I have a teenager in the house!


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Not yet but after Thanksgiving we'll have my 18 year old niece staying with us. I haven't seen her in awhile, except, on Facebook. She's grown into quite the independent young lady over the years. Anyway, her parents will be overseas during the month of December, and so she's asked if she could hangout with us for the Holiday season. I'm super excited! At this point, it's uncertain for how long she'll be with us but I'm guessing it'll be for a couple of weeks at most. She doesn't know anyone here in Utah - at all - and will be traveling up from California. She's pretty stoked about the possibility of a WHITE Christmas. :D

Fun anticipation aside. Any things I should consider while she stays with us? I'm envisioning that she and I will spend a lot of time together since she's an out-of-towner with no SLC associations but she may end up looking for kids her own age to mingle with once she's up here. I have no problem with this. She is not LDS but I don't believe she is or will be a troublemaker. She has her own car, her own money, so I won't need to babysit her at all.. But maybe she'll want to babysit for me once in awhile! :D

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You will have a wonderful time! I have thoroughly enjoyed my kids teen years. As long as they have been raised to be respectful an moral you won't have problems. You will enjoy seeing her outlook on life, and how she is forming her worldview. It's fun being able to have adult conversations with teens. You will probably have a lot of laughter in the home, too!

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My .02... because I can...

1) Get ready to put her out of her misery. Californian teen visiting Utah over Christmas? Unless she's from the snow areas, "bleh" will be the word.

2) Nothing you do/say/act will make you cool. So don't even try.

3) Have fun understanding their language.

I have other stereotypes but I'm sure you know them all :D Ok, I tease, but good luck anyway.

Edited by slamjet
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Be yourselves, teens spot and are turned off by pretense. Explain what you expect from her as a guest in your home, and ask what she expects from you so she can be comfortable.

If true, explain that your religion is important in your home and she's invited to join you in prayer, FHE, etc. if she wants, but that she isn't required to.

Mostly make it a loving family experience. Unless she does something that is in conflict with your standards there shouldn't be much to worry about other than the language barrier, for sure!

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Rule # 1: You are not her parent. Don't act like it....ever.

Naturally, you will need to have some behavioral guidelines, but I would strongly recommend you ask her parents to implement those, such as curfew, allowable activities, keeping her living space clean, etc. That way if there are problems that go beyond the minor annoyances, you can say, "your mom and dad asked me to ....." without becoming the boring old aunt.

Rule # 2: Whatever rules her parents designate, make sure you break them at least once or twice. See Rule # 1.

Given her age, I wouldn't anticipate many problems.

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Not yet but after Thanksgiving we'll have my 18 year old niece staying with us. I haven't seen her in awhile, except, on Facebook. She's grown into quite the independent young lady over the years. Anyway, her parents will be overseas during the month of December, and so she's asked if she could hangout with us for the Holiday season. I'm super excited! At this point, it's uncertain for how long she'll be with us but I'm guessing it'll be for a couple of weeks at most. She doesn't know anyone here in Utah - at all - and will be traveling up from California. She's pretty stoked about the possibility of a WHITE Christmas. :D

Fun anticipation aside. Any things I should consider while she stays with us? I'm envisioning that she and I will spend a lot of time together since she's an out-of-towner with no SLC associations but she may end up looking for kids her own age to mingle with once she's up here. I have no problem with this. She is not LDS but I don't believe she is or will be a troublemaker. She has her own car, her own money, so I won't need to babysit her at all.. But maybe she'll want to babysit for me once in awhile! :D

Take it from a teenager whose almost her age :D I may not be the same as her but here's what I like to do around Christmas.

Watch movies while drinking hot chocolate and eating popcorn.

Ice skating.

Christmas shopping.

Playing games.

Baking cookies (or any kind of treat).

I love hanging with family (it's the only true time I get to).

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