Use Of Stem Cells?

Dr T

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I really, really, really hate stem cell research. These babies are viable and in some cases have been brought thru term by adoptive parents. An unborn baby (which is what a fertilized egg is) is NOT a spare part! Besides science has been using cells from other organs like placentas and umbilical cords.

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I think we need to find a middle ground.

Some of the stem cell research can be done synthetically now and the use of these cells are not always used. Lab animal fertilized eggs. Only the evangelical right what you to think their killing babies. They are the loudest in this controversy.

We also need to understand that these are cells that are frozen soon after there fertilized and have not reached much passed cell division. We are talking about cells that have not reached the point of what any women would loss in a normal period were a pregnancy did not take.

I don’t believe in the mind set that the sole enters at the time of conception because of that. If you believe that, you have to morn any normal period.

On the other hand, I do not believe in abortion for me personally but I also do not wish to take away the rights of others to decide for themselves. For some of you I am old enough to remember when abortion was illegal and desperate women were driven to do desperate things.

I think it is important to remember that these are men and women highly educated doing this research not doctor Mengala of the third reight.

This all started many years ago when most of you were still young. Researcher used aborted fetus cells from the stem cells of what would have become the stem of a human brains. The same evangelical right who appose abortion so they found a new cause in stem cell research. By the way they no longer do that and have opted out for fertilized eggs.

This research could lead to millions cures from MD to spinal cord repair and wheelchairs becoming a thing of the past.

In the next few weeks my husband is having spinal cord surgery. This surgery was but a dream a few years ago. It will hopefully (there is always a chance) give my husband a life with out extreme pain from nerve damage that has progressively at this point reached his knee from his ankle. He lives a life on morphine, neural blockers and a host of other meds that counteract the side effects. My husband is not a Christopher Reed or Michal J Fox, he is just a army guy who was injured. Yes he could live a life on pain meds that control his quality of life one handful at a time. He use to run and play with his grandchildren but now being on Papa’s knee in imposable. If I told you things my husband use to do like any normal husband that cant do now, you would only get but a glimpse of the lives of people like Christopher Reed or Michal J Fox and those that love them.

I think a middle ground needs to be found. :hmmm:

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well I definatly not an expert on the subject so i dont think i can add to much to this subject but i will add my two cents. Now i'm actually not against it at all, I think if someone is willing to give up there unfertalized eggs for the benefit of those people who are alive and suffering due to some illness i say go for it. I mean i look at someone like michael J. Fox and i cant help but think that if its possible to cure a good guy like him through stem cell research i say go for it. I mean personally an egg is just like any other cell before its fertalized and if someone chooses to give it to research all the power to them i guess.l

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they have been doin research on 3 types of stem cells adult, embryotic, and embilical cord. out of the 3 types the adult stem cells have the most promise from my understanding and right now they are using adult stem cell takin form a persons own body to heal them. most of the funding for stem cell research goes to study adult stem cells, the government has only said that it wont fund embryotic stem cell research, most experts have even said that embryotic stems cells are the least likely to have any results, the private sector funding for stem cell, which is where msot of the funding comes from, has gone all to the adult and embilicol cord research for that reason, and thye are getting actually results without destroying potental life. the ethics on the subject of embryotic stem cells is on if not over the ethical boundry.

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On the other hand, I do not believe in abortion for me personally but I also do not wish to take away the rights of others to decide for themselves.

The right to have a baby or not happens when you have sex. If you do not want the child, because of rape/incest, then dont kill the baby, but bring it to term and give it to someone who really wants a child.

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On the other hand, I do not believe in abortion for me personally but I also do not wish to take away the rights of others to decide for themselves.

The right to have a baby or not happens when you have sex. If you do not want the child, because of rape/incest, then dont kill the baby, but bring it to term and give it to someone who really wants a child.

now i think if we are going to talk about a baby that has come to life due to such a violent act, i think that type of decission should be left to the individual who has to one day, deal with the idea that if she indeed gives it up for adoption that there is a possibility the child will come looking for her after. not to mention the child will have to deal with the very idea that he/she was conceived through such a horrible and violent act. I personally am pro abortion when it comes to situations like this, because i truly believe that a woman does have the total right to terminate a pregnancy when pregnancy was achieved through violence and not love. besides does the health and mental health of the individual surpass that of an unborn not fully developed child whos body and brain are no more the size of a peanute?

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Thanks Sunny,

That is an issue. If it is just "a mothers choice" and they chose to abort, would that be seen as murder in the LDS church? Would the be accountable just like a regular murder would be (outer darkness)?

No Dr.t this type of situation where the mother has been raped will not be considered murder under the church. The prophet has said that those types of decisions is to be left to the individual or the person who is pregnant with the child. The church does not believe in abortion expect when the mothers health is in danger or in cases of rape or incest when the person had no say what so ever in the decision, but was forced violently into it.
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Thank you sunny.

You cant imagine the anguish that is behind a abortion. :(

No women, at lest those with soles step in to a clinic because that see it as a bad tooth to be pulled.

In my youth stories of women doing desperate things to themselves was common.

Women from Canada went over the border to the states, those with money, to receive real medical treatment. Leaving those with out means to seek help in back alleys or by other means.

What we must do is understand it is our society that is at fault for the stigma we place on women finding them self’s with an unplanned pregnancy.

If a support, system was in place, free health care and real understanding women would not feel the need to bring to an end a chance of life.

Canada has guidelines put in to place to assure it is not abused since it is government health care. When a women approaches her doctor about terminating her pregnancy requirements have to be made. She must meet with mental heath provider and a medical social worker and another doctor. This must be done early on in the pregnancy.

Of course there is always those who choose the easy way out and go over the border.

We need to change our society before this will end. :idea:

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There are many reasons to do stem cell research. There are also different "types" of stem cells. For example, bone marrow contains stem cells. Using one's own stem cells prevents the "rejection" of tissue from the immune system. There has never been benefit proven as possible from "foreign" infant stem cells.

However, there are ways to harvest infant stem cells from a fetus that is developing that could be used after the birth of the individual. Perhaps harvesting of stem cells is something parents ought to consider as a help for their children from problems later. However, there are some that fear science and knowledge and are doing whatever they can to prevent any kind of research. Many do not understand the need for medical research and have prevented the use of cadaviors in medical schools and research because of human rights even for a "dead" body.

I would also point out the cloning is a "natural" process that exist in nature and results in identical twins. It is my opinion that politics have come into the pitcher and now many act like fools - preferring opinions based on ignorance rather than intelligence.

The Traveler

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There are many reasons to do stem cell research. There are also different "types" of stem cells. For example, bone marrow contains stem cells. Using one's own stem cells prevents the "rejection" of tissue from the immune system. There has never been benefit proven as possible from "foreign" infant stem cells.

However, there are ways to harvest infant stem cells from a fetus that is developing that could be used after the birth of the individual. Perhaps harvesting of stem cells is something parents ought to consider as a help for their children from problems later. However, there are some that fear science and knowledge and are doing whatever they can to prevent any kind of research. Many do not understand the need for medical research and have prevented the use of cadaviors in medical schools and research because of human rights even for a "dead" body.

I would also point out the cloning is a "natural" process that exist in nature and results in identical twins. It is my opinion that politics have come into the pitcher and now many act like fools - preferring opinions based on ignorance rather than intelligence.

The Traveler

Now i think cloning is a whole different matter...I mean just because nature does it naturally, when does the line cross in which we try to be God and duplicate ever single aspect of human creation in a test tube. Which comes to the next question is cloning really ethical?
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There are many reasons to do stem cell research. There are also different "types" of stem cells. For example, bone marrow contains stem cells. Using one's own stem cells prevents the "rejection" of tissue from the immune system. There has never been benefit proven as possible from "foreign" infant stem cells.

However, there are ways to harvest infant stem cells from a fetus that is developing that could be used after the birth of the individual. Perhaps harvesting of stem cells is something parents ought to consider as a help for their children from problems later. However, there are some that fear science and knowledge and are doing whatever they can to prevent any kind of research. Many do not understand the need for medical research and have prevented the use of cadaviors in medical schools and research because of human rights even for a "dead" body.

I would also point out the cloning is a "natural" process that exist in nature and results in identical twins. It is my opinion that politics have come into the pitcher and now many act like fools - preferring opinions based on ignorance rather than intelligence.

The Traveler

Now i think cloning is a whole different matter...I mean just because nature does it naturally, when does the line cross in which we try to be God and duplicate ever single aspect of human creation in a test tube. Which comes to the next question is cloning really ethical?

What is ethical has little or nothing to do with what is done and everything to do with why. We may think of having children as ethical - but if the reason for having children was to abuse them then having children would not be ethical. If there are ways we can inprove human life - it would be unethical to not consider it.

The Traveler

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If the church does not make a pronouncement any any particular moral action, then you would say it is not a moral issue? The basic principles of right and wrong in behavior continue whether the church takes a position either way. That is why I had a problem with that statement.

Dr. T

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My thoughts "stem" along sunny surffer's. People are in a hurting condition and if we can help them by one small cell then I think we should.

I think you people are missing the picture......this is not a single cell is not the same as an egg discarded when a woman has a is a fertilized viable human embryo. The embryos are fertilized and frozen until needed....they are then allowed to grow and multiply in a petri dish until the stems cells are present.....this is at a time equal to about 3 weeks in a this time there are tens of thousands of cells.....(people who have the embryos implanted to bare a child have it done well before the embryo has grown to 3 weeks). The stem cells are harvested and multiplied in separate petri dishes......the research on these cells is to determine what particular organ or tissue these cells would produce if allowed to finish the process of creating a full term human baby. Researchers can get these cells from human placentas, although it is harder and fewer are harvested, it can be done. The big debate is..... when is the embryo a living "soul", when does the Spirit of the child inhabit the body? At conception? At 4 weeks? At 3 months? At birth? Some women feel their baby move inside them at 4 it a "soul" then? Personally, I have no problem with medical research....the Lord has given us many wondrous medical milestones in the past decades....but where do we draw the line? As Christians, what sacrifices do we make on our morals or God's standards to satisfy the few who suffer? Although the Church has no official stance on stem cell research.....I think if we garner the facts, we can see that it is against God's will to mess around with his greatest creations......and that's all I have to say about that!

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On the other hand, I do not believe in abortion for me personally but I also do not wish to take away the rights of others to decide for themselves.

The right to have a baby or not happens when you have sex. If you do not want the child, because of rape/incest, then don't kill the baby, but bring it to term and give it to someone who really wants a child.

Oh now don't get me started on the issue of abortion! Put it this way....if the men and women of this Earth were to live up to the standards that God has set forth then there would be no need for abortion. Abortion should NOT be used as a contraceptive.....Abortion should be illegal....outlawed on every continent......the women should be forced to carry the babies to full term, the fathers and mothers of the babies should be made responsible to pay for the medical bills....and the child should be taken from them and given to a couple who would raise the child right.....that's my two cents on that subject, you can hate me if you want!......let the nasty replies begin!!!!!!

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<div class='quotemain'>

My thoughts "stem" along sunny surffer's. People are in a hurting condition and if we can help them by one small cell then I think we should.

I think you people are missing the picture......this is not a single cell is not the same as an egg discarded when a woman has a is a fertilized viable human embryo. The embryos are fertilized and frozen until needed....they are then allowed to grow and multiply in a petri dish until the stems cells are present.....this is at a time equal to about 3 weeks in a this time there are tens of thousands of cells.....(people who have the embryos implanted to bare a child have it done well before the embryo has grown to 3 weeks). The stem cells are harvested and multiplied in separate petri dishes......the research on these cells is to determine what particular organ or tissue these cells would produce if allowed to finish the process of creating a full term human baby. Researchers can get these cells from human placentas, although it is harder and fewer are harvested, it can be done. The big debate is..... when is the embryo a living "soul", when does the Spirit of the child inhabit the body? At conception? At 4 weeks? At 3 months? At birth? Some women feel their baby move inside them at 4 it a "soul" then? Personally, I have no problem with medical research....the Lord has given us many wondrous medical milestones in the past decades....but where do we draw the line? As Christians, what sacrifices do we make on our morals or God's standards to satisfy the few who suffer? Although the Church has no official stance on stem cell research.....I think if we garner the facts, we can see that it is against God's will to mess around with his greatest creations......and that's all I have to say about that!

We know that a fertilized egg is not a human being - otherwise identical twins should not be consider as two people - since they come from a single fertilized egg. At which point is an embryo and individual? - At that point that splitting the embryo cannot result in twins.

One thing everyone should understand - embronic stem cells can be used for experiments but are not useful for much else. The reason is the embronic stem cells used for medical treatments require suppressing the immune systems preventing long term solutions. But the more we understand - other stem cells, like stem cells from bone morrow can be utilized. Rather that destroy stem cells - why not learn something useful and develop methods of treating stem cells harvested from the person needing treatment? The concept of harvesting children to be used for medical treatments is not logical or even a possibility or a realistic dream at present.

The Traveler

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It is not the same as an egg discarded when a woman has a is a fertilized viable human embryo.

Sorry Brother Dorsey your wrong there. Women flush fertilized eggs with their normal period all the time.

If the egg does not implant in the uterus witch by the way happens all the time it is flushed away by the normal period.

I have a family member who is a fertility specialist, he was a fountain of information during the years of difficulty conceiving.

Wanting men and women to live up to the standards that God wants them to live would be nice but in these latter days it is a pipe dream. The standard that you wish women and men would live by cause society’s presser to force women to do desperate things. It would be a wonderful world if poor women could face a unplanned pregnancy in a world were she did not face living in ghetto like neighborhoods worrying about were her families next meal would come from.

Yes it would be nice to live in that world but until then desperate women living in desperate lives will seek a unthinkable options for us but not for the most poor and desperate in our society.

Our society must change before that happens and right now if your honest with our self’s we will not see it in our life time.

By the way the turth is most stem cells used in research is not human and are mostly done synthetically.

The anti stem cell lobey whats you to keep thinking that.

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