Phrases Passed Down From Generations Lol


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Who is Jim? Why is he getting blamed?

an uncle,

it started way back when my oldest sister who is almost 30, was about 7. the big family, so extendid family too, were getting a family picture for grandma and grandpa. my sister chewing some gum and when it was time to take the picuter my mom said told her to get rid of the gum, well being only 7 she didnt know what to do with it, my uncle leaned over and told her to stick it behind her ear...and she did, NOTE: she had long blond hair. later after all the pictures were done my sister was crying and my mom asked why and she showed her the gum that got stuck in her hair, and my mom said to her "how did it get there" and her reply was "Jim did it" ever sense then it has always been jim did it

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Don't look at me in that tone of voice.

That is what my little sister said to my Grandma when sister was about 4 years old.

She also was sneaking around listening in to the three oldest siblings' teen talk - when the oldest brother told her to get lost or he would "snatch her bald". She ran screaming to Mom, buried her face in Mom's skirts - then looked up at Mom, dry eyed and asked: What is a Snatch Me Bald?

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When my mom didn't want to answer a question she would say "Cats for"

I would say "What's a Cats for?"

She said "To make kitten britches"

I would always get frustrated and walk away. :wow:

BTW, I tormented my own children with the same thing! haha :lol:

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From my grandmother:

Getting your come-up-ins.

That’s what she would tell me if bad peaple get away with something.

Sooner or later you will get your come up-ins if not here when you die.

Cupboard love

That’s when you try to con your grandmother out of some kind of snake, a extra cookie etc.

My Jewish stepfather.

Don’t pick a scab you’ll get the creeping crud.

Well its better then a slap in the belly with a frozen Halibut.

Well up your nose with a rubber hose!

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Keep that up and you are going to get the stupid slapped right out of you!

Because I said so is why.

This was never said in my family - but I heard the neighbor mother saying it to her kids:

I brought you into this world, and I can easily take you out of this world.

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