Temple Sealing reception question

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Hi there. My husband and I have been legally married for exactly a year and a half today, and I am considering getting baptized. I have a goal date of June 12th of this year, and a temple sealing goal date of August 20th of next year.

My question is, if someone was not sealed for their wedding, and they are going to get sealed possibly years later, do they usually have a reception after the sealing or not? For our legal wedding, we had a short ceremony, and then a large reception with a dinner and music and dancing. We had about 100 people give or take.

What is your suggestion of what we should do? My husband says he would like to do a reception, but I'm not sure how big, or who to invite (none of my family is LDS, so none of them would go through the temple with us) or if we should have one at all. I do not want gifts, but I would like to have things like flowers, bridesmaids, professional pictures, etc (we would be paying for everything of course). I just want to follow correct etiquette, if that makes any sense. If anyone can shed some light on proper etiquette, that would be great!

Thank you!

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Congratulations! Anyone I know who has been sealed on a day other than their wedding day didn't have any kind of big party. Maybe a dinner with family and perhaps close friends, or celebratory cake or something, but not an all-out reception.

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I wouldn't think a reception would be all that appropriate but maybe something like an open house kind of thing. Perhaps like a 2-3 hour time span. Have light refreshments and let people pop in.

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I think if they had saved having their reception until the time they were sealed that would be awesome to have it at that time. I just don't get having a reception after a civil marriage and then another reception after the sealing.

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It's exciting and a big deal to get sealed and I can understand wanting to celebrate. I know I want to do something when we finally get sealed! :)

I just don't know if a reception is right. For sure those close will want to get together or something and a dinner, small gathering or something is in order. I am planning a small second honeymoon, or at least weekend get away when we get sealed. And I am also planning a get together. Tho I don't know what yet, and I have a year and a half to wait, I do plan on something and I think those that will travel to come to it expect something as well.

So I would think if you do something to make the occasion that would be nice. A reception just might be a bit much.

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