How can you convince me?


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I love the story of Balaam.

Donkey's don't talk so we would have to prove it. I don't know anyone who can prove that a donkey can talk, do you?

Some miracles God performs in the bible will always be a mystery to us.

But you said your belief in the Bible was based on edvidence. By saying that, you lost the debate right to claim "mysteries of God". Unless you take that statement back, you will have to back up everything you believe with evidence.

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Ask a rabbi if their savior will be from a woman who had sex with God..

Jewish tradition will not build your case whatsoever.

Mods, this guy is nothing more than a scumbag anti-Mormon joker. Please nuke him.

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Origen of Alexandria says;

"Look at Peter, the great foundation of the Church, that most solid of rocks, upon whom Christ built the Church."

(Homilies on Exodus 5:4) A.D. 249

Tatian The Syrian says;

"Simon Cephas answered and said, (you are the Messiah, the Son of the living God). Jesus answered and said to unto him, (Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah: flesh and blood has not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in Heaven. And I say unto thee also, that you are Cephas, and on this rock I will build my church; and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it." (Diatesseron 23) A.D. 170 - a little over 20 years after the bible was canonized.

Whose words am I gonna believe? You or the ones that were there from the beginning?

Look in Titian's writing..he uses "Cephas" which means "rock". Just as "petra" means rock.

I don't expect you to believe me. I'm simply stating what I believe and how I back up that belief.

I know cephas means rock- hence my example in John 1:42. I was reiterating that the use of symbols pertaining to rocks and stones were in support of Christ being the ultimate foundation of the church.

Alexandria interpreted Matthew 16:18 the same way you and all other Catholics have, so of course quoting him will support your position. You believe him, because he is a well-known historical figure within the Catholic church. Same for Tatian.

However- their words do not constitute scripture, and I don't believe them. I believe they were mistaken in their interpretation.

So I am not convinced of your position, just as you are not convinced of my position.

Hmmm... sounds like this convincing thing isn't really working?

I am most willing to share with you what I believe and why I believe it, but I certainly don't expect to convince you of anything. And you will continue to hit a brick wall if you think you will convince me of anything.

I rely on the spirit to testify to me of truth after I've studied it out in my mind and in my heart. Through this witness, I believe the Book of Mormon to be scripture, just as the Holy Bible is scripture, and I depend on the two together to acertain my interpretations as I study them and seek answers directly from the Lord in prayer.

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But you said your belief in the Bible was based on edvidence. By saying that, you lost the debate right to claim "mysteries of God". Unless you take that statement back, you will have to back up everything you believe with evidence.

There is evidence in the bible.

Just like, there's evidence of Jesus..look at the year 2013 A.D.

Can you prove the claims of Joseph Smith? I revert to the question a couple pages back the person proposed to me; if there WERE archeological evidence for it..

There's not any.

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There is evidence in the bible.

Just like, there's evidence of Jesus..look at the year 2013 A.D.

Can you prove the claims of Joseph Smith? I revert to the question a couple pages back the person proposed to me; if there WERE archeological evidence for it..

There's not any.

This path looks familiar...

Yes, there is evidence of a cultural system affecting calenders based on the notion a man named Jesus once lived.

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I don't expect you to believe me. I'm simply stating what I believe and how I back up that belief.

I know cephas means rock- hence my example in John 1:42. I was reiterating that the use of symbols pertaining to rocks and stones were in support of Christ being the ultimate foundation of the church.

Alexandria interpreted Matthew 16:18 the same way you and all other Catholics have, so of course quoting him will support your position. You believe him, because he is a well-known historical figure within the Catholic church. Same for Tatian.

However- their words do not constitute scripture, and I don't believe them. I believe they were mistaken in their interpretation.

So I am not convinced of your position, just as you are not convinced of my position.

Hmmm... sounds like this convincing thing isn't really working?

I am most willing to share with you what I believe and why I believe it, but I certainly don't expect to convince you of anything. And you will continue to hit a brick wall if you think you will convince me of anything.

I rely on the spirit to testify to me of truth after I've studied it out in my mind and in my heart. Through this witness, I believe the Book of Mormon to be scripture, just as the Holy Bible is scripture, and I depend on the two together to acertain my interpretations as I study them and seek answers directly from the Lord in prayer.

Who said the books of the bible were inspired?


When they were choosing (and throwing out - see the gospel of Mary or gospel of Judas) which books were to be in the bible. Who was it that decided?

The bible didn't just appear out of the sky.

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Who said the books of the bible were inspired?


When they were choosing (and throwing out - see the gospel of Mary or gospel of Judas) which books were to be in the bible. Who was it that decided?

The bible didn't just appear out of the sky.

So you don't believe the Bible to be the word of God? You really are just a cultural Catholic with atheist leanings.

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There is evidence in the bible.

Just like, there's evidence of Jesus..look at the year 2013 A.D.

Can you prove the claims of Joseph Smith? I revert to the question a couple pages back the person proposed to me; if there WERE archeological evidence for it..

There's not any.

There were multiple witnesses for the things Joseph Smith claimed.

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There's your answer. Evidence Christ existed.

Joseph Smith's vision or his stories cannot be proven with evidence.

No, all we have is evidence that somebody wrote a book with a person named Christ in it.

Is there any evidence Christ was the Son of God?

We're getting into apples and oranges here: You seem to be looking for historical/archaelogical/whatever evidence to back up INCIDENTS that have nothing to do with the spiritual side of the religion. The rest of us are talking about spiritual things

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