I really need three teenage girls.

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My grandson is on to his next stage of development. Full blast, 100 miles an hour OF Independence and Contrariness. His latest favorite comment is "I will fight you."

Most days I can laugh though it but its getting harder and I find I'm losing my patience more often. I look at this wonderful child and wonder "How is the world did I do this with FOUR?" :o

On top of being contrary he's completely into testing everything and everyone. He's learned the fire hose trick in the bathroom. :eek: Spiting is getting out of hand. :o He has been an angel at preschool until last week when he earned two time-outs in one morning. :( He's not shy at church anymore. Whomever is sitting behind us has to try really hard to not break out laughing right out loud. (Yesterday is was the three teenage daughters of our wonderful neighbors.)

Aw.... maybe that's the solution. I NEED THREE TEENAGE GIRLS!

Then...just as I'm starting to tie a knot in the end of my rope he says "Mom, I love you" :blink:

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I've got to get my eyes checked in the mornings.

I saw the title of the thread, then I scanned your message. I didn't see "development"... I saw 'deployment'. Then I saw the phrase again in caps lock... and I was then wondering what you were REALLY requesting... just to get him to say "Mom, I love you"? :)

So basically, I thought you were talking about a 22-year old man instead of a toddler.

I should really stay off the internet until I've really woken up. :P

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I have three teenage daughters...

Daddy, I really need to get LEVI'S, not Walmart jeans.

Daddy, I must have my own computer, laptop, phone, room, etc, etc, etc...


Daddy, where's your wallet?

DADDY, Michael's breathing on me again!

Oh Daddy, I met the cutest guy! I think I'm in love!

Daddy, I'm bored.

Daddy, I'm a girl in college, I need my own car.

Daddy, I'm crying and I don't know why!

At least with a boy, you can tell him to suck it up, deal with it, and move on. For some reason, there needs to be more drama between each step for a girl. And that drama scares a guy.

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I have three teenage daughters...

Daddy, I really need to get LEVI'S, not Walmart jeans.

Daddy, I must have my own computer, laptop, phone, room, etc, etc, etc...


Daddy, where's your wallet?

DADDY, Michael's breathing on me again!

Oh Daddy, I met the cutest guy! I think I'm in love!

Daddy, I'm bored.

Daddy, I'm a girl in college, I need my own car.

Daddy, I'm crying and I don't know why!

At least with a boy, you can tell him to suck it up, deal with it, and move on. For some reason, there needs to be more drama between each step for a girl. And that drama scares a guy.

First, I'll borrow your three girls. Believe me, my grandson will keep them so busy your list won't be happening.

Second, boys have their issues too. :D

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There's days when I'm literally exhausted to the bone with having to care and supervise my 7-month old daughter. But my mum raised one boy and two girls and has no pity on me, and my MIL raised four boys and has no pity on me.. Haha.. I've been told that in GENERAL boys are more difficult as youngsters because they're rambunctious and get into everything, and girls are more difficult as teens because no one "understands them"..

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I'm going to have 3 teenage girls in about 8 years. Help me.

Buy stock in Hershey and Ghirardelli.

In 8 years my need for 3 teenage girls will be be gone. My grandson will be 12 and I'm certain he'll still be flirting with girls. A few weeks back he asked the clerk at Home Depot for her number. He didn't mean her phone number but we got a good laugh anyway. She wrote a number on a sticky note and gave it to him. He was happy. It won't be that easy when he's 12.

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