How do I give my life to God?


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I mean totally? I have thought for so long the unhappiness, the restlessness, the whole of my problems (spiritually and mentally) are based around the fact that I am running from God.

I have often felt I should not be a member of the church and I should just go back to being pentecostal with my parents, get "The baptism in the holy ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues" and get on with God's plan for my life.

But I don't know that I can, when I think about that I don't feel any joy, no peace. In fairness I don't feel any peace about the church either, but I don't feel any peace about anything though, so that aspect of this conundrum is confusing.

But here is where it gets tricky. Normally it seems I can get a glimpse of the relief when I think about being in the desired state. When I think of being less overweight, I can get a glimpse of that state. When I think of doing nothing that I sometimes wonder if I shouldn't (watch most any movie, play most any game, etc...), and doing the things I should, such as being in church, living as I should, I don't feel any peace about it.

I guess all I can do is try, but it is a pickle to be sure.

And yes, for those keeping score, this is year 3 of mostly inactivity and mostly unkept covenants...

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Oh, I should post my thoughts about this today. I had a "sliver" and I do mean sliver of hope earlier today. I was thinking about what I actually do, which at this point is hang out with friends, play WoW, and board games. Nothing actually wrong. And I began to wonder, "Perhaps the problem is that I am trying to bring these things along from my old life" And in doing this I am not letting the old man die. I wonder if I should just mentally let everything go from my old life and only pick back up the pieces that are permissible to God, in other words, while I would be doing the same things, instead of doing them as I was, I can do them to the glory of God.

I wonder if that's it...

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It is my personal opinion that no one can give something of which they have little or no control. Thus I believe the great secret in giving one's self to G-d is having the discipline to keep the commandments. If a person cannot keep the commandments they are not G-d’s regardless if they think they have given themselves or not. If they are keeping the commandments the question is answered.

The Traveler

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FYI, there is a high level of depression among those who spend lots of hours playing video games and watching tv.

Your spirit is waiting for you to advance, move forward, grow. Yet, you are allowing it to wither. No wonder you struggle.

It isn't an all or nothing thing we are doing here. It is a process. Take baby steps, so you do not overwhelm yourself. First, do the basics: read scriptures, pray, fast, attend meetings, pay tithing, live the word of wisdom. I find when the world has beat me up for the week, attending church or reading scriptures gives me a moment of repose and solace.

Cut your time on the video games in half to start. But then you have to do something in its stead: study scriptures, exercise, etc. Your body will probably feel like it is going through withdrawal pains for a time, as you may have an addiction. Once through it, however, you will begin to feel much better about yourself and about spiritual things.

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Good afternoon CommandSouth. I hope you are feeling good! :)

Just some general advice: Hang in there! Change doesn't generally come at one go. Be patient with yourself too. There is hope! I know it.

Oh, I should post my thoughts about this today. I had a "sliver" and I do mean sliver of hope earlier today. I was thinking about what I actually do, which at this point is hang out with friends, play WoW, and board games. Nothing actually wrong. And I began to wonder, "Perhaps the problem is that I am trying to bring these things along from my old life" And in doing this I am not letting the old man die. I wonder if I should just mentally let everything go from my old life and only pick back up the pieces that are permissible to God, in other words, while I would be doing the same things, instead of doing them as I was, I can do them to the glory of God.

I wonder if that's it...

Take these impressions you are having about changing your life for good and go with them.

I wonder if I should just mentally let everything go from my old life and only pick back up the pieces that are permissible to God...

This part of your idea quoted above is good. other words, while I would be doing the same things, instead of doing them as I was, I can do them to the glory of God.

If you mean keep primarily playing WoW, playing board games, and hanging out with friends then this part of your idea quoted above is not so good.

Do a personal inventory and identify one or two (or whatever you feel comfortable doing) things in your life you know are not good. Then, let go of that not good thing and replace it with something good.

Pray to Heavenly Father and ask Him to help you. Even if you don't feel like anyone is listening or you feel like it is a waste of time, do it anyway. I know God is listening. Be patient with God. He is wise and knows what He is doing. You may not see His hand in your life but you are His son and He loves you and He is concerned for you and wants to help you. Let the atonement take full sway in your heart. Trust that it can heal you.



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My life is different. I was a bad boy for many years. One day I started feeling the same way. I decided to "Get involved" just to see what would happen. It was very tiring and hard to get the ol'spiritual ball rolling. So, I went to testimony meeting. I shared my feeble 4th grade testimony and promised G-d infront of the ward I was going to get involved with the "doings" of service.......... Pandora's box is what I My home teaching became mini spiritual revivals. I bore my testimony every month and watched it grow. within 2 years I was in the Bishopric! WHO ME?! lol. How can a black sheep like me be wothy for that? That's when the rubber hit the road. The things I learned and saw..... WOW! so, Pull up your big boy pants and get busy. quit farting around with kids stuff. time to take the training wheels off JR. It took me 15 years too long to fgure that one out and hate to see another squander thier life doing the same. Good Luck Bro. oh, ya... go to the gym and push like your in a battle for your life. cuz you are.

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Remember that it often may not be the "bad things" that are holding us down, But the things that simply waste our time away.

I know what you are saying with the games with friends. I used to play video games (WoW included)with friends and family and it was a blast. But I have to tell you that I have nothing to show for it. If Satan can only get us to do nothing and be idle, he wins.

Fill your time with worthwhile things and you may find happiness creeping back into your life, to the point that you look back at this time and can definitely see the diference.

Best of luck.

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I will probably appear overly parsimonious, however in answer to your titles question I provide one word:


We fully give ourselves to the Lord, whole heart, mind, strength, and might, by simple choices we make everyday.

Perfection will not happen in one day, but will happen over time with every choice we make to come unto Christ.

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