Man owes child support to 15 women


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I was going to write something deeply uncomplimentary about the woman. But then I decided, why? What purpose would it serve to declaim and mock her for her stupidity? Satan laughs and his angels rejoice. I do not want to be the accuser. Why people willingly choose evil and foolishness, I don't understand, even when I'm the one choosing it.

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I know a woman who met a guy at AA, he claimed his car broke down and needed to spend the night at her apartment, and raped her. She was impregnated by said rape. She later found out that he had impregnated 2 other women around the same time, and there are multiple others within the area. But they don't associate in the same circles, so these women didn't know each other. Sure there were red flags, but this woman I know was just trying to be kind. A different situation than in the article, but still an example of how a woman would not know.

Of course, there is also the culture surrounding sexual relations today. It is just far more acceptable to have children out of wedlock. If the guy is sending $6 or $9 every month, and does make some effort at keeping in contact with this one child then maybe he is doing all he can. He has 21 kids!! Imagine how he'd have to divide up his time and money! Yeah, he was completely irresponsible. But we don't know who he is today, just who he was then. (I've been reading a TON of talks and scriptures about forgiveness and judging others lately. I think it's starting to show. hahaha!)

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I know a woman who met a guy at AA, he claimed his car broke down and needed to spend the night at her apartment, and raped her. She was impregnated by said rape. She later found out that he had impregnated 2 other women around the same time, and there are multiple others within the area. But they don't associate in the same circles, so these women didn't know each other. Sure there were red flags, but this woman I know was just trying to be kind. A different situation than in the article, but still an example of how a woman would not know.

Of course, there is also the culture surrounding sexual relations today. It is just far more acceptable to have children out of wedlock. If the guy is sending $6 or $9 every month, and does make some effort at keeping in contact with this one child then maybe he is doing all he can. He has 21 kids!! Imagine how he'd have to divide up his time and money! Yeah, he was completely irresponsible. But we don't know who he is today, just who he was then. (I've been reading a TON of talks and scriptures about forgiveness and judging others lately. I think it's starting to show. hahaha!)

I agree. Better than ignoring all the women and kids.

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