A spiritual thought for all


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I know that you have it as doctrine that the Prophet is the only one that gets messages for the whole world. I also know that Mormons are by far the most receptive to the voice of the Holy Spirit, that is why I consider the LDS Church to be the most righteous church on Earth. Try as best you can to receive the following with minds completely open:

Righteousness is not so much about repentance as it is a metamorphosis from the human nature into the divine nature.

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I like the thought. It places repentance in its proper spot as a tool to accomplish the goal, rather than allow it to be seen as a possible obstacle to happiness, which was never the intent. It also emphasises the life-long process that approaching our Savior needs to be. Thanks for the message.

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A wonderful thought. I feel the need to insert that faith is critical to this process. It is faith that enables obedience, which facilitates repentance unto obedience again (baptism by water and fire) and so forth.

"God has created man with a mind capable of instruction, and a faculty which may be enlarged in proportion to the heed and diligence given to the light communicated from heaven to the intellect; and that the nearer man approaches perfection, the clearer are his views, and the greater his enjoyments, till he has overcome the evils of his life and lost every desire for sin; and like the ancients, arrives at that point of faith where he is wrapped in the power and glory of his Maker, and is caught up to dwell with Him."--Teachings of the prophet, Joseph Smith p. 51

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I like the thought. It places repentance in its proper spot as a tool to accomplish the goal, rather than allow it to be seen as a possible obstacle to happiness, which was never the intent. It also emphasises the life-long process that approaching our Savior needs to be. Thanks for the message.

It is like this: Righteousness is not so much a matter of discarding aspects of the human nature as it is aquiring aspects of the divine nature.

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I know that you have it as doctrine that the Prophet is the only one that gets messages for the whole world. I also know that Mormons are by far the most receptive to the voice of the Holy Spirit, that is why I consider the LDS Church to be the most righteous church on Earth. Try as best you can to receive the following with minds completely open:

Righteousness is not so much about repentance as it is a metamorphosis from the human nature into the divine nature.

We believe that the LDS church is the True Church of Jesus Christ. 'True' for most LDS means that we have the doctrine, authorities and ordinances to lead us back to the Father.

What if 'true' was also a verb? To bring (an object, wheel, or other construction) into the exact shape, alignment, or position required.

Aren't we always truing ourselves to the will and mind of the Lord?

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"Try as best you can to receive the following with minds completely open" sound an awful lot like "I know you are a bunch of closed-minded people, but do give it your best shot, if you can."

I have had horrible experience with other non LSD "Christians". Most all of them that I have encountered have been mostly closed minded most of the time. I totally gave up on Christianity for over a decade.

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