Isn't there some guideline against this?


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Dont mod if you have no patience.

There are many things that holds true for...

However if the OP is going to try to get back into that group it is probably more useful for her to have some insight on to what the mod might have been thinking. It is much less helpful to be focusing on what might be seen as a flaw in the mod

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There are many things that holds true for...

However if the OP is going to try to get back into that group it is probably more useful for her to have some insight on to what the mod might have been thinking. It is much less helpful to be focusing on what might be seen as a flaw in the mod

But it might help with understanding. lol but mods with no patience end up with nothing to be patient about.

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Okay, I was not present on Sunday when this flier was handed out. Here's what it said:

Sisters: Our Scripture Study Class planned for this Thursday evening, has been postponed. In its place "Relief Society" will be held at the Somebody Home, 7pm where a wedding will be held for a new couple in our ward. They have no family or friends in the area and very few will be able to attend from out of state. They would love to have someone to help them celebrate their special day. As a ward sisterhood and a ward family let's reach out and embrace them on their wedding day. Please plan to wedding of Woman and Man, June 7, 2012, 7pm Somebody Home, Gifts welcome but not expected.

............... Still, I stand by my previously stated opinion. Our ward has a FB page, and I stated my opinion and the reason for it, just as I did in my above post, and the moderator of the page (just another ward member, not someone in any position of leadership) deleted it. Seriously, I can't understand why I would be censored. I was certainly civil, and it was a free exchange of ideas and opinions. It really rubs me the wrong way that my comment was deleted.

Yeah. After reading the flyer, I don't really see a reason to be upset. Continuing to make a big deal about it or commenting will only cause hurt feelings all around. Better to just drop it.

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Well, we did FHE and I milked my cow. Just reading through the most recent comments. I was surprised that even after deleting my own comments, he not only deleted the entire thread, but kicked me out of the group and blocked me, so I can't even message him. I could call him, but I don't know what I would say. Should I even care whether I'm a member of this FB group? It can be useful for getting the word out to people sometimes. I'm new-ish to the ward... moved here in November... so I haven't made many friends yet. I guess now I probably never will! :P

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A very small percentage of people in my ward ever look at our ward FB group. I learned the hard way that it is not the way to spread the word. Unless this admin is a gossip, I wouldn't worry about it. They'd have no way to know you were censored and blocked unless you or he told them.

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Well, we did FHE and I milked my cow. Just reading through the most recent comments. I was surprised that even after deleting my own comments, he not only deleted the entire thread, but kicked me out of the group and blocked me, so I can't even message him. I could call him, but I don't know what I would say. Should I even care whether I'm a member of this FB group? It can be useful for getting the word out to people sometimes. I'm new-ish to the ward... moved here in November... so I haven't made many friends yet. I guess now I probably never will! :P

You can still make friends. Just be all friendly-like. Like Eowyn said, there's a good chance the majority of the ward doesn't bother with the Facebook page.

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Man, I don't like this at all.

Personally, when I read Laura's opening post, I knew where she was coming from. I completely understood how she came to that conclusion and I didn't feel that it was made to be a source of contention. It was plainly and simply a concern over policy and nothing towards the bride-to-be at all.

So, I would feel the same over her FB post.

Now, I understand if the FB mod deleted the comments thinking it wasn't appropriate. But, to block her from an RS group? That is just going to foster contention. I mean, unless Laura persisted on posting stuff after the mod has given her a private talk about it, then okay, sure. But, just blocking someone from an RS group, I would think, will give a signal that Laura is not welcome in RS anymore and I don't like it one bit.

But then hey... that's just my personal opinion on the matter.

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I haven't called the mod or tried to email him. My husband is still a part of the ward FB group, and hasn't been "excommunicated" from it yet, so if there is ever anything noteworthy there, I'll hear of it from him. And, if I have anything pressing I need to post, I can ask my husband to post it for me.

Yes, I think the admin/mod took it too far by blocking me from the group, too. I had already deleted all of my comments before being blocked. He is just on a power-trip. Oh well, too much drama for me. Really, my only concern was that church policies and guidelines were being followed and not getting blurred. If the admin/mod wants to cause drama about it, I guess he can suit himself.

I'm going to attend the wedding tomorrow. I got some more information about the couple from a member of the RS presidency today. She told me they were basically homeless and are now living with another family, but have very little to their names... they have a baby, hardly any clothes for themselves or the child, and the financial hardship list goes on... I asked what sort of gifts they would need the most, and was told ANYTHING. So, what would you give to a young couple who need everything, but don't really have a place of their own at the moment? Would a gift card be tacky?

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Man, I don't like this at all.

Personally, when I read Laura's opening post, I knew where she was coming from. I completely understood how she came to that conclusion and I didn't feel that it was made to be a source of contention. It was plainly and simply a concern over policy and nothing towards the bride-to-be at all.

So, I would feel the same over her FB post.

Now, I understand if the FB mod deleted the comments thinking it wasn't appropriate. But, to block her from an RS group? That is just going to foster contention. I mean, unless Laura persisted on posting stuff after the mod has given her a private talk about it, then okay, sure. But, just blocking someone from an RS group, I would think, will give a signal that Laura is not welcome in RS anymore and I don't like it one bit.

But then hey... that's just my personal opinion on the matter.

Well, in the mods defense, the OPs concerns, while perhaps valid, weren't appropriate for the Facebook group. They should have been taken, privately, to the RS President and/or the Bishop, not the FB group, because really, what could the people on the FB group do to address the issue? It would have to be passed on to one of those two people anyway. And posting it on FB means that the bride and/or groom, or one of their friends, would see it and possibly become embarrassed. I DO think the banning without at least a note of explanation was a bit much, but she reposted a deleted comment, and my time on Facebook has shown me that most (not all) people who repost stuff that's been deleted will often continue to repost their comments and make bigger stinks unless they're nipped in the bud. The FB mod may be coming from that same slightly-jaded POV.

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Laura, I've had friends/family who probably weren't as poor as this couple, but still had a list of needs. I recall once when a group of friends chipped in and put a few hundred dollars on a Wal-Mart gift card for newlywed friends.

They absolutely loved it.

No, I don't think gift cards are too tacky.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Turns out that we didn't go to the wedding afterall. My husband and I got wrapped up with something, looked at the clock, and it was already 7:45 PM, so too late to get showered, changed, and attend the wedding. I wish I would have attended. Oh well, it's probably not too late to give them a gift card.

The ward FB page admin reinstated me at last, after my husband went to bat for me. It doesn't effect my eternal salvation whether I'm on the FB page or not, so I didn't really care, but my husband was really offended in my behalf. Anyway, it took several days and a lot of posts, but I'm back. I took the first opportunity to post current ward choir information, as I am the ward choir director.

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