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Guest the_big_picture

which religion do you mean?If you mean these rules has come in the mormonism it is wonderful because most of these had come in Islam about 1400 years ago!

Islam never introduced anything new, I know many muslims want to belive that. But they realy didnt. mormonism dosent have any political laws cause it seperates religion and state.

Thats exactly why it will never be outdated.

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which religion do you mean?If you mean these rules has come in the mormonism it is wonderful because most of these had come in Islam about 1400 years ago!

It is often said that the inspiration for most of America's founding laws (the Constitution, Bill of Rights) come out of a Judeo-Chrstian ethic. Further, Christianity for its early history, was a persecuted, state-opposed faith, and so, manages to thrive in secular societies. Both Islam and Judaism do best in theocratic states, where their ethics are enforced upon common society.

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In the name of Allah

The beneficent ,The Merciful

21.And those who do not hope for our meeting say:Why have not angels been sent down upon us,or why do we not see our Lord?Now certainly they are too proud of themselves and have revolted in great revolt.

22.On the day when they shall see the angels,there shall be no joy on that day for the guilty,and they shall say:It is a forbidden thing totally prohibited.

23.And we will proceed to what they have done of deeds,so We shall render them as scattered floating dust.

24.The dwellers of the Garden shall on that day be in a better abiding -place and a better resting-place.

25.And on the day when the heaven shall burst asunder with the clouds,and the angels shall be sent down descending(in ranks).

26.The kingdom on that day shall rightly belong to the Beneficent God,and a hard day shall it be for the unbelivers,

27.And the day when the unjust one shall bite his hand,saying:O!would that I had taken a way with Apostle;

28.O woe is me!would that I had not taken such a one for a friend.

29.Certainly he led me astray from the reminder after it had come to me;and the Shaitan fails to aid man.

Quran(Surah :Furqan(The Criterion) )

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Quran(Surah :Furqan(The Criterion) )

Chapter 25 of the Quran, "The Criterion" (al-Furqan), came to the Prophet Muhammad when he was still a preacher in Mecca (circa 610-622 AD), before the Meccans became so hostile and bloodthirsty that the Muslims had to leave for the nearby city of Yathrib, which became known as the City of the Prophet (Madinat an-Nabi) or Medina.

The Criterion lays out toward the end of its 77 verses a vision of the pious believer. That has to do first of all with wishing others peace.


The worshippers of the All-Merciful are they who tread gently upon the earth, and when the ignorant address them, they reply, "Peace!"

The small Muslim community in Mecca faced much harassment and persecution. The "ignorant" in this verse are the militant polytheists who hate the monotheistic message of Islam. What they "speak" to the Muslims is abuse and taunts. The early Muslims viewed the times of pagan dominance as the Age of Ignorance (al-Jahiliyyah).

One name for God in Islam is al-Rahman, or the All-Merciful. This verse chooses that epithet for the divine, it seems to me quite deliberately in this context. The Muslims are the worshippers of the All-Merciful. It is implied that they are expected to exemplify this divine attribute in their own lives, and to show mercy, compassion and forebearance to others. (The root r*h*m from which al-Rahman derives implies all of these characteristics).

So what do they do when the "ignorant" Meccans curse them, taunt them, and harass them?

They reply, "Peace be upon you." They wish their tormentors peace, and in so doing they pledge their own nonviolence toward them.

In this phase of the development of the Islamic community, in Mecca, the pagans have not yet taken up arms against the Muslims. And the Muslims, in turn, are turning the other cheek, behaving with extreme restraint, and greeting harsh treatment with compassion and wishes of peace.

The subsequent verses go on to sketch out elements of the spiritual life before coming back to issues of peace and violence: The verses describe the ideal Muslims:


64. They pass the night in adoration of their Lord, prostrating themselves and then rising.

65. They say, "Our Lord, avert from us the torment of hell. Its torture is ruinous.

66. It is an evil place and abode."

67. When they spend, they are neither spendthrifts nor miserly, but keep to a golden mean.

68. They do not call on any deity other than the one God. They do not kill a person, the taking of whose blood God has forbidden, except for just cause. They do not commit adultery. Those who commit these acts must pay. Their torment on the Judgment Day will be doubled, and they will be consigned to eternal abasement--

69. Unless they repent, have faith, and do righteous works. For such as these, God changes their evil deeds into good works. God is forgiving and compassionate.


These verses recommend nighttime prayer, fear of hellfire, balanced spending habits, and belief in only one God. They forbid murder and adultery. Since both of these are torts, the Quran recognizes that they must be punished. Typically in seventh-century Mecca, the wrongdoer would pay blood money or guilt money to the aggrieved party. But the Quran requires more than just the retirement of a debt to the injured family. It demands repentance, faith, and good works in redemption. These reorientations of the will can have a transformative effect, and lead to divine forgiveness.

These verses from The Criterion define the Muslim community as peaceful, as wishing even enemies peace, and as forbidding bloodshed except in self-defense.

This is from Juan Cole's blog Informed Consent.


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In the name of Allah

"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." -- Lord Acton

this sentence is absolutely wrong, because God has absolute power and He never corruptes any thing.

Context, Mahdi. Lord Acton (a British noble, not a god), was speaking about government. Furthermore, he did say that power TENDS to corrupt. It goes without saying that you cannot corrupt that which is uncorruptable.

Apply Acton's wisdom to some countries that have adapted Islamic law nation-wide. Have all such nations done so equally well, or have some, perhaps, used interpretations of the law that have bolstered their own power, rather than those understandings that are most accurate, according to the Qur'an?

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There are many signs in Holy Qur’an that shows that it has come from God ,one of them is:

<div align="center">the relativity in Quran</div>

(فَمَن یَعمَل مِثقالَ ذرهٍ خَیرا ً یَرَه.وَمَن یَعمَل مِثقالَ ذَرَهٍ شَرا ً یًرًه." (زلزال آیات 7 و 8"

“So,he who has done an atom's weight of good,shall see it.And he who has done an atom's weight of evil shall see it.” Quran (Chapter Zilzal , verses 7,8)

If anyone saw this sentence before, he would ask himself or herself how does it possible?How can we see what we have done before?! But now,according to the law of relativity ,anyone knows that if he moves faster than the speed of light he can see what he has done before!

It is good to know that Quran has revealed about 1400 years ago!So this sentence shows a miracle in Quran !

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There are many signs in Holy Qur’an that shows that it has come from God ,one of them is:

<div align="center">the relativity in Quran

(فَمَن یَعمَل مِثقالَ ذرهٍ خَیرا ً یَرَه.وَمَن یَعمَل مِثقالَ ذَرَهٍ شَرا ً یًرًه." (زلزال آیات 7 و 8"

“So,he who has done an atom's weight of good,shall see it.And he who has done an atom's weight of evil shall see it.” Quran (Chapter Zilzal , verses 7,8)

If anyone saw this sentence before, he would ask himself or herself how does it possible?How can we see what we have done before?! But now,according to the law of relativity ,anyone knows that if he moves faster than the speed of light he can see what he has done before!

It is good to know that Quran has revealed about 1400 years ago!So this sentence shows a miracle in Quran !

Not much of a miracle if you study some of the tests and effects of the speed of light. But I suppose you could argue that fact. When you talk about the speed of light in regards to communications it is actually quite slow. Communications between earth and astronauts is delayed. In most cases there is a 3 second delay in communications. I guess this could mean you could see what you have done before. Then you have to talk about whether light is traveling through a vacuum or through ofjects.

In dense fog I seem to be driving faster than the speed of light. I certainly don't see my life flashing before my eyes.

And many people in their lifetime will EVER travel faster than the speed of sound let alone the speed of light to prove this theory?

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<div align="center">In the name of Allah</div>

Thank you Pam,It is a good question.

Till now scientists have tried to reach the spead of light but they couldn't. It is because we have Body and our body is matter and matter in this world is confined with the physical laws especially by Gravity.Muslims believe that when peolpe die,their souls remain and it is not from matter, it is what we call it "ghost".So the physical laws like Gravity ,Fractions and... hasn't any effect on them(the souls),Because they aren't matter.

So they can move faster than the speed of light there!

Is you read the Quran's sentence carefully, you will understand that this sentence is about hereafter(After we die).

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In the name of Allah

ا و کظلمات فی بحر لجی یغشه موج من فوقه موج من فوقه سحاب ظلمات بعضها فوق بعض اذا اخرج یده لم یکد یریها و من لم یجعل الله نورا فما له من نور." سوره نور آیه 40

"Or (the unbeliever'sdeeds)like utter darkness in a deep sea;There covers it a wave above which is another wave;above which is a cloud,(layers of) darkness one above another;when he holds out his hand,he is unable to see it.and to whomsoever Allah does not give light,he has no light." Holy Quran,( chapter Nur ,verse 40)

This sentence of Quran shows another miracle in this Holy book! Those who know some physics,know that,light has consisted of different lights with different wavelenghs.

We can see these lights in a rainbow.The first is red and the last is blue.The red light has the longest wavelength and the least frequency and the blue light has the shortest wavelength and the highest frequency ;and according to physics the light which has the highest frequency has the highest energy So,As we go from the red light toward the blue light , the frequency and thus the energy of the lights grows. When the light passes through a deep sea, as we come down ,the lights which have low energy,slowly disappear,So for example ,at a specific depth, If we have a red shirt ,we can't see it there and as we come down,other colors also disappear! It is what holy Quran has told:" The darkness one above another.".The last light that remains is blue.There ,only the blue things can be seen.Before,scientists thought that the blue light can't be disappeared and we haven't utter darkness in the deep seas.But now,by inventing new instruments,they could come down much deeper in deep seas and find places that there isn't any light and there is utter darkness.It is as Quran has told 1400 years ago!: "When he holds out his hand,he is unable to see it."

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<div align="center">In the name of Allah</div>

<div align="center">The Beneficent ,The Merciful</div>

" 30) او لم یرا الذین کفروا ان السموات و الارض کانتا رتقا ففتقنهما و جعلنا من الماء کل شی حی افلا یومنون31) و جعلنا فی الارض رواسی ان تمید بهم و جعلنا فها فجاجا سبلا لعلهم یهتدون32) و جعلنا السماء سقفا محفوظا و هم عن آیاتها معرضون33)و هو الذی خلق الیل والنهار و الشمس والقمر کل فی فلک یسبحون34)و ما جعلنا لبشر من قبلک الخلد افاین مت فهم الخالدون 35) کل النفس ذائقه الموت و نبلوکم بالشر والخیر والفتنه و الینا ترجعون " سوره الانبیاء آیات 30-35

"30) Do not those who disbelieve see that the heavens and the Earth were closed ,but We opened them,and We have made of water everything living,will they not then believe?

31)And We made great mountains in the Earth lest it might be convulsed with them,and We have made in it wide ways that they follow a right direction.

32)And We have made the heaven a guarded canopy and (yet) they turn aside from its signs.

33)And He it is Who created the night and the day and the Sun and the Moon,all (orbs)travel along swiftly in their celestial spheres.

34)And We did not ordain abiding for any mortal before you,What!then if you die,will they abide?

35)Every soul must taste of death ,We try you by evil and good by way of probation,and to Us you shall be brought back." Quran-Chapter Anbia verses 30-35

The expansion of the universe:

About 50 years ago astronomers could find out that the universe is expanding and some years after,when the Hubble telescope took some pictures from our universe and sent it to the scientists,the expansion of the universe proved!

But there is another fact.As we saw (in the verse of number 30)in Holy Quran,"the expansion of the universe" has come:

"Do not those who disbelieve see that the heavens and the earth were closed,but We opened them?"

How is it possible? Can a simple man like Muhammad (peace be upon Him) write these facts about 1400 years ago? Whith which instrument? A huge telescope?So who has written them?And it is better to say that Who can write these facts?Suraly,God can do it!Only God knows what happens in the world and He has put some of these signs in Holy Quran to show us that it is from God and to believe in it.

If you want another sign,read the next verse,Here it is:

The role of the mountains in the protection of the Earth:

Who knows why God had put mountains in the Earth?Geologists say that the mountains are like pins that connect the parts of the earth together and if we remove mountains,because the Earth spins around itself,the Earth will be crashed.This fact has come in Holy Quran about 1400 years ago as we saw(in the verse of number 31):

"And We have made great mountains in the Earth lest it might be convulsed with them."

Do you want another sign?So read the next verse.Here it is:

The Existance of the atmosphere around the Earth and its role :

Do you know why the Earth should have atmosphere ?Or why God has put it?Scientists say that if there wasn't any atmosphere around the Earth,all of the humans,animals,plants,…would die,because:

1-The rays of the Sun has consisted from Ultra Violets rays (UV Rays) plus other kinds of rays and the UV rays are harmful for our body.But UV rays can't pass through the atmosphere and so the rays of Sun won't cause harm on the Earth.

2-Do you know how many asteroids and celestial stones collide with our Earth's atmosphere during a day?More than one thousand collisions,but when they collide with the atmosphere because they have high speed,their collision create a huge temperature and so it cause the celestial stones and the asteroids to melt.So imagine that if there wasn't any atmosphere then no one would be alive!

Holy Quran ,also has told this fact as we saw(in the verse of number 32):

"And We have made the heaven a guarded canopy and (yet) they turn aside from its sign."

These verses has come in Holy Quran about 1400 years ago!

Would you mind reading another sign?So read the next verse.Here it is:

The Moon and the Sun have specific orbits and they move along them:

In 17 century,Galileo Galilea,could find out that the Moon and the Earth move.Before,Scientists thought that the Earth is the center of the world and the Moon and the Sun Move around the Earth.Many years after,with gathering pictures and with observing stars through huge telescopes,they found out that also the Sun is spinning and in fact ,all of the stars and planets are moving along their orbits!

Again 1400 years ago,Holy Quran had told about this fact(the verse of number 33):

"And He is Who created the night and the day and the Sun and the Moon,all(orbs)travel along their celestial spheres."

Again we saw wonderful miracles in Holy Quran.If we think a little ,we can find out that only God can say these verses because He knows all the secrets of the world and universe and He had put some of them in Holy Quran to tell us that the Holy Quran is from God and to believe in it!Holy Quran verifies Bibble and Torah and other prophets' books and tell Muslims to believe in them.

But there are some that don't want to let us see the real face of Islam.They are terrorists that want to show a bad face from Islam to the world,but at the first verses of Holy Quran,At the beginning ,we see that Islam is not what they say:

" 8) ومن الناس من یقول آمنا باالله و بالیوم الاخر و ما هم بمومنین 9) یخدعون الله والذین آمنوا و ما یخدعون الا انفسهم و ما یشعرون10)فی قلوبهم مرض فزادهم الله مرضا و لهم عذاب الیم بما کانو یکذبون11) و اذا قیل لهم لا تفسدوا فی الارض قالو انا نحن مصلحون12)الا انهم هم الفسدون و لکن لا یشعرون سوره البقره آیات 8- 12 "

"8)And there are some people who say:we believe in Allah and the last day,and they are not at all believers.

9)They desire to deceive Allah and those who believe ,and they deceive only themselves and they do not perceive.

10)There is a diseas in their hearts,so Allah added to their diseas and they shall have a painful chastisement because they lied.

11)And when It is said to them:Do not make mischief in the land,they say we are surely peace-makers.

12)Surely they themselves are the mischief makers ,but they do not perceive."

(Quran Chapter Baqara verses 8-12)

So we see that Holy Quran say that they will be punished So Quran is the enemy of the terrorists!

Anyway Quran is a book of peace as Bible and Torah were.God invites all of us to accept Islam beside believing in Bibble and Torah and other prophets' books.Now we should decide to accept the God's invitation!

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Mahdi it is very interesting to see what you believe. I may not agree with all but I do appreciate your attempt to teach us a bit about the Islam religion. Perhaps dispel some of the stereotypes that so abound when the word Islam is spoken.

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