Full Time Missionaries


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Not a commandment that I'm aware of. The scriptures do contain references to the missionaries travelling "without purse of scrip" which would imply that they will be taken care of. How that happens is up to God.

I agree with this and I think that's where we, as members, come into this to fulfill God's promise that they would be taken care of. This is where we can provide service to help these missionaries further the work that needs to move forward.

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Guest Doctrine

We should feed them because we love them and like the spirit they bring to our homes.

also the with out purse (money bag) or Scrip (food bag) thing, only lasted a few years, Jesus changed the way missionaries were to preach.

Luke 22:35-36

35 And he said unto them, When I sent you without purse, and scrip, and shoes, lacked ye any thing? And they said, Nothing.

36 Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.

D&C 84:77-79, 86

77 And again I say unto you, my friends, for from henceforth I shall call you afriends, it is expedient that I give unto you this commandment, that ye become even as my friends in days when I was with them, traveling to preach the gospel in my power; 78 For I suffered them not to have apurse or scrip, neither two coats.

86 Therefore, let no man among you, for this commandment is unto all the afaithful who are called of God in the church unto the ministry, from this hour take purse or scrip, that goeth forth to proclaim this gospel of the kingdom.

Edited by Doctrine
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Does it matter if this is a "commandment?" If you want to feed them, then feed them. You'll be helping them, and you'll probably feel good for doing so. If you don't want to, then don't- they'll get fed somewhere else. I think God wants us to live our own lives a little without needing to constantly command us on everything.

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I served my mission in a country where the people's kindness and love of the missionaries exceeded their wealth. They would almost compete with each other to feed the missionaries, and they would often provide for one missionary meal more food than they would eat in three meals. Eventually, acting with compassion and concern for the members, the Mission President had to tell the members very firmly in stake conferences to stop feeding the missionaries.

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I confess I normally don't feed the missionaries. The main reason? They have requested to eat at 5 and I don't normally get home until 6:30 or 7. When the list comes around it never goes unfilled though, so it's not like they go hungry just because of our differing schedules. If there were a need, I am sure that either they or I could make adjustments to our schedules to make sure they got fed on a certain night.

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Hello everyone,

Is it a commandment to feed the missionaries? Or something to that effect that states that we should feed them in the scriptures.



Only if the bishop makes it a commandment.^_^

that being said they are the lord's servants, and usually folks who share with such generally get blessed in some way or another.

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With my son out of the house, I don't get the chance to feed the missionaries much anymore, and I dearly miss it. However, because I'm the mom of a boy and because I think it's the right thing to do, and because I always feel I don't do enough service compared to the younger people, I buy them groceries. I get whatever they want and then some. Let them spend their money on something besides food - and let them go into the field with something in their bellies besides ramen.

Why wouldn't you want to feed them?

Speaking of cultures, one of my guys ended up going to an Pacific Islander immigrant community where they were told not to tell the people they liked something, because the people would give it to them. They still had dinners - and were always stuffed because the people were so generous.

Feed those boys!

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We love to feed the missionaries. Feed my sheep. Me and my sweet wife feed them every week. Not to brag. I'm grateful that we are able to have them over, and we love them. I was just curious if it was a commandment. It should be IMHO. And HT<VT Those should be added to the temple recommend questions. I hope I didn't offend any one.

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A revelaltion received by Joseph Smith regaurding Elders going forth without purse or script & the Lord providing for their needs .....

D&C 84:88-91

88 And whoso receiveth you, there I will be also. I will be on your right hand and your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angles round about you, to bear you up.

89 Whoso receiveth you receiveth me; and the same will feed you, and clothe you, and give you money.

90 And he who feeds you, or clothes you, or gives you money, shall in nowise lose his reward.

91 And he that doeth not these things is not my disciple; by this you may know my disciples.

Is there a commandment? Maybe.

Is there are requirement? Yes.

Is there an expectation the Lord has of us? Most definately!

If your individual circumstances allow you should feed them or house them or provide for their needs, & even if your circumstances don't allow there are some very definate blessings & benefits to your sacrificing to help provide for the Elders.

Providing meals & even housing accomidations to the missionaries helps tremendously in keeping mission costs down. A few dollars for a meal may not seem like much but a few dallors everyday over the course of 2 years adds up.

Edited by Sharky
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Maybe I shouldn't feed the missionaries; the local diner does a dollar burger night (good burgers, too) every week, so I invited the missionaries for 6PM. At 5:39 I got a call that they'd been in a wreck and were busy with the paperwork. Nobody was hurt, but their vehicle was pretty much destroyed.

Hopefully, He's not trying to tell me that taking them somewhere we can all pig out for less than the cost of a good buffet is cheating :(

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In most places, especially in North America, the missionaries do not face going hungry very often at all. I remember serving and our mission rule was that the missionaries could not eat in a members home without an investigator. Unfortunately we almost never had meals. I found that I was able to be more productive in my missionary efforts and wasn't tempted to stay to long for a dinner (many missionaries do). The rule changed during the last few months I was there and the meals were wonderful, but I did not feel that it helped the work very much.


1. Can practice teaching & commit families to be better missionaries

2. Families are blessed by the presence of missionaries in most cases (examples for all family members & spiritual nurturing

3. Families feel blessed for serving & a positive change in ones heart can take place

4. Missionaries have an opportunity to have meals that are better balanced for their nutritional needs


1. Missionaries are tempted to waste precious time hanging out with members and not out trying to find/teach

2. Missionaries have extra money to spend on things that they don't need (distractions)

3. Missionaries may miss out on opportunities to develop their cooking/survival skills :)

In the end, I had many personal experiences where being obedient and staying focused made spiritual experiences abundent. We couldn't have dinner with members so we trusted that the Lord would provide for us (always keeping rations in our bags just in case) and food was almost always provided while we knocked on doors. I loved having a sister answer the door and tell me, "I'm not interested in your message, but take some of this food so you boys don't starve." God is great!

These are just some random thoughts! If you feel inspired to feed the missionaries, listen to the prompting. Most of the missionaries I have met over the years have no problem putting on weight during their missions. Even the ones in many foreign countries, but I know this is not always the case.

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