LDS book club


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Who would be interested in having an online book club here?

There are two options that I can think of that we could do:

1. a book a month

2. a chapter per week in a book. For example, we could do An Approach to the Book of Mormon by Hugh W. Nibley, and spend 44 weeks discussing each chapter.

So, who would be interested in the book club, and for those interested and committed to do it, which format would you prefer?

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A great idea. I won't be joining only because I already have a list of books I'm going through on my own, but if you feel inclined, "The Life of Christ" by Farrar should be on everyone's list. Here are two free sources. This work is public domain so anyone is free to copy and distribute as no entity owns the copyright. Enjoy:

The Life of Christ - Title Page

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I'm in.

Can we read "You read to me, I'll read to you"? I'm sort of kidding. Lately all I read are books to a 4yo and enough paragraphs to put me to sleep at night from a novel. (HELP!)

I miss reading just for the fun of reading and learning.

I'm half way through Emotional Intelligence... and about 1/3 way through Open Mind. sigh


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A great idea. I won't be joining only because I already have a list of books I'm going through on my own, but if you feel inclined, "The Life of Christ" by Farrar should be on everyone's list. Here are two free sources. This work is public domain so anyone is free to copy and distribute as no entity owns the copyright. Enjoy:

The Life of Christ - Title Page

Important for understanding where Talmage and McConkie got much of their interpretation of the mortal ministry of Christ, but a very, very dated work.

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Alright, then. Let’s start with Nibley’s An Approach to the Book of Mormon, since most of the chapters aren’t too long. As we go along, if we want to speed it up, we can later do multiple chapters in a week, but will deal with that later.

The Maxwell Institute has it online to read for free:

Publications - Books

Chapter One is actually, “Introduction to an Unknown Book”, and so I’ll let y’all read the forewards, etc as an aside. If there is something in any of them you’d like to bring up, go for it. But we’ll begin now and each Monday start the discussion of that chapter, and begin reading the next. So we’ll begin reading chapter one, and begin discussing it on about July 23.

As we discuss this great book, I hope to bring in more updated info in regards to some things Nibley wrote, and sometimes may tell you that his concept is no longer accepted, etc. But hopefully we can do some digging on this. BTW, I'll also be running this at blog at the same time, since they are a different group of people who also are interested in doing it.

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Important for understanding where Talmage and McConkie got much of their interpretation of the mortal ministry of Christ, but a very, very dated work.

Indeed. I am currently reading Talmage's book and see many references. Ok, Ram. I'm in. I just read (well, started reading, then skimmed) chapter one. Very dry, elementary material. The only part of value to me was the noteworthy "Why the Book of Mormon?" section. Looking forward to seeing what I can glean from this adventure.

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