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Hello everyone. Im Katie! I am a 29 year old mother of 4 and married to an amazing man. We live in a small town in Texas.

I am at a time in my life when I am questioning my faith. I grew up in a small Southern Baptist Church and I loved it. But i was young. I was high on life and the Lord. My family moved to another town and really since then i haven't found another Church that made me feel like I was a part of a family. I always just felt like i was being looked over. I wasn't really happy.

i have since decided to go on a "spiritual journey" and honestly it has led me here. I want to learn all i can about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I have met a few Mormons and I am honestly jealous of the Love and Excitement they have for the Lord and I want that.

So I am here to look around and see if this is the right religion for me and my family. Is this where i belong? I have the Book of Mormon on order and should be arriving soon so that i can read it.

Hope to get to know all of you and hopefully find my home.

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Hi katie and welcome, nice to have you here with us. Thats great that you ordered the book of Mormon. Along with that taking the missionary descussions is a good thing it will help you alot. Dont be jealous you can have it too, well share it with you. And you can be a part of our big family. The family is what drew me towards the church as well.

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I'm new to the forums, but I'll join with the others: Welcome, Katie!

Personally, I'm glad you're exploring with us as part of your spiritual journey. Whether you eventually accept this as your own faith or not. One of the reasons I've stuck with this church over the years is the emphasis on personal choice, personal experience, and personal divine revelation. The Lord invites, but he does not force, and I like to think that the members of this church share their faith in the same way.

So please feel free to share your experiences and/or ask questions, and having a few conversations with your local LDS missionaries might not be a bad idea as well.

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