Cat eye contacts at church?


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Haha. Yeh you'll probably get a few odd stares but otherwise, I don't see anything necessarily wrong with it. I used to wear dark blue contact lens, and people actually believed they were my natural eye colour. I finally got tired of them after about 2 straight years of wearing them but it was fun while it lasted.

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I guess it also depends on why you would be wearing them to church. Many wear these kinds of contacts to bring attention to themselves. Others just to be quirky and have some fun.

Attitude and intent would play a big part. We go to church to be spiritually uplifted. Not to create a fashion statement and bring attention to ourselves.

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My sister had a friend at SUU when she attended that had an anime obsession, and wore cat ears in honour of some character. From my understanding, he wore these throughout high school and they carried over to university. They weren't In-Your-Face, you probably wouldn't notice them unless you really paid attention, as they were just these little pointy ears. Funny thing is, when he didn't wear them, people would say.. "Something seems off.." Hah! The kid is a genius though. Into chemistry and all that jazz. I suppose people can laugh or mock all they want but he's on his way to fulfilling an amazing career. Oh, I've since heard that he's retired the ears :]

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I was an eye doctor's assistant for several years and taught people to put contacts in. I always hated those fittings because they were creepy. Cat eyes, red eyes, spiral eyes. . . we didn't sell a lot of them but I never liked it when we did.

Further examining why, I think it's because I'm sensitive to body language and eye language (is that a thing?) in communication. Those contacts hide what's going on in a person's eyes and that makes me feel uneasy. That makes me wonder if they would actually be inappropriate in church. At ward Halloween parties, we're not supposed to wear masks or anything that covers the eyes.

Edited by Eowyn
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Eowyn, you think THAT'S bad. You should have been the doc/assistant trying to teach my husband how to put contacts in and out. He couldn't do it. We were there for what seemed like HOURS. That night, it was a bugger for him to take them out. He's decided to wear glasses instead for stuff like watching TV but when we go see 3D movies, I'll put them in his eyes and take them out.

As for appropriateness and inappropriateness, I suppose I'm much less conservative and much more liberal. I've just never found myself to be offended or turned off by things like wild hair colours, beards and goatees on men, funky hairstyles on deacons, black shirts instead of white shirts, at church. Maybe I'm more comfortable around the unconventional? I don't know. Today in my ward, a girl a row in front of us had a traditional Japanese full-sleeve tat on display - let me clarify - she wasn't being immodest in dress - she wore an outfit alike the other women in the ward. However, the tattoo permanently painted on her arm extended past her blouse sleeve. I'm sure there's those that would protest to cover it up but I'm just not one of those people. I'm not arguing good or bad here, I just don't get worked up about that stuff. People will be people, non of us are perfect, dress-wise or otherwise, we go to church for ourselves and that's what we must remember.

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None of that bothers me either, but the eye thing would.

I did have patients that would have a tough time. After awhile when they get really frustrated I'd schedule them to come another day and try again, and usually they'd do better the next time. I'd never send someone home in contacts unless I was totally confident that they could get them out.

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Yes, I'm shouting that... I'm so wanting to do the Gyaru eyes! Right now, I'm wearing green contact lenses... yes, I wore it to church. Matches with my outfit. It's not much different than wearing green eyeshadow.

Cat eyes, no I wouldn't wear that to church. It's just too distracting especially since I'm the one who is waving her hands infront of everybody in sacrament while singing the hymns.

Cat eyes at ward halloween parties, yeah man! We're not allowed masks but cat eyes wouldn't count as masks...

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The idea behind no masks is so bad people cant come in with bad intent and be anonymous. Cat eyes really arent going to hide your identity, I dont believe.

And in addition, so we don't lose children. It's harder to notice batman getting snagged by an adult than little Johnny getting dragged away by some adult not related to him...

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The idea behind no masks is so bad people cant come in with bad intent and be anonymous. Cat eyes really arent going to hide your identity, I dont believe.

I was also told years ago as a Primary President, that another reason is for liability and safety reasons. Masks can sometimes impair vision and also not allow a safe flow of air for beathing due to masks covering the nose.

Just what I was told anyway when I asked years ago.

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Interesting, masks are forbidden except in conjunction with dramatic productions:

Unapproved Activities

Church units may not sponsor the following activities. Leaders, parents, and others who plan or participate in Church activities should be aware of these restrictions.

1. Activities that have a high risk of injury or illness or that require unusual expense or travel (see 13.6.20 and 13.6.24).

2. Exercise programs that have music, lyrics, dress, or other elements that are not in harmony with Church standards.

3. Activities that involve wearing masks, except in dramatic productions.

4. Debutante balls, coming-out parties, or activities that include selecting kings and queens.

5. Any other activities that are not in harmony with the guidelines in this chapter.

If a bishop has a question about whether an activity is appropriate, he directs it to the stake president. Stake presidents may address questions to a member of the Presidency of the Seventy or the Area Presidency.

Link: Activities

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I'm sorry and did not mean to offend anyone. I was just feeling a bit silly now that I am getting over being really, really sick. I did not and will not wear the contacts to Sacrement Service, I have too much respect for Heavenly Father and the sensibilities of others.

When I was much younger, I would look at other children at school with my eyes crossed, or rolled clear up in my head. The boys were the meanest. LOL

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I guess it also depends on why you would be wearing them to church. Many wear these kinds of contacts to bring attention to themselves. Others just to be quirky and have some fun.

Attitude and intent would play a big part. We go to church to be spiritually uplifted. Not to create a fashion statement and bring attention to ourselves.

This makes sense to me. My first thought was, "why not?" Like, what's the big deal? But I would do it just to be fun and silly, not to draw attention to myself. Sometimes it's fun to have your own little secret.

I was an eye doctor's assistant for several years and taught people to put contacts in. I always hated those fittings because they were creepy. Cat eyes, red eyes, spiral eyes. . . we didn't sell a lot of them but I never liked it when we did.

I used to date a guy whose dad was an eye doctor. He (my then-boyfriend) wore the cat-eye contacts once, and for St. Patricks' Day, work shamrock ones. Those tripped me out. He didn't even need corrective lenses at all, so it was weird to see any sort of ocular alteration on him.

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Did you ever wear them with your hijab? That's an interesting visual. :D

That's an idea. When I first started attending church, I was still Muslim and wore Hijab and all. No one said a word about it to me, and that is one of the things that began to convince me that the LDS were "a horse of a different color". :)

As a Muslim Sister attending Kutbah (prayers on Friday), I would not even think of doing that. I would have been beaten; no really.

I think that answers my question.

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That's an idea. When I first started attending church, I was still Muslim and wore Hijab and all. No one said a word about it to me, and that is one of the things that began to convince me that the LDS were "a horse of a different color". :)

As a Muslim Sister attending Kutbah (prayers on Friday), I would not even think of doing that. I would have been beaten; no really.

I think that answers my question.

Here? In Portland? You would have been beaten for wearing those contacts? The Muslims I know here are nothing like that. It is certainly not the norm here.

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You don't think so? I think so. Having been Muslim for almost 7 years, I saw some things. I was constantly encouraging Muslim Sisters that felt they were being descriminated against to smile, be friendly and be ready to engage other women in light conversation even if their English is a bit wanting. Women are faster to adapt to cultural change than men, and I think that cultural understanding can come one person at a time. Muslims I have met are often really new to America, and as soon as they can get over their fear of Americans the better.

They would be much faster to view some hi jinks as an affront to Allah SWT.

It's the same thing that I say to Mormons, but in the case of Mormons, I know there to be prejudice against us, but I do not think it is as hurting as against Muslims.

I wasn't actually serious about the contacts at church, but the idea sort of struck me as funny, a joke really. I've spent a lot of my life in deadly serious situations and seemed to have developed a comical reaction to stress, that I really don't understand. Didn't mean to offend anyone.

I will say that certain people in Authority were very concerned that I could be in danger by converting, and I have encountered a couple people who were very upset.

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