Do you remember hearing about an Elder


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who told the Bishop he was too busy with his other calling to do his home teaching and to whom the Bishop indicated that if he didn't have time to do his home teaching then he didn't have time to have any other calling and released him from it?

Does such a story sound familiar to anyone and if so do you know where I heard or read about it? I'm trying to find out where it came from.

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No, but I heard a story of an older lady that turned down a calling cause she was too busy writing the missionaries every week.

That would have been me about 40 years ago. :lol: Oh wait..I was a teenager then.

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who told the Bishop he was too busy with his other calling to do his home teaching and to whom the Bishop indicated that if he didn't have time to do his home teaching then he didn't have time to have any other calling and released him from it?

Does such a story sound familiar to anyone and if so do you know where I heard or read about it? I'm trying to find out where it came from.

Perhaps there are many sources. I have seen it happen in my ward and I have heard others speak of it in theirs. However, I have seen individuals called as a bishop that had great dificulity getting their home teaching done then having a change of heart as a bishop.

I believe that the main reason callings are issued in the L-rd's church is because most of us (especially me) would not do most things without a call. Most families I home teach I would not have visited them on my own and some families that I did not visit until called have become close friends.

The Traveler

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I've never heard the story, but I agree with the bishop 100%. The importance of home teaching is constantly being stressed in priesthood meeting, yet so many guys think of it as an afterthought. It should definitely come before any other calling.

I disagree. My calling as a husband and father comes before ANY calling!

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I disagree. My calling as a husband and father comes before ANY calling!

Interesting statement - do you find that your calling as a husband and father is often in conflict with your church callings?

I ask this because I have found that when I have thought such to be the case - I have discovered, sometimes sadly, that I have in reality ignored the L-rd coming to my aid.

The Traveler

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