Getting Baby To Sleep Through The Night


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For those who don't know me.. I am a very vey new first time mommy (22 days old)...

I am doing a little bit of reading into getting baby to sleep through the night.. I know that it is still very much early days at the moment.. I am still adjusting to the decreased amount of sleep at the moment.. It has amazed me how much you can actually do while you are still half asleep (lol) -_-

I was just wondering what worked for others & what didn't etc.. :hmmm:

And advice would be most welcome :sparklygrin:

And was there anything that you learnt the hard way with your first that nobody told you? (lol.. I guess I am taking the easyish way out by asking that one) :P

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Hi SusieKL,

(lol.. I guess I am taking the easyish way out by asking that one)

not the "easyish" but the "smartish" I'd say. :) Learn what u can, when u can, from people who have been there. Just remember, your baby(ies) might not respond in the same way to the same approach so learn to read the babies needs and adjust. As for the sleeping thing, what's that again?

Dr. T

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Babies don't sleep thru the night until they are about 3-4 months old. Durring the first week, they wake every 2 hours. By week 4 every 4 hours.

Here are some tips to make things go by easier.

#1 Be patient.

#2 Add a tablespoon of infant cereal to the milk. It will make it richer and fill them up so they wont wake up as often. Don't forget to widen the whole on the bottle's nipple to accommodate for the thicker formula.

#3 Try to breast feed as well. Breast milk has hormones that induce sleep and relaxation.

#4 Place a hot water bottle in the crib on the spot where the baby will sleep. It will keep the sheets warm and not wake a sleeping baby as you place him back in the crib. Remove the water bottle once he is tucked in.

#5 Get a rocking chair. Babies fall asleep faster in them.

God bless you and your bundle of joy!

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You will hear moms tell you that their baby was sleeping through the night at 2 weeks, and that's nice and all, but it's rare. Most of mine didn't regularly sleep through the night until around 6 months, although there were scattered quiet nights starting around 2 or 3 months. Not sure on this, but I believe there is some correlation to weight - bigger, heavier babies sleep through sooner.

In some respects, the baby has to adapt to your life and in others you have to adapt to the baby's needs and wants. Where that balance is, is up to you.

Adding a little rice cereal to their bedtime formula does seem to help.

I'd be careful with a hot water bottle - too hot is dangerous and if it cools down throughout the night, too cold sitting right next to them is dangerous, too. Also a possible suffocation issue.

Your life will NEVER be that same (in a good way :D). If you don't expect your life to go "back to normal" then the changes the baby brings can be delights instead of drudgeries. It's hard to believe now, I'm sure, but that baby will grow up all too quickly and you will look back at the sleep-deprived diaper-filled days with nostalgic longing.

Good Luck!

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I learned in my baby prep class NOT to do the cereal in the bottle thing. See this article:

Of course, I was one of those lucky moms with a BIG baby that MomofJ spoke about... he slept through the night at the age of 2 weeks and I had to wake him up to eat. I actually took him to the doctor for sleeping too much (20 hours a day), and the doctor told me to just be appreciative and not worry.

Don't want to sound like I'm bragging though, as when he got to be 6 months old he stopped sleeping all the time and was (and still is at age 4) one of the most active/curious children I've ever known. There was/is never a moment's rest. But with all that energy in the daytime, he's always been a good sleeper and doesn't wake up for 12 hours once he's down.

But yes, life will definitely be different from now on. At least you're young and have the energy for it! ;) I wish you well with the adjustment of it all. I'm sure your baby is a joy!

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I vaguely remember those days especially when you mentioned being able to do things when you are half a sleep. :lol:

We my babies were less than six weeks old I had them sleep in a cradle which I kept right next to my bed. As they would wake and need attention I would first check the diaper, then because I was nursing I put them right next to me in bed. I don't know if this is the suggested method but my babies did just fine. After they were more than six weeks they would go into the nursery, we both needed our rest. I learned not to pick them up on the first peep. If they really needed me they would let me know. :D

About three months I would move to the cereal feeder at bed time. This looked a bit like a bottle but it was rounder and it had a slide that you could push from the bottom as needed.

One of the most important things I can tell you at this time is to just enjoy each stage. Another thing is to have a a notebook close so that you can write down little memories that you want to remember. It's important to our children to know of the cute things they did when they were small. It also makes it fun for scrapbooks. :sparklygrin:

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Just medicate the little buger. :blink:

I'm so just kidding, its just one of those crazy thoughts sleep deprived parents consider when they are about to commit themselves. :rolleyes:

I am (being the father) about to have my fourth boy in 5 years so I can relate to baby's not sleeping. My poor wife bless her soul has taken the front of the sleep (lack there of).

No we don't medicate our kids even though sometimes I wish I could. :hmmm:

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Thanks Monika, mom_of_jcchlsm, shanstress70, sf & nate..

You have all mentioned a few very interesting bits of info & advice.. I always find it interesting to hear what works for others.. lol.. That way I keep my options open I guess.. Yes Nate, I have even heard that a few parents do actually medicate their little ones... Not that I would - unless when travelling long distances (maybe)..

I guess I have been one of the lucky ones.. We only get woken up (and I do say "we" because hubby also gets up allot for baby) max twice a night.. We did have to work hard to get to that though.. lol..

Thanks again..

Now on to teathing.. lol... I just like to get in early with my "research" as far as baby goes.. That way I am not caught off guard.. lol

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I'd be careful with a hot water bottle - too hot is dangerous and if it cools down throughout the night, too cold sitting right next to them is dangerous, too. Also a possible suffocation issue.

I think Monica meant that the hot water bottle is used just to warm up the bed, it gets removed when baby goes in the bed. :)

I learned in my baby prep class NOT to do the cereal in the bottle thing. See this article:

I agree with not mixing baby cereal and milk together. Check with your pediatrician first, there's reasons why babies get fed certain foods at certain times as they grow.

suzieKL, all I can add is that every baby is different - they don't always respond the same way. A few things I do advise is use a cradle for the first 2 to 3 months, cozier and a more secure feeling for baby. When putting baby to bed, keep the stimulation down to a minimum. Something I didn't realize with my first baby, but they can get over stimulated - so when it is sleep time, keep it darker, maybe just a little quieter. Although sometimes our expectations might help the best, if we expect the baby to wake, then it's not that difficult to deal with. My son was still waking up at 1 year old to have a bottle in the middle of the night; I expected it so it wasn't too hard to do and we could have our time together, just the 2 of us, when everyone else was sleeping. (And at times it is quite easy to sleep sitting up :) )


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Something I didn't realize with my first baby, but they can get over stimulated - so when it is sleep time, keep it darker, maybe just a little quieter. Although sometimes our expectations might help the best, if we expect the baby to wake, then it's not that difficult to deal with. My son was still waking up at 1 year old to have a bottle in the middle of the night; I expected it so it wasn't too hard to do and we could have our time together, just the 2 of us, when everyone else was sleeping. (And at times it is quite easy to sleep sitting up :) )


Thanks for those tips Maureen.. I will defenitly remember those & try them out... My baby at this moment sleeps through everything.. But there has been the odd evening where he takes longer to sleep & wants to be held rather than lay in his bed.. So your tips will come in very handy then.. lol

As for the sleeping sitting up - I have almost got that down.. lol

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I'd be careful with a hot water bottle - too hot is dangerous and if it cools down throughout the night, too cold sitting right next to them is dangerous, too. Also a possible suffocation issue.

Please reread my post. It says to remove the hot water bottle after he is tucked in. The bottle won't remain in the crib while the baby sleeps. It is merely used to warm the sheets so that the baby won't sence a temperature change. Babies can wake up from the immediate temperature change of being in the mom's arms to laying on a cold sheet.

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  • 3 weeks later...

For those who don't know me.. I am a very vey new first time mommy (22 days old)...

I am doing a little bit of reading into getting baby to sleep through the night.. I know that it is still very much early days at the moment.. I am still adjusting to the decreased amount of sleep at the moment.. It has amazed me how much you can actually do while you are still half asleep (lol) -_-

I was just wondering what worked for others & what didn't etc.. :hmmm:

And advice would be most welcome :sparklygrin:

And was there anything that you learnt the hard way with your first that nobody told you? (lol.. I guess I am taking the easyish way out by asking that one) :P

this advice saved me! if your sleepy, sleep when the baby sleeps.

when family come round THEY should look after you not the other way round you have just had a baby.

Also try putting a clock (it needs to tick) in the room by the cot, this will help the baby to settle as it sounds like your heartbeat.

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