Easily Offended


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Being offended is a method to place yourself above others very quickly. It's main accomplishment is to establish an unequal relationship between two people/entities. How dare they say such things!! How dare they believe such things!!

The other bad part about being offended is that it is rarely in connection with true beliefs, true intents, or truth in general. After all, people are offended that we believe we can become God, when we don't believe that at all. We simply believe that we can become as God is, as promised in the New Testament.

People don't like to be wrong, so the quickest way to avoid that is to assume you're right no matter what, and take offense at anyone that disagrees with you. A very insecure way to live btw.

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What is it about human nature that people tend to take things way to personal?

Well I think a large part of it is egocentricism, not necessarily in any insidious super self-absorbed way but simply because we are the center of our thought processes we forget we aren't the star of everyone else's show.

Now this is just speaking of the general tendency to attribute others actions as directed at us, there is a level beyond that were people actively seek umbrage for emotional reasons. As Eowyn mentioned, being the victim validates us, and Ripplecut goes into this as well in that it allows us to remain right no matter what. If I propose an idea for a party and it's discussed and decided against if I can get offended, if I can become the victim of injustice then my idea wasn't poor. I didn't make a suggestion that was turned down for legitimate and logical reasons, I am the victim of mean people. And in so being the victim, I remain in the 'right' for having such an idea. Sometimes people are raised with this idea, that the only reason for being rebuffed is people are mean, take the parent who accuses the ride operator for being mean, or otherwise makes their child a victim because they won't allow them on the ride because they don't meet the height requirement? Incidents like that pound that lesson home, you deserve everything and when you're denied it's not because of legitimate reasons that exist outside of your self, it's because people are being mean to you.

Edited by Dravin
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I always find it interesting how being a victim is considered attention seeking. How about the person, who is being an insulting rude person who cries foul when people are insulted by their cruel insensitive words, being the attention seeker?

PLAYING the victim, and actually BEING the victim are two very different things.

Why are people so easily offended and take things so personally? I could come up with a list of possibilities..

Most notably it's due to insecurity in which one establishes in one's head a false personal preeminence. Their egos are inflated, but they are very, very fragile.

Another reason off the top of my head are people who don't have enough problems in their life.. or a life period. They're looking to be offended. Actually looking for and sometimes seeking out ways to spin what someone says because they're THAT bored. It reminds me of a soap opera (gag).

Really, I don't have the time or inclination to care what most people think of me. If they mean to cause offense, little to none is taken with me. It truly reflects on them! The few people whose opinions matter to me, have proven themselves worthy to have their opinions matter to me. Who gives a crap what people think? ESPECIALLY people who DON'T know you! In reality they're doing you a favor by cutting through the BS and getting down to where they're at in their mindset. And frankly, I don't want to get to know people operating on that LOW energy level. In fact I almost *hope* they think I'm a stupid retard! Then they'll want to move on to something more interesting in their finite views (self-imposed no less).

"It is reported that President Brigham Young once said that he who takes offense when no offense is intended is a fool, and he who takes offense when offense is intended is usually a fool. It was then explained that there are two courses of action to follow when one is bitten by a rattlesnake. One may in anger, fear, or vengefulness pursue the creature and kill it. Or he may make full haste to get the venom out of his system. If we pursue the latter course we will likely survive, but if we attempt to follow the former, we may not be around long enough to finish it." - Marion D. Hanks

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We like to make everything about ourselves. We're not so good at considering other people's intentions. We're also pretty good at cutting ourselves a little slack, but much worse at doing the same for others.

All three of these statements are the total opposite of how I see things. I'm always trying to put myself in the other person's shoes. And cutting ourselves slack while not offering that to everyone else?? Total opposite here. I'm much harder on myself and cut people a LOT of slack. Hmm.. interesting insight tho.
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I don't take offense. I just get angry and start smacking people then forget about it. LOL. Okay, just kidding. But yeah, I don't take offense. I may get hurt and I'll go lick my wounds for a few, then I'm fine and we're friends again.

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