drink or write in your journal or pray or whatever gets you to stay awake for a short time, then go back to bed. I don't know for sure that it will work, but it might be worth a shot.

I'll have to remember this.

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I had the EXACT same thing.

I was baptized on a Sunday night, and so had to wait a full week to be confirmed. I thought this was the reason, at first, but they kept going afterwards. I had had the dreams before being baptized, but they grew more intense after, and they suddenly seemed to 'matter' more. I was married, and so I always made sure to tell my wife about them when I woke up. Her sharing my burdens really helped with it. Not sure how this would work with a girlfriend. I'd be hesitant about sharing details with someone I wasn't married to.

My bishop taught me a few things about it when I went to tell him about it. Yours will have advice tailored more specifically to you, and I suggest going to speak with him.

1. He told me not to feel so guilty about it. We are held responsible for our actions, not for our temptations. In real life, these actions would be sin. In a dream, not (perhaps) so much. Because a dream might be all of three minutes (and seem so much longer) we can't always consciously decide what happens in them.

2. Fill your life with the gospel. As your conscious thoughts (the things you can control, and are responsible for) are filled more and more with righteous things, there will be less and less room in your uncontrolled thoughts for the unrighteous.

I've been a member for about 2 1/2 years now, and things are getting better. I find that in my dreams, I am now often able to run from those situations. It is a good feeling to know that your life is coming more in line with the savior's teachings, and this has been a good way for me to measure it.

Again, though, speak with your Bishop. Chances are, there's not even a need to repent, since you're not 'choosing' to do evil, per se. He will, however, have great advice for you specifically.

Hope this helped. Let me know if there's any other way I can help.

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