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I got "booted" off Deep Doctrine too -

After I married and moved to AZ - I knew no one here - and we couldn't afford for me to be calling my family and old Branch. I was so lonely, and I missed "talking" and posting on the forum. I dislike Chats too - because I need to think before I type, and edit before I click on "Add Reply"!!

I really enjoyed the people I had met at the old forum too - so I went hunting for an LDS site. I found several. But like I said in another post (off topic it was too!) I lurked for a good long while, so that I was certain that the moderators and owner weren't nasty people.

I am here to learn more about the Gospel, the world, other faiths (PC you are a great teacher! So are you CK, Outshined and Ben), and how other people in general think, feel and voice their opinions. To visit, make friends and voice my opinions, beliefs and pet peeves :wow:

Berry - Those Trolls who claim to be LDS, they really aren't - I think that is what Ben is talking about. By their fruits they shall be known - sort of thing. Also Monica is not LDS. If you read all of her posts in one reading, you will see that. I took them all and cut and pasted them into Word along with others posts that were pertinent to hers, you easily get the feeling of her. She is not LDS. Not in any way, shape or form. I am not familiar with other religions to be able to say what she is. But she for sure is NOT LDS.

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I just love you guys & I think this is really fun, kind of like a little online ward. But then I've never experienced it any other way. This is my first forum of any kind, and I just started a few months ago. I always was a late bloomer. :blush:

I agree; chat rooms are too fast for me and some can be very rude. The forum on deseret was closed as of Feb. 11 due to contention. Do you believe that. I'm amazed at the way some of our bros & sis' behave!

I got lonely living so remote. I'd also been having a little trouble. I needed to remember who I am and what I like, outside of family & callings. This really helped. It was also fun to figure out how to talk without offending because no one can hear voice inflection.

I used to try to research every thing I said, because if you don't someone is going to call you on it. But now I've settles into knowing what I have time for and what I don't. Oh, and the lingo, thats all new. I've heard one of the things that makes us old is not keeping up with new technology.

That reminds me, I've had trouble posting a picture on my personal info page. Any suggestions? :dontknow:

One more thing what's "Deep Doctrin" & why do they boot people off?

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  • 3 months later...
Guest Yediyd

One night I had a dream where a man in a white robe gave me a piece of paper with this site's URL written in glowing letters on it.

Sorry, just kidding. ;) I was googling for an LDS dating site when I ran into this one.

Yeah, pritty much...what he said!

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I havent been here for long obvoisly but i normally spend lots of my time on gaming forums and my dad felt that i was wasting my time and I need to do somthing else with my time. I love searching on forums so much and figured if i was going to go on any forum that my dad wouldent consider a waste of time it would be this one. But I'm also interested just because its fun to talk about my religion with people online becasue its easier to talk freely.

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I started coming to this site about 9 years ago (just like Ben Raines) when it was a cgi site. I was a moderator at that site and again like Ben spent much time banning and kicking people out. I enjoy the interaction between the "regulars." Many of which I have had the pleasure and the misery to meet in person. Sorry but there is misery in some of the people that come to this site. Not everyone is what they say they are. Even at an lds site. I enjoy the forums. I also enjoy those that are of other faiths that frequent this site. I love taking to people from all races and from all over the world. I may not agree with everyone but hey.....that is life and what makes it interesting. Everyone being so unique.

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Guest Emma Hale Smith

I know I've only been here a month and that I come off as a know-it-all, but I can honestly say this is the most impressive LDS-website I have ever participated on, and I do not say that lightly.

I am disabled, and spend a major portion of my day online. Since my passion is Mormon history, I had previously spent much of the time on three LDS-run sites, all of them heavily moderated. Two of them in particular are highly biased and very intolerant of diverse views, even when respectfully given. That is okay, it is their websites. But it makes it very difficulty to have an interesting conversation when you're spending most of your time composing a post that will not offend the moderators rather than making your point.

I have seen conversations here where members and non-members disagree, but so far I've seen none of the ugly squabbling, or outright rudeness I've seen elsewhere.

I am repeatedly impressed with the informative posts that I read. I may not agree with all of them, but I find many of them compelling, and they often make me think twice.

Additionally, I don't know if there's a moderator, but I haven't seen it. That's not say there shouldn't be; I just don't see every single post being scrutinized and judged and misinterpreted, etc.

And I feel I've been welcomed even though I'm a bloviator. :P


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I know I've only been here a month and that I come off as a know-it-all, but I can honestly say this is the most impressive LDS-website I have ever participated on, and I do not say that lightly.

I am disabled, and spend a major portion of my day online. Since my passion is Mormon history, I had previously spent much of the time on three LDS-run sites, all of them heavily moderated. Two of them in particular are highly biased and very intolerant of diverse views, even when respectfully given. That is okay, it is their websites. But it makes it very difficulty to have an interesting conversation when you're spending most of your time composing a post that will not offend the moderators rather than making your point.

I have seen conversations here where members and non-members disagree, but so far I've seen none of the ugly squabbling, or outright rudeness I've seen elsewhere.

I am repeatedly impressed with the informative posts that I read. I may not agree with all of them, but I find many of them compelling, and they often make me think twice.

Additionally, I don't know if there's a moderator, but I haven't seen it. That's not say there shouldn't be; I just don't see every single post being scrutinized and judged and misinterpreted, etc.

And I feel I've been welcomed even though I'm a bloviator. :P


there are several moderators here.

and of course you are welcome here....unless you get ugly :P

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8th September 2005

At the fresh age of 17, I graced this site with my wisdom, charm, youthful exuberance and most importantly.... my humility :sparklygrin: . I am so grateful to have come upon this site. It is the tool through which I have been able to make talk to saints in other parts of the Lord's Vineyard, to build my testimony and most importantly make lifelong friendships. You know who you are and I am grateful and privileged to talk to you. I hope that this site will be here in another 2 years.


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But it makes it very difficulty to have an interesting conversation when you're spending most of your time composing a post that will not offend the moderators rather than making your point.

Hey Emma, I'm one of the invisible moderators. :ph34r: Is one of those uber-strict websites you're talking about the "LDS Deep Doctrine" one? Bleh, what a joke. Those guys are anal retentive times infinity plus one! :wacko:

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I can't remember how I found this site. hardy har har.

Has it really been that long? Does anyone remember when the site was black? There isn't too much to look at in the archive from when it was on rhtubs.com, but I remember it was black because people complained that the white background with black text hurt their eyes. I remember owning ldsuk.com, and now the church owns it. I also remember thinking of buying ldschat.com when I had it hosted at rhtubs.com, but wasn't willing to spend $70 on a domain name.

What's it sort of looked like in 1998: http://web.archive.org/web/19981207073857/...eather/ldschat/

The yellow site: http://web.archive.org/web/20000302032836/...ww.ldstalk.com/

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I can't remember how I found this site. hardy har har.

Has it really been that long? Does anyone remember when the site was black? There isn't too much to look at in the archive from when it was on rhtubs.com, but I remember it was black because people complained that the white background with black text hurt their eyes. I remember owning ldsuk.com, and now the church owns it. I also remember thinking of buying ldschat.com when I had it hosted at rhtubs.com, but wasn't willing to spend $70 on a domain name.

What's it sort of looked like in 1998: http://web.archive.org/web/19981207073857/...eather/ldschat/

The yellow site: http://web.archive.org/web/20000302032836/...ww.ldstalk.com/

ldschat.com is where i met my wife....met a few friends first....dont keep in contact with them anymore since i moved from wyoming. was there from 2000 to 2002 when we met and got married.

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Guest mamacat

I can't remember how I found this site. hardy har har.

Has it really been that long? Does anyone remember when the site was black? There isn't too much to look at in the archive from when it was on rhtubs.com, but I remember it was black because people complained that the white background with black text hurt their eyes. I remember owning ldsuk.com, and now the church owns it. I also remember thinking of buying ldschat.com when I had it hosted at rhtubs.com, but wasn't willing to spend $70 on a domain name.

What's it sort of looked like in 1998: http://web.archive.org/web/19981207073857/...eather/ldschat/

The yellow site: http://web.archive.org/web/20000302032836/...ww.ldstalk.com/


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Why are you here?

Well you see, the Plan of our Heavenly Father says that in the preexistence, we ....oh. Here at LDSTALK?

It was one of the early Message boards I found about Mormonism back in 1998.

I can't remember how I found this site. hardy har har.

Has it really been that long? Does anyone remember when the site was black? There isn't too much to look at in the archive from when it was on rhtubs.com, but I remember it was black because people complained that the white background with black text hurt their eyes. I remember owning ldsuk.com, and now the church owns it. I also remember thinking of buying ldschat.com when I had it hosted at rhtubs.com, but wasn't willing to spend $70 on a domain name.

What's it sort of looked like in 1998: http://web.archive.org/web/19981207073857/...eather/ldschat/

The yellow site: http://web.archive.org/web/20000302032836/...ww.ldstalk.com/

I loved the yellow site. Whatever happened to Ed anyway?

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I can't remember how I found this site. hardy har har.

Has it really been that long? Does anyone remember when the site was black? There isn't too much to look at in the archive from when it was on rhtubs.com, but I remember it was black because people complained that the white background with black text hurt their eyes. I remember owning ldsuk.com, and now the church owns it. I also remember thinking of buying ldschat.com when I had it hosted at rhtubs.com, but wasn't willing to spend $70 on a domain name.

What's it sort of looked like in 1998: http://web.archive.org/web/19981207073857/...eather/ldschat/

The yellow site: http://web.archive.org/web/20000302032836/...ww.ldstalk.com/

I started coming here with the yellow site - back when Ed was here - that was many lifetimes ago. :tombstone:


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