The Avengers. Best. Superhero. Movie. EVER.


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I loved Hulk's reaction when Loki said "But I am a God".

Ben Raines

That's THE BEST one! Well, and when he knocked Thor out of the screen. LOL! Saw it twice and still couldn't catch the dialogue a couple minutes after that and that scene with IronMan needling Bruce... people laugh so hard it drowns out the audio...

Oh, and that stop-motion capture of Hulk - it is soooo much a value add to the character. You can actually see Mark Ruffalo's expression through the Hulk when he walks away from Loki after the "I am a god, I will not be bullied!" scene...

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So I just saw this last night. :) One of the few movies I was willing to fight the crowd for to see as soon as I could. I was already excited about how good I knew it would be as I've been impressed with the Marvel movies since Marvel actually took them back over, and I've also been impressed with Joss Whedon (Firefly anyone? :)). I can definitely say that The Avengers met and even exceeded my expectations. One of the best movies I've ever seen.

I was never really a big fan of Hulk, Thor, Captain America, or Ironman when I read the comics. My favorites were always Spiderman and the X-Men. But I've found myself enjoying all of the Marvel made Marvel movies so much that I've been going back to those comics. The only one I was still unimpressed with after seeing his movie was the Hulk, but The Avengers cured that. Most of the best parts involved him. I'm so glad Marvel decided to stop selling the rights to their characters and get personally involved in the films.

With how well Marvel has been doing, this is building in me an enormous amount of excitement for the Spiderman remake coming out soon- as Spiderman was always my absolute favorite superhero. I doubt it will be as popular or as good as The Avengers, but it will most certainly be better than the first attempt- which while they didn't follow the comics well at all I still enjoyed them.

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So I just saw this last night. :) One of the few movies I was willing to fight the crowd for to see as soon as I could. I was already excited about how good I knew it would be as I've been impressed with the Marvel movies since Marvel actually took them back over, and I've also been impressed with Joss Whedon (Firefly anyone? :)). I can definitely say that The Avengers met and even exceeded my expectations. One of the best movies I've ever seen.

I was never really a big fan of Hulk, Thor, Captain America, or Ironman when I read the comics. My favorites were always Spiderman and the X-Men. But I've found myself enjoying all of the Marvel made Marvel movies so much that I've been going back to those comics. The only one I was still unimpressed with after seeing his movie was the Hulk, but The Avengers cured that. Most of the best parts involved him. I'm so glad Marvel decided to stop selling the rights to their characters and get personally involved in the films.

With how well Marvel has been doing, this is building in me an enormous amount of excitement for the Spiderman remake coming out soon- as Spiderman was always my absolute favorite superhero. I doubt it will be as popular or as good as The Avengers, but it will most certainly be better than the first attempt- which while they didn't follow the comics well at all I still enjoyed them.

Ahh, Firefly!!!

I don't know about this new Spiderman movie coming up. It's still with Sony and it's directed by Marc Webb - a newcomer to the big screen. His music videos are okay but nothing spectacular... 500 days of summer was good but Spiderman is a completely different kind of movie. From the previews, it looks like they're going to give Spiderman a completely new back story that is outside the realm of the comics - involving his parents that, from what I know, was never written about in the comic books. But seems like they're going to go back to the original concept of Spidey making his own web-shooter device - not the biological webbing that's an effect of the spider-bite that came out with his enhanced powers in the later comics. That's cool.

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But seems like they're going to go back to the original concept of Spidey making his own web-shooter device - not the biological webbing that's an effect of the spider-bite that came out with his enhanced powers in the later comics. That's cool.

That's NECESSARY! The bio-web stuff was just icky on so many levels.

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Its still with Sony and it's directed by Marc Webb - a newcomer to the big screen.

I didn't know it was still with Sony. Poo. Maybe it won't be as good as I'm hoping.. Ah well. From what I can tell of the previews, it is going to be following the comic much better even though they're going into his parents background. You are right- that was never covered in the comics, but it was hinted toward at least. So... now I'm feeling a bit skeptical about it. I guess we'll see.

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Okay, my defnitive answers (caution, there may be Spoilers on my list):

1. This IS the best Marvel movie ever. It is also better than all the DC (Batman/Superman) movies ever, as well. It is the best superhero movie ever.

2. This Hulk (the animated character), is equally good with the one in the second movie. Ed Norton's Bannor was much better than the first, but did not act nor work like the original Bannor in the comics or tv series. Mark Ruffalo actually does seem like a scientist type, actually seems like he struggles to hold the Hulk under control, and is very believable when he tells what his secret is. Norton could not have pulled it off as well.

3. They wrote an excellent script and Joss Whedon did superbly as a director. The character development, and how each character played off of one another was classic.

4. Tony Stark actually develops from a narcissistic playboy into a hero. Great stuff!

5. Each character was used as should be. Captain America directs traffic and the battle, because he's used to working and commanding armies. He allows each loose cannon his/her own role to play, so each can use his/her strengths effectively. At the same time, we not only see each one's strengths, but their weaknesses, also. Cap is not used to the 21st century. Tony Stark has his ego. Bannor has his inner demon to control. Thor has his brother Loki, etc. The biggest weakness? Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury. Sadly, this was not planned into the movie, it's just Jackson sounds so monotone and uninterested that he does not inspire anything in the movie. The one bad character choice. He should have stayed dead when Anakin Skywalker and Palpatine killed him.

6. Greatest hero in the movie? Has to go to Agent Phil Coulson. Regular human with heart and compassion, he is the one whose actions brings the egos together as a team. His actions are what change Ironman into a hero. Of course, Maria Hill is now there to replace him in future movies.

7. I don't need to note that the two of the three funniest parts of the movie had Hulk in them, with Thor and Loki. And the scene after the credits at the greasy shawarma deli nearby, where they all eat without saying a word is the best after credit scene since Ferris Bueller told us to go home. (you can read here about this last scene, and how it was added 2 days AFTER the premiere)

People worried about putting together a bunch of superheroes and trying to have them all work together. Well, isn't that what they did with XMen? Here, they did it even better. It has definitely set a new bar for excellence in superhero films.

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Okay, my defnitive answers (caution, there may be Spoilers on my list):

1. This IS the best Marvel movie ever. It is also better than all the DC (Batman/Superman) movies ever, as well. It is the best superhero movie ever.

2. This Hulk (the animated character), is equally good with the one in the second movie. Ed Norton's Bannor was much better than the first, but did not act nor work like the original Bannor in the comics or tv series. Mark Ruffalo actually does seem like a scientist type, actually seems like he struggles to hold the Hulk under control, and is very believable when he tells what his secret is. Norton could not have pulled it off as well.

3. They wrote an excellent script and Joss Whedon did superbly as a director. The character development, and how each character played off of one another was classic.

4. Tony Stark actually develops from a narcissistic playboy into a hero. Great stuff!

5. Each character was used as should be. Captain America directs traffic and the battle, because he's used to working and commanding armies. He allows each loose cannon his/her own role to play, so each can use his/her strengths effectively. At the same time, we not only see each one's strengths, but their weaknesses, also. Cap is not used to the 21st century. Tony Stark has his ego. Bannor has his inner demon to control. Thor has his brother Loki, etc. The biggest weakness? Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury. Sadly, this was not planned into the movie, it's just Jackson sounds so monotone and uninterested that he does not inspire anything in the movie. The one bad character choice. He should have stayed dead when Anakin Skywalker and Palpatine killed him.

6. Greatest hero in the movie? Has to go to Agent Phil Coulson. Regular human with heart and compassion, he is the one whose actions brings the egos together as a team. His actions are what change Ironman into a hero. Of course, Maria Hill is now there to replace him in future movies.

7. I don't need to note that the two of the three funniest parts of the movie had Hulk in them, with Thor and Loki. And the scene after the credits at the greasy shawarma deli nearby, where they all eat without saying a word is the best after credit scene since Ferris Bueller told us to go home. (you can read here about this last scene, and how it was added 2 days AFTER the premiere)

People worried about putting together a bunch of superheroes and trying to have them all work together. Well, isn't that what they did with XMen? Here, they did it even better. It has definitely set a new bar for excellence in superhero films.

Excellent breakdown, Rame!

Man, now I'm gonna have to go watch the movie again to see if I can catch the prosthetic chin on the shawarma scene!

Oh, and about Phil Coulson - did you know that the actor, Clark Gregg, is married to Jennifer Grey of Dirty Dancing fame? Useless piece of trivia, but I didn't really know who Clark Gregg was until Jennifer's stint with Dancing with the Stars...

And while I'm on the topic useless trivia... Thor actor Chris Hemsworth's brother Liam is Gale in the Hunger Games.

Edited by anatess
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Saw it for the 5th time and finally caught "Puny god!" - yep, that's what Hulk said after beating up Loki!

I still couldn't catch what Thor said after Stark asked him if mother knoweth he's wearing her drapes... sigh. Wait for DVD, I guess.

Did catch some goofs though:

1.) Stark's power source on his chest is missing in the scene where he's talking to Loki in Stark tower.

2.) The bag that Rogers is punching lost the duct tape tied around it when Fury walks in. Then the tape came back afterwards.

3.) It just seems quite wrong that Black Widow was fighting the guys in the interrogation room and she stomped the foot of one guy with her chair then managed to get him to stagger backwards by hitting him with her... hair...

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I'm so used to Hollywood left-wing preachiness I found this movie very refreshing.

Some typical concepts that I found turned on its head in this movie were

- Capitalism and wealth are Bad, Anger is Bad, Pride in the USA is outdated, Belief and Faith in God is outdated, War is never justified.

I found many universally positive messages about forgiveness, understanding and how common values (Love of Freedom) can unify very different individuals for good.

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I liked it a lot, but I had to see it in 3-D because that's when I had time to go to the show.. I wish I had just seen it in 2-D. There were many scenes that were just too blurry in 3-D. enough of them and I'd have gotten sick.

Besides that it was an excellent show. great writing, great action, great acting....I'm buying the dvd...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think you might be crossing idioms here. Scarlett Johansson (Black Widow) is most definitely eye candy, in that she's nice to look at. What you're thinking of is commonly referred to as a Manic Pixie Dream Girl.

I got the biggest laugh out of this article because it made me realize the very poor character development in half the videogames I play, haha.

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