Boyd K. Packer (Saturday am session)

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We will not always be safe from the adversary. Even in our own home.

We live in a very dangerous world that threatens that which is most spiritual. The Family.

The family is being attacked by forces seen and unseen.

If the adversary can weaken and destroy the family he will have succeeded.

Ordinary acts of obedience are required of the followers of Christ.

If you are prepared ye need not fear.

The priesthood has been given to protect the home.

The father has the responsibility to teach his children and provide for them and teach them the ordinances of the gospel.

He is to demonstrate love and fidelity to the mother.

Faith is a real power not just an expression.

Mothers need to teach about the gift of the Holy Ghost.

You will do no greater good than in the walls of your own home.

We with mortal bodies have power over the powers of those that do not.

We can choose between good and evil.

Alma taught that the Lord cannot look upon sin with the least of allowance.

We need to be careful of the tolerance trap and not be swallowed up in it.

All are born with the light of Christ. It is a guiding influence to recognize right and wrong.

We all need to stay in condition to recognize the promptings of the Holy Ghost.

Learn to react to moments of inspiration.

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My kids had their "conference packets" to complete while watching General Conference (issued by our ward Primary leaders).

Well, my daughter suddenly asks me for the big dry erase board. I told her where it was, figuring it must be important if she was getting up during the conference talks to get it.

She listened to conference as she drew on the board with the various colors of dry erase markers. When she was done, I looked at it and was tickled.

She had drawn a picture of a very colorful house with a tree in the front yard. In the tree was a nest with two birds squawking. On the ground was a green snake with two suspicious humps in it's body.


Good girl. She HAD been listening. She illustrated Elder Packer's story from his talk. ^_^

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We will not always be safe from the adversary. Even in our own home.

We live in a very dangerous world that threatens that which is most spiritual. The Family.

The family is being attacked by forces seen and unseen.

If the adversary can weaken and destroy the family he will have succeeded.

Ordinary acts of obedience are required of the followers of Christ.

True ....true and true....

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It may have just been me, but I had the eery feeling as he gave his talk that this might be the last time we hear from him in conference. Just a feeling I had come over me.

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It may have just been me, but I had the eery feeling as he gave his talk that this might be the last time we hear from him in conference. Just a feeling I had come over me.

I've wondered that for the last couple of years. His voice is getting more and more crackly and breathy each time, and you always start to wonder once they can't stand on their own anymore.

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