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I recently invited over my grandfather's brother, Uncle Doug for icecream cake to celebrate both my husband and my grandfather's birthday... This was on Facebook because he lives a state away but is currently nearby in their vacation home at the beach. No response except to put a post up on Harry Reid complaining about the tax hike and his Mormonism...

I was a little shocked when I saw this Uncle Doug was recently diagnosed with bone cancer and told he has 18 months to live, he is a christian however, but my husband and our family are the only LDS members... the rest of my family are non believers or a mix of "yes we believe"... but don't go to any church.

Its really sad that this could be one of the last opportunities we could have to get our families together, and he is refusing to even acknowledge my invite.

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I recently invited over my grandfather's brother ... This was on Facebook because he lives a state away but is currently nearby in their vacation home at the beach.


Its really sad that this could be one of the last opportunities we could have to get our families together, and he is refusing to even acknowledge my invite.

It's a really, really, really BAD idea to just assume that he saw your facebook post (or was it a message? Or an invite? Or just a post on your wall?) and ignored it. Maybe he just never saw it.

Call him. Invite him personally. Then you can tell for sure if he's got a problem or not. This might have absolutely nothing to do with Mormons, or dying, or anything besides a technology flub.

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If he's anything like my dad, he doesn't take any Facebook invitations seriously. My dad doesn't even take emailed invitations even from E-vite seriously. I can just imagine him now - "What invitation? You call that an invitation? Is that the level of respect you have for me?" Yeah... that is totally my dad. Fortunately, he likes the phoned-in invitations even when left on the answering machine. But if you really want to invite my dad to anywhere with a great chance of him accepting the invite, you send in an invitation card - hand-delivered or snail-mailed complete with an RSVP card. :)

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