Holiday Questions Randomness


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1. There's an extra seat at your dinner table this Christmas. Who do you invite?

2. Do you prefer the look of presents (a) in gift bags with tissue paper, or (b) boxed and covered in wrapping paper?

3. Who is the family "grinch" every holiday season?

4. If you could teleport anywhere in the world to celebrate Christmas, where would you go?

5. What is one traditional holiday dish that you're just-not-that-into?

6. What colour is Christmas to you?

7. What smell is Christmas to you?

8. Do you put up the Christmas tree in November or December?

9. Do you use the same Christmas tree ornaments each year?

10. Who in the family is eager beaver to start decorating for the holidays?

11. Name one Christmas movie every family should watch.

12. Does your family budget or shop-til-you-drop for gifts?

13. Do you take advantage of Black Friday? If yes, what was your best buy?

14. White Christmas or dry Christmas?

15. What's your favourite holiday family activity?

16. Do you re-gift unwanted items?

17. What is your favourite way to give back to the community during Christmas time?

18. Does your family incorporate Ugly Christmas Sweaters?

19. Turkey or ham for Christmas dinner?

20. Do you hang, and use, mistletoe in your home?

21. Do you say "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays"?

22. Did you make Santa's "Naughty list" or "Nice list"?

23. Christmas isn't Christmas without: The Elf on the Shelf, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, or Frosty the Snowman?

24. Name one Christmas carol you only know the chorus to (LOL).

25. What is the biggest (not cost but in size) gift you've received to date?

26. Have you ever pretended NOT to know what a gift was and acted surprised when you opened it?

27. What edible goodie do you look forward to every year in your stocking stuffer?

28. Which character would you be from, A Christmas Carol, as written by Charles Dickens?

29. What special ingredient makes Christmas hot chocolate so much better than regular hot chocolate?

30. Do you send or return Holiday greeting cards to others?

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  • Ignoring the logistics of it not being our place we eat at, I'd probably turn to Beefche for a name. I can't think of anyone off the top of my head that would appreciate such a gesture as being invited.
  • I think bags look snazzier, but I think paper is more fun. I enjoy unwrapping a gift versus removing the tissue paper.
  • I think it is now me due to not liking being bombarded by classic Christmas carols (something new, or hymns are good though).
  • Depends if we can teleport my FIL too. If so, I'd probably drag him to Utah. If not we'd teleport to my FIL's house.
  • Sweet potato casserole with marshmallows. I like it with a brown sugar and pecan topping, but not with marshmallows.
  • White, for snow. We'll see if that happens this year.
  • Conifers.
  • December.
  • Yes.
  • Neither me nor Beefche are crazy Christmas decoration people, but I suspect if it was free, both money and labor, I'd probably take it further than her.
  • In order to earn brownie points I say: Elf.
  • Budget, though it should be noted if you budget well you can get shop-til-you-drop numbers of gifts.
  • Yes, though it is the online Black Friday that appeals the most. We snagged a queen air mattress.
  • White.
  • Probably the Christmas Eve opening of 1 gift.
  • I don't think I ever have, but I wouldn't be opposed to ti.
  • There is no prefered method. Though if there is snow on the drive-ways and walkways and I have the time I've been know to clear more than my own.
  • No, thank you.
  • I prefer turkey, the family around these parts does ham.
  • No.
  • Merry Christmas, I wouldn't have a problem with a work dictated Happy Holidays though.
  • *flips a coin* Nice.
  • I need my dark chocolate Queen Anne Cherries, but I find myself getting cheaper and waiting to get them until after Christmas when they go on say for 50-75% off.
  • I'm sure there are some, but none come to mind.
  • Probably some toy as a kid, I don't recall what though, probably some monstrosity of a Nerf Gun.
  • Maybe, how thin is the line between acting like you are surprised and lighting up at seeing the gift?
  • No single standard, I always appreciate a pecan roll though.
  • Cratchet because I'm always cold. :)
  • Exterior temperature.
  • No.
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1. There's an extra seat at your dinner table this Christmas. Who do you invite?

Uhm, there are no seats in my dinner table. You go pick up the plates here, you go get your food there, you go get drinks yonder, then find some place to park yourself. If you didn't know there's a party at the house, I forgot about you or I don't want you to come and an extra seat is not gonna matter.

2. Do you prefer the look of presents (a) in gift bags with tissue paper, or (b) boxed and covered in wrapping paper?

Neither. I prefer the look of presents unwrapped so I won't have to fret day in and day out wondering what's in that there box/bag.

3. Who is the family "grinch" every holiday season?

The dog who loves to knock over the Christmas Tree.

4. If you could teleport anywhere in the world to celebrate Christmas, where would you go?

Cebu, Philippines.

5. What is one traditional holiday dish that you're just-not-that-into?


6. What colour is Christmas to you?


7. What smell is Christmas to you?


8. Do you put up the Christmas tree in November or December?

In America, Day after Thanksgiving. In the Philippines, the day after All Soul's Day (Nov 2).

9. Do you use the same Christmas tree ornaments each year?

Some are perpetual ornaments - they go up each year, the others are theme ornaments - they change every year.

10. Who in the family is eager beaver to start decorating for the holidays?

The kids.

11. Name one Christmas movie every family should watch.

The yearly First Presidency Christmas Devotional Broadcast.

12. Does your family budget or shop-til-you-drop for gifts?

Budget of course. We believe that putting a gift on a credit card or a loan is not us gifting - it's the bank gifting.

13. Do you take advantage of Black Friday? If yes, what was your best buy?

Yes. $2.99/yard fleece at JoAnn's.

14. White Christmas or dry Christmas?

Cold Christmas.

15. What's your favourite holiday family activity?


16. Do you re-gift unwanted items?


17. What is your favourite way to give back to the community during Christmas time?


18. Does your family incorporate Ugly Christmas Sweaters?


19. Turkey or ham for Christmas dinner?

Ham. Turkey is for Thanksgiving.

20. Do you hang, and use, mistletoe in your home?


21. Do you say "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays"?


22. Did you make Santa's "Naughty list" or "Nice list"?


23. Christmas isn't Christmas without: The Elf on the Shelf, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, or Frosty the Snowman?


24. Name one Christmas carol you only know the chorus to (LOL).

Oh Christmas Tree.

25. What is the biggest (not cost but in size) gift you've received to date?

A car.

26. Have you ever pretended NOT to know what a gift was and acted surprised when you opened it?

Nope. If you put a gift under the tree for me, it is going to be opened. There's nothing worse than staring at some gift for days and days without opening it. So, you hand me a gift, I open it - no surprise needed.

27. What edible goodie do you look forward to every year in your stocking stuffer?


28. Which character would you be from, A Christmas Carol, as written by Charles Dickens?


29. What special ingredient makes Christmas hot chocolate so much better than regular hot chocolate?

The Christmas-designed mug.

30. Do you send or return Holiday greeting cards to others?

Send yes. Return? As in - you weren't planning on sending them one but since they sent you one you feel obliged to send them one too? No.

Edited by anatess
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1. There's an extra seat at your dinner table this Christmas. Who do you invite?

Grandma. One of the grandmas always needs a place for Christmas.

2. Do you prefer the look of presents (a) in gift bags with tissue paper, or (b) boxed and covered in wrapping paper?

Boxed and wrapped. They're so wonderfully traditional.

3. Who is the family "grinch" every holiday season?

I think my husband.

4. If you could teleport anywhere in the world to celebrate Christmas, where would you go?

Camp Bartlett (the Scout camp I used to work at). I bet that placed looks awesome at Christmas and teleportation would probably be my only way of getting in.

5. What is one traditional holiday dish that you're just-not-that-into?


6. What colour is Christmas to you?

Dark green.

7. What smell is Christmas to you?

Sugar cookies.

8. Do you put up the Christmas tree in November or December?

December. Need to get that done.

9. Do you use the same Christmas tree ornaments each year?


10. Who in the family is eager beaver to start decorating for the holidays?

Me. Or my mom. Depending on how we're defining family.

11. Name one Christmas movie every family should watch.

The Santa Clause.

12. Does your family budget or shop-til-you-drop for gifts?

My mom shopped-till-she-dropped for our gifts growing up, for which I truly am grateful. However, I believe I take more after my cheapscate father.

13. Do you take advantage of Black Friday? If yes, what was your best buy?

I bought one item because I was having insomnia. I bought some snowboots for myself for 50% off.

14. White Christmas or dry Christmas?


15. What's your favourite holiday family activity?

Temple Square.

16. Do you re-gift unwanted items?

Yes, though never on the same holiday and never to the same person (duh)

17. What is your favourite way to give back to the community during Christmas time?


18. Does your family incorporate Ugly Christmas Sweaters?

No, but now I have the idea.

19. Turkey or ham for Christmas dinner?


20. Do you hang, and use, mistletoe in your home?


21. Do you say "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays"?

Merry Christmas.

22. Did you make Santa's "Naughty list" or "Nice list"?

I'm a sweetie. I made the Nice List.

23. Christmas isn't Christmas without: The Elf on the Shelf, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, or Frosty the Snowman?

I'm proud to say I have nothing to do with any of those.

24. Name one Christmas carol you only know the chorus to (LOL).

Jingle Bells. I used to know every obscure verse, too.

25. What is the biggest (not cost but in size) gift you've received to date?

A cedar chest.

26. Have you ever pretended NOT to know what a gift was and acted surprised when you opened it?


27. What edible goodie do you look forward to every year in your stocking stuffer?

Christmas-themed Peeps.

28. Which character would you be from, A Christmas Carol, as written by Charles Dickens?

Martha Cratchit.

29. What special ingredient makes Christmas hot chocolate so much better than regular hot chocolate?

Holiday Peeps.

30. Do you send or return Holiday greeting cards to others?


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Guest SquidMom

1. There's an extra seat at your dinner table this Christmas. Who do you invite?

No one lives close enough.

2. Do you prefer the look of presents (a) in gift bags with tissue paper, or (b) boxed and covered in wrapping paper?

b) with lots of ribbons and sparkly stuff!

3. Who is the family "grinch" every holiday season?

My husband

4. If you could teleport anywhere in the world to celebrate Christmas, where would you go?

Washington State- Thick trees and lots of snow!

5. What is one traditional holiday dish that you're just-not-that-into?

Green bean casserole

6. What colour is Christmas to you?

Favorite holiday color purple, but Christmas, has to be white.

7. What smell is Christmas to you?

Pine and peppermint

8. Do you put up the Christmas tree in November or December?


9. Do you use the same Christmas tree ornaments each year?

We buy each kid one new one each year

10. Who in the family is eager beaver to start decorating for the holidays?

Me, but I don't anymore

11. Name one Christmas movie every family should watch.

White Christmas is my favorite

12. Does your family budget or shop-til-you-drop for gifts?


13. Do you take advantage of Black Friday? If yes, what was your best buy?

14. White Christmas or dry Christmas?


15. What's your favourite holiday family activity?

Baking Sweets

16. Do you re-gift unwanted items?


17. What is your favourite way to give back to the community during Christmas time?

Toy drives

18. Does your family incorporate Ugly Christmas Sweaters?

Haha, I wish!

19. Turkey or ham for Christmas dinner?

Ribs and brisket, baby!

20. Do you hang, and use, mistletoe in your home? No

21. Do you say "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays"?


22. Did you make Santa's "Naughty list" or "Nice list"? Um, is there somewhere in between?

23. Christmas isn't Christmas without: The Elf on the Shelf, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, or Frosty the Snowman? Rudolph

24. Name one Christmas carol you only know the chorus to (LOL).

I Saw Three Ships

25. What is the biggest (not cost but in size) gift you've received to date? A stereo witha 5 cd changer

26. Have you ever pretended NOT to know what a gift was and acted surprised when you opened it?

Oh yeah, from my kids, almost every year.

27. What edible goodie do you look forward to every year in your stocking stuffer?

The chocolate orange!

28. Which character would you be from, A Christmas Carol, as written by Charles Dickens?

29. What special ingredient makes Christmas hot chocolate so much better than regular hot chocolate?

The peppermint kiss

30. Do you send or return Holiday greeting cards to others?

Almost never.

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1. There's an extra seat at your dinner table this Christmas. Who do you invite?

My great-grandmother, who died when I was 8.

2. Do you prefer the look of presents (a) in gift bags with tissue paper, or (b) boxed and covered in wrapping paper?

Boxed and wrapped!

3. Who is the family "grinch" every holiday season?

My sister-in-law, who is a grinch in life. I can't stand victims.

4. If you could teleport anywhere in the world to celebrate Christmas, where would you go?

I think I might like to visit the Holy Land.

5. What is one traditional holiday dish that you're just-not-that-into?

Turkey. Lol.

6. What colour is Christmas to you?


7. What smell is Christmas to you?

Spruce and fir trees.

8. Do you put up the Christmas tree in November or December?

This year, it's looking like it might be January.

9. Do you use the same Christmas tree ornaments each year?


10. Who in the family is eager beaver to start decorating for the holidays?

Me, but this year it's my four-year-old.

11. Name one Christmas movie every family should watch.

The Family Stone.

12. Does your family budget or shop-til-you-drop for gifts?


13. Do you take advantage of Black Friday? If yes, what was your best buy?

Sometimes, but not this year.

14. White Christmas or dry Christmas?

White Christmas movie. Otherwise I don't care, as long as I'm not the one shoveling it or driving in it. :)

15. What's your favourite holiday family activity?

Making Christmas morning breakfast together.

16. Do you re-gift unwanted items?

Sometimes. It's been a long time, though, since I've received something unwanted.

17. What is your favourite way to give back to the community during Christmas time?

I don't, really.

18. Does your family incorporate Ugly Christmas Sweaters?

Never heard of it until a few years ago.

19. Turkey or ham for Christmas dinner?


20. Do you hang, and use, mistletoe in your home?


21. Do you say "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays"?

Depends on the company. If it's people I know, I say Merry Christmas. My husband knows a few Jewish families, and others that celebrate Kwanzaa, so I try to adapt to their traditions when I wish them well. I have no problem with happy holidays -- Christmas does not own December.

22. Did you make Santa's "Naughty list" or "Nice list"?

I think I'm nice, but my husband likes it when I'm naughty. :D

23. Christmas isn't Christmas without: The Elf on the Shelf, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, or Frosty the Snowman?


24. Name one Christmas carol you only know the chorus to (LOL).

I honestly don't know if there is one.

25. What is the biggest (not cost but in size) gift you've received to date?

A queen-sized quilt that my mom made (I have two).

26. Have you ever pretended NOT to know what a gift was and acted surprised when you opened it?

Probably, though I can't remember a specific one.

27. What edible goodie do you look forward to every year in your stocking stuffer?

It used to be a chocolate orange, but now it's probably something more simple, like Butterfinger Bells.

28. Which character would you be from, A Christmas Carol, as written by Charles Dickens?

Mrs. Cratchet.

29. What special ingredient makes Christmas hot chocolate so much better than regular hot chocolate?


30. Do you send or return Holiday greeting cards to others?


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1. There's an extra seat at your dinner table this Christmas. Who do you invite? This year i get to invite my best friend to dinner with my parents.

2. Do you prefer the look of presents (a) in gift bags with tissue paper, or (b) boxed and covered in wrapping paper? boxes

3. Who is the family "grinch" every holiday season? Not sure we have one, lately it's been me i guess

4. If you could teleport anywhere in the world to celebrate Christmas, where would you go? If i get to take someone with me it would be new Zealand

5. What is one traditional holiday dish that you're just-not-that-into? sweet potatoes

6. What colour is Christmas to you? white

7. What smell is Christmas to you? turkey

8. Do you put up the Christmas tree in November or December? i don't have one

9. Do you use the same Christmas tree ornaments each year? i don't have any

10. Who in the family is eager beaver to start decorating for the holidays? used to be me, now it's mom

11. Name one Christmas movie every family should watch. Scrooged :)

12. Does your family budget or shop-til-you-drop for gifts? I go all out, my parents goes some where in between.

13. Do you take advantage of Black Friday? If yes, what was your best buy? no

14. White Christmas or dry Christmas? white but not cold

15. What's your favourite holiday family activity? we never really had any, family dinner on boxing day i guess

16. Do you re-gift unwanted items? no

17. What is your favourite way to give back to the community during Christmas time? don't have one

18. Does your family incorporate Ugly Christmas Sweaters? only if you count my dad's taste in gifts for mom

19. Turkey or ham for Christmas dinner? turkey

20. Do you hang, and use, mistletoe in your home? no

21. Do you say "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays"? neither really

22. Did you make Santa's "Naughty list" or "Nice list"? no comment

23. Christmas isn't Christmas without: The Elf on the Shelf, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, or Frosty the Snowman? none of the above

24. Name one Christmas carol you only know the chorus to (LOL). most of them

25. What is the biggest (not cost but in size) gift you've received to date? really not sure.

26. Have you ever pretended NOT to know what a gift was and acted surprised when you opened it? many many times, mom didn't have a gift for hiding gifts well.

27. What edible goodie do you look forward to every year in your stocking stuffer? toblerone white chocolate.

28. Which character would you be from, A Christmas Carol, as written by Charles Dickens?not sure

29. What special ingredient makes Christmas hot chocolate so much better than regular hot chocolate? christmas hot chocolate?

30. Do you send or return Holiday greeting cards to others?no

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1. There's an extra seat at your dinner table this Christmas. Who do you invite?

The homeless guy on 1300S off-ramp.

2. Do you prefer the look of presents (a) in gift bags with tissue paper, or (b) boxed and covered in wrapping paper?

Boxed and in wrapping paper.

3. Who is the family "grinch" every holiday season?

Umm. Grandpa Lolo :D

4. If you could teleport anywhere in the world to celebrate Christmas, where would you go?

Somewhere in a cozy cabin high up on a mountain top!

5. What is one traditional holiday dish that you're just-not-that-into?

Fruitcake I guess.

6. What colour is Christmas to you?


7. What smell is Christmas to you?


8. Do you put up the Christmas tree in November or December?

November, the day right after Thanksgiving.

9. Do you use the same Christmas tree ornaments each year?

Some, yes.

10. Who in the family is eager beaver to start decorating for the holidays?


11. Name one Christmas movie every family should watch.

Christmas Carol, duh. No wait! Wallace and Grummit!

12. Does your family budget or shop-til-you-drop for gifts?

We budget.

13. Do you take advantage of Black Friday? If yes, what was your best buy?

Yup. Got something super cool that was over 60% off as a door crasher.

14. White Christmas or dry Christmas?

White and snowy, feels more like Christmas, although I hate actually BEING in snow.

15. What's your favourite holiday family activity?

Driving or walking around and seeing the Christmas lights.

16. Do you re-gift unwanted items?

I always plan to but never actually do.

17. What is your favourite way to give back to the community during Christmas time?

I don't, personally, do much but my husband's company does free electrical work for neighbours and their families.

18. Does your family incorporate Ugly Christmas Sweaters?

No but I want to!

19. Turkey or ham for Christmas dinner?

I don't eat it but it's a toss up. Sometimes turkey and sometimes ham.

20. Do you hang, and use, mistletoe in your home?


21. Do you say "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays"?

I say both :)

22. Did you make Santa's "Naughty list" or "Nice list"?


23. Christmas isn't Christmas without: The Elf on the Shelf, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, or Frosty the Snowman?

Our family doesn't really emphasize on any of these but I always loved Rudolph and I wish I had made more Snowmen growing up!

24. Name one Christmas carol you only know the chorus to (LOL).

Can't think of one specifically.

25. What is the biggest (not cost but in size) gift you've received to date?

Probably a bike?

26. Have you ever pretended NOT to know what a gift was and acted surprised when you opened it?

I think so..

27. What edible goodie do you look forward to every year in your stocking stuffer?

Anything spicy or minty.

28. Which character would you be from, A Christmas Carol, as written by Charles Dickens?

One of the Ghost's..

29. What special ingredient makes Christmas hot chocolate so much better than regular hot chocolate?

I like flavoured hot chocolate. Something spicy or minty..

30. Do you send or return Holiday greeting cards to others?

Yup, every year without fail!

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1. There's an extra seat at your dinner table this Christmas. Who do you invite? Someone who would spending the day alone

2. Do you prefer the look of presents (a) in gift bags with tissue paper, or (b) boxed and covered in wrapping paper? wrapped - but I do find bags are easier

3. Who is the family "grinch" every holiday season? we don't have one

4. If you could teleport anywhere in the world to celebrate Christmas, where would you go? Probably somewhere snowy in the USA, preferably with mountains

5. What is one traditional holiday dish that you're just-not-that-into? Cranberry Sauce (although apparently I make good cranberry sauce)

6. What colour is Christmas to you? red

7. What smell is Christmas to you? Gingerbread baking

8. Do you put up the Christmas tree in November or December? Dec 1st

9. Do you use the same Christmas tree ornaments each year? No - because as I add to my collection I don't have room for all of them so rotate (or as in the case of this year I have had to go for cheap ornaments that the puppy can't destroy)

10. Who in the family is eager beaver to start decorating for the holidays? Me, me, me

11. Name one Christmas movie every family should watch. Only 1? I would say - Its a wonderful life or Muppet Christmas Carol

12. Does your family budget or shop-til-you-drop for gifts? Budget sort of - I start shopping in the January sales and pick up bits and pieces through out the year

13. Do you take advantage of Black Friday? If yes, what was your best buy? We don't have Black Friday in the UK

14. White Christmas or dry Christmas? Wet and rainy probably - although I live in hope of a white Christmas

15. What's your favourite holiday family activity?

16. Do you re-gift unwanted items? Yeah sometimes - usually hold on to them for a while and then donate them

17. What is your favourite way to give back to the community during Christmas time? I work with the Brownies year round, but at Christmas I like to do things like Shoe box appeal

18. Does your family incorporate Ugly Christmas Sweaters? nope

19. Turkey or ham for Christmas dinner? Turkey

20. Do you hang, and use, mistletoe in your home? No

21. Do you say "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays"? Happy Christmas

22. Did you make Santa's "Naughty list" or "Nice list"? the nice list - I hope

23. Christmas isn't Christmas without: The Elf on the Shelf, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, or Frosty the Snowman? Rudolph (discovered elf on the shelf and def starting that next year :) )

24. Name one Christmas carol you only know the chorus to (LOL). I don't think there are any

25. What is the biggest (not cost but in size) gift you've received to date?A5ft Rupert the Bear my mother made for me when I a teen

26. Have you ever pretended NOT to know what a gift was and acted surprised when you opened it? yeap

27. What edible goodie do you look forward to every year in your stocking stuffer? Chocolate

28. Which character would you be from, A Christmas Carol, as written by Charles Dickens?

29. What special ingredient makes Christmas hot chocolate so much better than regular hot chocolate?

30. Do you send or return Holiday greeting cards to others? I try to (but I do hate writing them)

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1. There's an extra seat at your dinner table this Christmas. Who do you invite?

Dead people - My late husband. Live people - Billy Corgan.

2. Do you prefer the look of presents (a) in gift bags with tissue paper, or (b) boxed and covered in wrapping paper?

Boxed and wrapped. (tho gift bags are OK for showers and such)

3. Who is the family "grinch" every holiday season?

One of my sisters.

4. If you could teleport anywhere in the world to celebrate Christmas, where would you go?

I had a lovely Christmas in Regensburg Germany once, a beautiful old European town, a decorated town square, carolers, beaucoup good food. Yeah, i could do that again.

5. What is one traditional holiday dish that you're just-not-that-into?

Green beans with fried onions or what ever that is. Blech.

6. What colour is Christmas to you?


7. What smell is Christmas to you?

Pine tree.

8. Do you put up the Christmas tree in November or December?

No tree.

9. Do you use the same Christmas tree ornaments each year?

Yes, but I try to buy 1 or 2 new things each year. I went 20+ years with no Christmas. I have a lot to catch up on, decorating-wise.

10. Who in the family is eager beaver to start decorating for the holidays?

Me. I just put them up yesterday. Shoulda done it the day after Thanksgiving.

11. Name one Christmas movie every family should watch.

Bells of St Mary's.

12. Does your family budget or shop-til-you-drop for gifts?

Budget, but I try to get people what they want/need and build the budget around that.

13. Do you take advantage of Black Friday? If yes, what was your best buy?

No. I was mostly done shopping well before Thanksgiving. I.N.T.E.R.N.E.T.

14. White Christmas or dry Christmas?

Dry. We will get plenty of white at some point, no need to rush it.

15. What's your favourite holiday family activity?

Can't think of any.

16. Do you re-gift unwanted items?

No, unless someone sees it and likes it at some point during the year, then I might just give it to them.

17. What is your favourite way to give back to the community during Christmas time?

Salvation Army.

18. Does your family incorporate Ugly Christmas Sweaters?

No. Thank goodness.

19. Turkey or ham for Christmas dinner?


20. Do you hang, and use, mistletoe in your home?


21. Do you say "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays"?

Merry Christmas. Thank goodness the good people of the heartland also say 'Merry Christmas' and get right peeved when someone tries to force 'Happy Holidays' on them. That said, being in an academic environment, when I deal with internationals or other folks who might not be Christian, I will just wish them a nice vacation.

22. Did you make Santa's "Naughty list" or "Nice list"?

Too early to tell.

23. Christmas isn't Christmas without: The Elf on the Shelf, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, or Frosty the Snowman?

And 'How the Grinch Stole Christmas' original version with Boris Karloff.

24. Name one Christmas carol you only know the chorus to (LOL).


25. What is the biggest (not cost but in size) gift you've received to date?

A bike?

26. Have you ever pretended NOT to know what a gift was and acted surprised when you opened it?


27. What edible goodie do you look forward to every year in your stocking stuffer?

No one makes a stocking for me. : ( I like some Belgian chocolates that I only see this time of year.

28. Which character would you be from, A Christmas Carol, as written by Charles Dickens?

Scrooge. I actually met Dickens' grandson at a book signing. Cool.

29. What special ingredient makes Christmas hot chocolate so much better than regular hot chocolate?

None. Why mess with chocolate?

30. Do you send or return Holiday greeting cards to others?

I have, off and on. I will send a few this year to certain people, but not a box full.

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