Why does this pervert still have a teaching job?


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The quiz is completley inappropriate, but I LOVE the idea behind it. How words have connotations ect.

I completely agree with this. The only place I could see this quiz being even remotely appropriate is between a married couple in their bedroom. It just reeks of sexual connotations. I felt sick just reading it, even though I could easily identify the appropriate non-sexual answers. The mere thought that this was handed out by a teacher in a school setting is sickening. I would have felt extremely uncomfortable if given this quiz, even as a college student. I would be outraged if it was given to my child.

The idea behind the quiz is wonderful. I think it is great to teach that words and phrases have multiple meanings and that appearances can often be deceptive. It is an equally wonderful idea to try and make it humerous when teaching. Using sex for the humor though? Completely wrong, inappropriate, and degrading. It borders on pornographic.

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My husband and I just read the quiz.

Inappropriate - not funny.

Wow, just wow.

My husband actually had some choice words after reading that. I would never want my child (or any) exposed to something like that on paper or off. If a teacher verbally said anything like that to a student they'd be in major doo. I think the fact that he gave such a quiz is just as sickening.

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It's a high school class. The kids are reaching the point to handle topics in a more mature fashion. I probably wouldn't have given the quiz out if I were that teacher but I did find it amusing. I don't know the guy. So I don't want to jump to conclusions. He may have just sincerely been trying to teach the children that things are not always as they seem but didn't realize parents would be as offended as they were by his quiz.

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Oh, yes. Utterly roll-on-the-floor funny. So, so clever. Please make sure you give it to your eighteen-year-old daughter. Be sure to laugh when you give it to her, so she understands how funny and clever it is. Maybe she can laugh at it, too, and pass it along to all her Church friends so they can be in on the funniness. Then she can incorporate it into her view on men, women, sexuality, and human relations in general.

It's strange the things we tolerate/laugh-at/think are funny and/or clever, but wouldn't want our 18-year-old daughters having anything to do with. (I'm no different from MarginOfError here!) I have to admire you Vort for being a little more consistent in your views than most!

Edited by Jamie123
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It's strange the things we tolerate/laugh-at/think are funny and/or clever, but wouldn't want our 18-year-old daughters having anything to do with. (I'm no different from MarginOfError here!) I have to admire you Vort for being a little more consistent in your views than most!

Thanks for the compliment, Jamie, but I don't know that I'm particularly more consistent than most. Like others, I gravitate toward the pretty and the shiny. Clever comments and subtle (or even unsubtle) double entendres have often been a favorite of mine. But the older I get, the less clever many of them seem to me, and the more disgusted and horrified I am at the perversity of the world.

I remember in my childhood, in probably the very early 1970s, someone commenting, "They say 'Make love, not war'. But they don't realize that their 'love-making' fornication is what causes war." At the time, I couldn't connect the dots; I knew only that what they said somehow seemed or felt right. Now that I'm middle-aged, I can see much more clearly how the breakdown of that which makes society strong (such as sexual continence) will indeed lead to miseries such as war.

I love my children far, far more than I love someone's idea of a clever double entendre. When I think of my kids being exposed to such rot and filth -- and by a TEACHER -- it disgusts me. I admit to being more than a little surprised that a significant number of my fellow Saints seem to think it's all in good, harmless fun.

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